Merchant Ships in Port
° Vessels & Rigging ° Clippers ° Steamships ° Lines ° Builders ° Shipwrecks
Please note: Merchant ship arrivals are included to give an idea of the volume and type of goods into early San Francisco. If you had the money, you could have anything your heart desired. Listings are by no means complete; names of passengers on these vessels are often unavailable.
Click here for passenger ship arrivals.
° 1846-1847 ° 1848 ° 1849 ° 1850 ° 1851 ° 1852 ° 1853 ° 1854 ° 1855 ° 1856 ° 1858 ° 1860-1862 ° 1863 ° 1864 ° 1865 ° 1868 ° 1870s ° 1880s ° 1890s
- January 2: Brig Susan Abigail. Captain Barker. 29 days from Honolulu, Sandwich Islands with 1332 bbls Irish potatoes and 100 bbls sweet potatoes and 40 dozen onions. Passengers: W.L. Holbrook; E. Draper; T. Perkins.
- January 2: Brig Charles J. Dow, Captain Higgins, 55 days from Realejo, Nicaragua. On November 13, 1850 in lat 13-3N, long 92-20@. Cargo: 48 hogs, 3 dozen fowls, 1180 bags corn, 207 bags rice, 105 boxes sugar, 25 bags beans, 10,000 cigars. Passenger: T. Wade.
- January 2: Schooner Avon, Captain Hallett, 26 days from Karakokoa, Sandwich Islands. Cargo: 400 bbls sweet potatoes, 400 pumpkins, 3000 oranges, 400 coconuts, 25 pineapples, 5 dozen axes and 2 goats. Passengers: T.A. Smith; J.L. Loring; J.G. Reiff.
- January 5: British vessel Chaseley, Captain Brown, 93 days from Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land. Cargo: 38 baskets champagne, 18 kegs eggs, apples, 2 cases of Barcelona nuts, 25 boxes sperm candles, turnips, barley, flour, carrots, preserved potatoes and assorted cargo. Passengers: Francis Payne, Sr.; Francis Payne, Jr.; John Payne.
- January 6, 1851, Daily Alta Calfiornia: The Peruvian barque Eliza entered the port on Saturday night in company with the British ships Agenoria and Donna Carmolita. They were close to each other the Eliza being in the centre. Suddenly the Agenoria let go her anchor, and the Donna Carmolita followed her example. The consequence was, the three came in contact. The Elizalost her jibboom, spankerboom, two boats, and portion of mizzen rigging. The Agenoria lost foretopsail yard, and theDonna Carmolita had to slip her anchor.
- January 8: Barque Eliza, Peruvian, Captain Montano. 48 days from Callao. 12 passengers. Goods to master. Passengers: C. Conroy, S. Dupony, wife and 2 children, J. Poysaenjan, wife and 3 children; Stanislaus Loury; Ceasar Simon; E. Schierone, Jas Laviosa.
Importations Per Eliza 54 bags coffee, 300 bbls sweet wine, 50 do sherry, 30 do muscatel, 50 do vinegar, 20 bgs corks, 440 loaves white sugar, 70 do brown sugar, 669, cases and 225 bbls claret wine, 45 cases sweet oil, 10 do syrups, 30 bags French beans, 345 bags 4441 hf bags Indian corn, 15 pipes cordage, 26 bbls brown sugar, 37 do molasses, 11 cases cigars, 9 do chocolate, 89 do merchandise.
The Peruvian barque Eliza, in working up the harbor Sunday evening, got ashore on Tonquin Shoal, and was yesterday morning making so much water as to render it necessary to obtain men from the U.S. Ship Savannah to work the pumps and also lighters to take out the cargo. - January 8: Schooner Mary M. Wood, Captain Higgins, 38 days from Realejo, Nicaragua. Cargo: 3000 gallons of molasses, 1000 quintals corn, 63 hogs, 90 bbls pork and 13 bbls of beer. Passenger: D. Burkholder.
- January 9: Barque Mary Melville, Captain Webber, 45 days from Valparaiso, Chile. Cargo: 50 baskets liquor, 25 bbls. vinegar, 300 boxes of boots and shoes, 300 casks liquor, and 20,000 feet lumber. Passengers: Mr. L. Jaszynsky; Mr. N. Stearns; Mr. J. Gorman; Mr. P.J. Rollins; Mr. S.H. Cushman; Mr. F. Richardson; Mr. W. E. Jarvis.
- January 18: Mary, Captain Marshall, 178 days from Bath, England via St. Catherines, 112 days and Valparaiso, Chile 57 days. Cargo: 500,000 feet lumber, 500,000 bricks and 40 dozen shovels. Passengers: S.T. Weston; W.A. Swan; G.D. Gray
- January 21: Steamer Goliah
March 4: Ad - Sacramento Daily Transcript, Sacramento, California. STEAMERS- March 7: Norwegian brig Donna Maria, Captain Schloar, 193 days from Stockholm, Sweden, via Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 13, 1850, and Valparaiso, Chile, January 8, 1851. Cargo: Assorted. Passengers: O.W. Eckenstam; A.W.E. Forplume; C.D. Forplume; Mr. J.F. Hagberry; Mr. Q.L. Hagberry; Mr. Z. Hagberry; G.F. Horn; H.E. Kohn; G.E. Lindblad; D. Lindhom; C.A. Ringberg; G.F. Sydow
- March 12: Ship Helena, Capt. Land, 132 days from New York, 9 passengers; Cargo to master: 4 boxes type, 9 kegs black ink, 15 bbls. ginger, 140 casks molasses, cordage, ginger, brandy, cheese, 14 boxes of marble, fish, whisky, ale, loaf sugar, white lead. Passengers: Mr. J.A. Brack; Mr. A. Burnett; Mr. R. Fairley; Mr. H.B. Foote; Mr. S.S. Howell; Mr. G.G. Soule; Mr. G. St. Leger; Mr. H. Stebbins; Mr. A. Warden
- March 12: Schr Emily Frances, Capt. Freeman, 38 days from Tahiti. Cargo: 100,000 oranges; 5000 limes. Passenger: Miss Mary Ann Thompson
- March 14: Ship Albatross, Captain Knowles. 87 days from Newcastle, New South Wales. Cargo: 1 cask canary seed; 1 bale corks; 1 bale senna; 1 hogshead; lime juice; wine; raisins, porter, honey, 780 bags flour, 1024 tons coal, 1 case syrups. Passengers: James Malcahy; Mrs. A. Malcahy and three children; George Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Cooper
- March 13: British Ship Jessie, Capt. Mathers, 225 days from Liverpool via Valparaiso 72 days. Passengers: Mrs. Colleson and two children
- March 13, 1851: 568 ton British barque Ocean Queen, Captain Henry Serman Cooper. 185 days from Liverpool carrying sixteen passengers including a party of six missionaries headed by Allen Gardiner. Via Pictou Island and Valparaiso 56 days. To Dickson DeWolf. Arrived with 11 passengers. She dropped off the missionary party in Tierra del Fuego and on Thursday, 19th. December 1850 the Ocean Queen set sail for San Francisco.
From Robert Douglas: I hold the hand written journal of the doctor on the expedition and am researching all the details of the ill-fated enterprise - all six had died of starvation within a year. Best wishes. Robert Douglas
March 14, 1851, Daily Alta California, San FranciscoShipping Intelligence
PORT SAN FRANCISCO, March 14, 1851Arrived.
March 13 Barque Ocean Queen, (Br) Cooper, 185 days from Liverpool, via Pictou Island and Valparaiso 56 days. To Dickson DeWolf. 11 passengers.
Per Ocean Queen: February 4, lat 7 22 S, long 97 14 W, Br ship Java from Talcuhuana, for this port. Br. ship Unawas about to load with flour.
March 27, 1851, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
ClearedBarque (Br) Ocean Queen, Cooper, Benicia, Carquinez Strait (northeast of San Francisco)
May 11, 1851, Daily Alta California: Cleared. Br barqueOcean Queen, Cooper, Callao, Dickson, DeWolf and Co.
- March 18: Barque Joseph Fish, Captain Seavy. 61 days from Valparaiso, Chile. Cargo: 332 bbls lime; 2050 bags flour; 3136 sacks barley, beans, raisins and tea. Passengers: S.J. Morrill; W. Verke; D. Harrigan and wife; D. Zable; L. Simons; E.W. Whitmore; S. Whitmore; 21 unidentified in steerage.
- March 19: Ship Josiah Quincey, Capt. Endicott, 176 days from Boston, 1 passenger: W.H. Cutter
- March 19: Ship Roscoe, Capt. Burn, 160 days from New York, 22 passengers; assorted cargo. Passengers: T. Brotherson; D. Clarke; Mr. and Mrs. Collee, daughter and son; H. Cooke; W. Emberson; G. Fairfield; G.K. Goodrich; W.H. Hasty; F.T. Hayfield; J. Morn, wife and child; M. Myers; Justice Scmidt; J. Small; J.L. Small; W.D. Small; J.C. and G. Wolf
- March 19: Barque Lavinia (British), Capt. M Phee, 242 days from Liverpool, via Port Nicholson, New Zealand, 86 days. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Ebdon
- March 29: Ship Aurelie (French), Capt. Gouin, 152 days from Havre, assorted cargo; 7 passengers: F. Bau; V. Bigot; J. Cayre; C. Gouffroy; Mons. and Madams Long; E. Martin
- March 20: Ship Chili, Capt. Lench, 240 days from Boston, via Valparaiso, 1 passenger: Mr. Hutton
- March 20: Barque Walter Morrice, Capt. Morrice, from London via Panama 38 days, 36 passengers; coal, etc., to master. Passengers: Dr. King; R.B. Thomas; 34 in steerage
- March 20: Barque Florida, Capt. M Carty, 45 days from Panama, 8 passengers; to B G Shaw. Passengers: D.W. Manners; G. Reusmann; T. Roberts; Mrs. Teis; 4 in steerage
- March 25: Ship Louisa Baillie (British), Capt. Roxby, 108 days from Sydney, via Sandwich Islands 26 days; 20 passengers, 7 female; assorted cargo, to master. Passengers: A.V. Abella; W. Anderson and wife; Mrs. A. Arragan and two children; E.H. Broadman and two children; J. Cameron; H. Clarke; Rev. Mr. Damon, wife and chid; R. Drew; Mrs. Elliott and child; M.A. Eluyas; T.M. Jones; Mrs. Miller; E. Smith; J.L. Smithers; A. TenEyck
- March 25: Brig Solida (Hamburgh), Capt. Beyer, 48 days from Hongkong; 13 passengers; assorted cargo, to W Meyer & Co. Passengers: Mr. Arandt; 13 Chinamen
- March 25: Brig Yaqui (Mexican), Capt. Lusaraga, 50 days from Manila; assorted cargo, to Alsuar & Co.: Passenger: Mr. Kean
- March 29: French ship Aurelie, Captain Gouin. 152 days from Havre, France. On February 6, 1851 at Lat 40-30S, Long 85-36W. On January 30, 1851, the reading was Lat 52-18S, Long 84W. Cargo: 1 case watches; 1000 pkgs champagne; 2557 cases wine; oil, vinegar, sardines, fruit, 5 bbls pork and 452 pkgs of merchandise. Passengers: J. Cayre; C. Gouffroy; F. Bau; V. Bigot; E. Martin; Mons. and Madame Long.
- March 30: Schooner Mary Phoebe, Captain Lewis, 20 days from Guaymas, Mexico. Sailed in company with the schooner Invincible to San Francisco. Cargo: 201 sheep and goats; 1259 chickens; 35,000 oysters; 240 arobes of sweet potatoes. Passengers: Capt. Lewis, wife and child; A. Comarin; J.A.N. Ebbetts; H. Davis; L. Mores; D.B. Talbot; F. Vernar.&nb
British Barque Ocean Queen
- April 3: Ship R. C. Winthrop, Capt. Young, 146 days from Boston, assorted cargo, 25 passengers, 3 ladies. Passengers: Mrs. Adams and three children; Mr. G. Freeborn; Mr. G.T. Harris; Mr. L. Morse; Mr. G.R. Perkins; Miss Rice; Mr. G.F. Rice; Mr. G.L. Treadwell; Mrs. Warwell and two children; Mr. A.S.H. Weslhenk; Mr. G. White
- April 3: Ship Florida, Capt. Nickerson, 170 days from New York, assorted cargo, 2 passengers: Mr. Cranney and son.
- April 3: Barque Novelty (British), Capt. Harrison, 62 days from Auckland, N Z, assorted cargo. Passengers: Dr. Campbell; Mr. Murray; Mrs. Nagle and family
- April 3: Barque Kezia, Capt. Kendall, 156 days from Boston, assorted cargo, 5 passengers: Mr. J.E. Dawes; O. Dyer; A.W. Haskell; C. Miller; F. Wyeth.
- April 3: Barque Undine, Capt. McAlister, 41 days from Panama, merchandise, 19 passengers: H. Hack; C. Oak; W. Swan; Captain Woodberry; P. Yanahan
- April 3: Brig Jackin (Sweden), Capt. Lidquist, 130 days from Sundavall, Sweden, via Valparaiso 53 days. Cargo: 21,200 lbs. bolt iron; 16,000 bricks, 2 kegs cognac, rope, wine, flour, sherry, straw mats and barley. Passengers: Mr. Calson; Skanberg; Sundgren.
- April 3: Schr Oella, Capt. Waitt, 151 days from Boston, via St. Catherines 95 days, assorted cargo, 11 passengers: S. Burrell; J.B. Curtis; A. Fillbrook; A. Heald; C. Hunter; J.P. Jones; J. Keen, G.W.; Miss J.S. Muzzy; G.W. Norris; Mrs. Tucker; R. Vance
- April 4: Ship Trescott, Capt. Payne, 36 days from Panama, in ballast, 3 passengers: C. Leech; J.C. Long; S. Nathan.
- April 4: Brig Prince (British), Capt. Richards, 182 days from Liverpool via Valparaiso, assorted cargo, 7 passengers: E. Knox; Capt. Wennett, lady and two children
- April 5: Barque Chusan of Liverpool. From W. Macdonald Price, Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada: "According to my great-grandfather Joseph Price's records, his ship, barque "Chusan," of Liverpool, arrived in San Francisco April 5, 1851, was put on demurrage and ordered to Benicia where it arrived April 13. Cargo of flour from Tome, Chile, 56 days passage. Cargo discharged July 1, cleared San Francsico without a pilot July 4 for Valparaiso, thence in ballast Pernambuco, St. Thomas and Savannah, loaded cotton and rice February 25 1852, then Liverpool April 10, 1852. He did not use a pilot when entering San Francsico, but had to pay half of what a pilot would have cost. He had not been in San Francisco before that."
- April 5: Ship Indus (British), Capt. Cox, 53 days from Valparaiso, 3 passengers: Mr. Henry; Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
- April 5: Barque Hermann von Beckeralh (Bremen), Capt. Kahle, 167 days from Bremen, via Valparaiso, 35 passengers, 1 female. Passengers: P. Carlson; W. Cassebopen; W. Jesper; J. Leiding; H. Neuhaus; J.H.C. Portmann; C. Schonfield; R. Tissel; A. Wissel
- April 5: Barque Alfred (Hamburg), Capt. Harlenbuck, 58 days from Valparaiso, 34 passengers. Passengers: Mr. Hodges, lady and child.
- April 5: Schr Laura Virginia, Capt. Eldridge, 35 days from San Blas, 3 passengers: Messrs. Leopold, Colbrun and Celson
- April 6: Barque Suliote, Capt. Moody, 45 days from Callao, assorted cargo, 20 passengers, 5 females: Mrs. Bailey and family; J. Baird, M. Bartlett; P. Carpenter; J. Hopley; G. Jones; W.N. Lowry; V. Lucheff; H. McKay; J. Mills; G. Smith; J. Taber
- April 8, 1851, Daily Alta California, San Francisco: Ad:
By John T. Hungerford. For sale: The barque Corsair, 476 tons, with patent windlass, coppered and copper-fastened, and thoroughly iron kneed. She is a fast sailer, carries a large cargo, has 50 tons of ballast on board, and being well found and in good order, can be sent to sea at once. - April 8: British ship Troy, McBride, 180 days from Liverpool. Assorted cargo to Starkey Bros.
- April 8: Barque Acasta, Stratton, 200 days from Sag Harbor. Assorted cargo to O.R. Wade
- April 8: British barque Albert, Card, 186 days from Liverpool. Two passengers. Assorted cargo to De Wolf & Co.
- April 8: Brig William Penn, Crowell, 22 days from Honolulu. 40 tons of sugar to master. Memoranda: Schr.Adventure was to sail from Honolulu for this port the next day. Barque W.H. Shailer was up for home. Ship Nisida Stewart was undergoing repairs. Schr Penelope was for sale; schr Spartacus about to sail for Lahaina. ShipStrabo, hence, arrived at Honolulu February 24, and sailed again for Calcutta March 5. Ship Flavius from Hong Kong, arrived March 4, and Br. brig Maid of Julpha from do March 13. Br. barque William, hence, arrived about Feb. 24, and sailed again for Sydney March 1st. Schr Samuel M. Fox, barque Connecticut, and schr Golden Rule, hence, arrived on the 13th of March.
From the Sandwich Islands. By the arrival of the brigWilliam Penn, 22 days from Honolulu, we have received our files of the Polynesian to March 8th, and our correspondent's letters. The current report at the time the vessel left was that the place was to be blockaded by the French. From another source we have received a private note, in which the writer says: "Matters with the French are drawing to a crises, and how they will end God only knows. If the Hawaiian Government gets its due, France will acknowledge that no treaty has been broken, and will pay $150,000 for the wanton destruction of its property." Government despatches in regard to the French difficulties, for the United States and British naval commanders in the Pacific, we understand, are on the board the William Penn. The American sloop-of-warVandalia was at Honolulu, and had been visited by the King and all the notables of the government and kingdom. - April 11: Ship Lantio, Bradbury, 120 days from New York. Assorted cargo to Macondray & Co. Four passengers
- April 11: Ship Mary & Adaline, McLellan, 195 days from New York, via Valparaiso 52 days. Assorted cargo to master. Four passengers. Memoranda: Left at Valparaiso, ship Sweden, from Boston, to sail for this port in a few days.
- April 11: French ship Jacques Lafitte, Caspar, 88 days from Newcastle, N.S.W. Coals to master: 560 tons coal, 100 sheep. Two passengers. Memoranda: French ship Cachalotsailed from Newcastle, N.S.W., for this port, 14 days previous. Brig Ark for do, same day; ships Java and Annwere to follow in 14 days; Danish barque Waldemar in 3 weeks.
- April 11: Ship Thos Dickason, Dollard, 130 days from New York. Assorted cargo to Chrystal, Cornen & Co.
- April 11: Schooner Courier, Dewhurst, 134 days from Richmond, Virginia. Flour to master.
- April 11: Ship Jas Drake, Gore, 147 days from New York. Assorted cargo to C.E. Hunter: 25 bbls cider, 60 bxs liquor, 42 bbls ale, 41bbls sugar, 100 kits mackerel, 80 doz pails, 26 bxs boots, 120 tons coal, and a large quantity of merchandise unspecified.
- April 11: Peruvian ship Casualidad, Angier, 58 days from Callao. Merchandise to Larco & Co.
- April 11: Ship Genessee, Babbidge, 195 days from New York, via Juan Fernandez. Assorted cargo to master. Six passengers
- April 11: Barque Lyon, Alexander, 186 days from Bath, via Valparaiso, 54 days. Lumber to master: 300,000 feet lumber, 70,000 bricks.
- April 11: British barque Socrates, Saples, 163 days from Liverpool. Assorted cargo to Starkey Bros.
- April 11: Brig Helen, McArthur, 80 days from Hobart Town. Assorted cargo to McKenzie, Thompson & Co.: 30 hhds beer, 120 bxs candles, 50 bbls beef, 5 cks pork, 593 mutton hams, 7 tcs sugar, 50 cks molases, 25 cs pepper, 980 bxs potatoes, 50 cs peas, 6 bales leather, 200 tons herrings, 15 cs mustard, 75 bags peas, 13 bags flour, 50 bxs seeds, 6 cs carrots, 33 baskets apples, 403 baskets onions.
- April 11: Brig Franklin Adams, Felker, 56 days from Society Islands. Produce to master: 20 tons yams, 140 hogs. Memoranda: Left at Feejee Islands, Jan 20, barquePilot of Salem, collecting beche lamer (? - unsure of last two words)
- April 11: Ship Robert Hooper, Pike, 153 days from New York. Assorted cargo to master. Eight passengers: Mr. F. Trapam and lady, F. Lavezari, H. Thomas, W. Adams.
- April 11: Ship Saml Appleton, Doane, 122 days from new York. Assorted cargo to master. Eight passengers: J.S. Whiting, W. Broadhurst, C.E. Denslow, C.J. Frigler, J. Ostrander, W.J. Denslow, C.L. Amler, J.W. Coffroth.
- April 11: Barque Ellen A. Parsons, Tay, 130 days from Boston. To Flint, Peabody & Co.
- April 11: Brig Itasca, Dommett, 45 days from Valparaiso. Assorted cargo to Ogden & Haines. Seven pasengers.
- April 11: Brig Fabius, Wolf, 44 days from Valparaiso. Assorted cargo to P. Maury. Memorada: Brig Kate sailed from Valparaiso for this port in company; barque Americafor do, day prev
- May 6: British bark Bredalbane, Captain Barron, 60 days from Auckland, New Zealand. Was 48 days to the Equator, crossed in long. 130 W. For the last eight days had strong NW winds. Cargo: 180 tons coal, 33 hf bbls gun powder and 18 boxes of shot. Passengers: Richard Gwynne; T.A. Gwynne; Mr. Joyce.
- May 23, 1851:Marianna, Captain Rassiter, 46 days from Panama. During the following passengers died: April 11, 1851: Henry Rouch, a steerage passenger, from Jefferson Missouri; April 27, 1851: James Rowe, of Grant County, Wisconsin. The effects of Henry Rouch were placed in the hands of George Butterford, a San Francisco resident. The effects of James Rowe were placed in the hands of Samuel Grey, a San Francisco resident. Cargo: 39 bales hay; 15 cases cigars; 2 cases merchandise. Passengers: R.F. Starbuck; V.S. Riddle; J. Cook; 50 unidentified in steerage.
- May 26: Peruvian brig Volante, Rodgers, 72 days from Lumbiako, Peru. Cargo: 377 bags galvances; 200 bags rice; candy, corn, brandy, beans, Bordeaux wine and four packages of eggs. Passengers: C. Tamor; F. Ruez; M. Pastor.
- May 30: Ship Gray Feather, Captain McLaughlin. Departed New York January 13. On March 31st in Lat 44-58S, Long 111-10W. On May 13 in Lat 13N, Long 124W. Cargo: Clothing, pepper sauce, mustard, pork, syrup, dried peaches, brown stout, wine and several assorted goods. Passengers: H.C. Holbrook; M. Brown.
- May 30: Brig Almira, Captain Codd, 20 days from Lahaina, Sandwich Islands. Cargo: 700 squashes, 300 watermelons, 1000 bbls Irish potatoes. Passengers: W.B. Hitton; W.E. Roach; J. Blen.
- June 5: Barque J. A. Jessuren (also listed as J.A. Jesuran), 35 days from Guaymas, Mexico. Captain Snow. Cargo: 280 sheep. Passengers: Miss Faresindue; J. Helm; J.H. Ruth; C.E. Taylor; G. Waterhouse.
- June 6: Schooner Gazelle, Captain Stoddard, 20 days from Lahaina, Sandwich Islands. Cargo: 35 bbls sperm oil, 1000 melons, 1000 pineapples, 20 bbls cucumbers in salt, 600 pumpkins; 450 bbls Irish potatoes; 20 bbls sweet potatoes and 20 bbls onions. Passenger: J.W. Maxwell.
- June 13: Ship Walter Claxton, Captain Davis, 155 days from Boston. Cargo: Molasses, boots and shoes, carboy's vitriol, iron, codfish, cranberries, macaroni, currants, cider, preserved meats and assorted goods. Passengers: J. M'Gilvie; W.S. Poor; D. Hayes; C.H. Loomis; and five unidentified in steerage.
- June 13: Brig E. Randall, Captain Cushman, 80 days from Panama. Cargo: In ballast. Passengers: N. Boyle; T.R. Goe; J. Nichols and wife; Madame Pain; .W. Williams; J. Sullivan; P. Philips; Dr. Walker; H.B. Cartwright; W. Roberts; E.F. Packer; and 28 unidentified in steerage.
- June 13: British barque John Brewer, Captain Brown, from London, England via Panama, El Realejo, Nicaragua and Astapha. 59 days from the latter port. Cargo: Mustard, felt, blanketse, rum, preserved meats, nails, ironmongery, trunks, bricks, lime juice, powder and assorted goods. Passengers: R. Clyde; Pedro Invernessei; J. Patton; Hope Vernola; W. Stephon; J. Stevens.
- June 13: Ship Anna. French. Captain Barbel. 197 days from Havre, France, via Valparaiso, Chile. 28 passengers and a cargo of wines and spirits.
- June 13: Schooner Page. From San Blas, Mexico. Captain Fisher. 19 passengers (14 unidentified in steerage). Cargo of 300 quintals onions, 5000 oranges, 18 sacks dried plantains.
- June 13: Brig Eagle. From Mazatlan, Mexico. Captain Vincent. 37 days from Mazatlan via San Jose. 45 passengers (28 unidentified in steerage).
- June 14: Barque Chief, Captain Keller (or Kelley), 94 days from Newcastle, New South Wales. Upon arrival in the Port of San Francisco, this vessel was boarded by a U.S. Revenue Officer and passengers and crew on board were prevented from landing. Only one passenger possessed a certificate from the American Consul at Sydney, Australia. Remainder of passengers are assumed to be convicts from teh British Penal Colonies. Cargo: 300 tons of coal. Passengers: Joseph Scrutton; W. Johnson; Cyrus Rounseville; J.R. Moore; B. P. Fisher; Bridget Evans; and 11 unidentified in steerage.
- June 15: British brig Deborah, 24 days from Honolulu. Captain not noted. Cargo: One ton butter; 60 tons coal; 2 bags sarsaparilla roots; lemon syrup; onions; 2 cases pineapple cheese; carraway seeds; gound pepper; paint and assorted goods. Passengers: J. Martin; D. Frazer; T. Gilchrist; W. Mitchell; G. Welsell; A. Campbell
- July 1: Ship Aoraranth, Babson, 160 days from New York. One passenger. Assorted cargo to master.
- July 1: Ship Washington Irving, Plumer. 209 days from New York via Valparaiso 60 days. Assorted cargo to master. 30 passengers: G. B. Walpole, E. Nichols, A. J. Lastler; T. B. Low; D. Low; S. Miller; E. Lavelle; Josephine Barnola; Anna Baner; Fanny A. Howard; Josephine Robinson; S. A. Rhodes; H. W. Keith; T. E. Broner (Might be Brouer); B. Phillips; T. Olsound; W. H. Perkins; E. Byram; J. H. Barclough; T. W. Robinson; J. Brown; S. T.. Kesem (Might be Kesmn); T. J. Davenport; B. Curtis; K. Curtis; C. Krowley; Eliza Fulton
- July 1: Ship Arcole, Jennings. 134 days from Philadelphia. Assorted cargo to master
- July 1: Barque Oregon, Swain. 160 days from New York. June 15, in lat 30 50 N, long 135 17 W, barque Victory, from New Orleans for this port. 22d, lat 34 46 N, long 137 W. barque John Potter from Sydney for this port -- supplied her with provisions. Assorted cargo to master. 3 passengers: Mrs. Baldwin and two children; Mrs. Swain; J.M. Swain.
- July 1: Schooner Frolic, Allen. 150 days from Baltimore, via Talcahuana 43 days. Assorted cargo to master.
- July 1: Ship Lima, (Porgy) Loff, 55 days from Callao. Five passengers: Cronsetn Morisson (Difficult to read -- needs to be checked) and two in steerage
- July 3: French Ship Jonas, Erquin, 160 days from Havre. Wines, houses, etc., to order. 65 passengers; 12 females. Passengers: Madame Simond and seven daughters; M. and Mad. Collen; M. and Mad. Fontetete; Messrs Dejon, Brevie, and 64 in the steerage.
- July 3: French Barque Francois, Thoumaes, 160 days from Bordeaux. Assorted cargo to order. Two passengers: Messrs. Chaulin and Gaxon.
- July 3: Barque Tartar, Goodspeed, 211 days from Boston, via Valparaiso 78 days. Assorted cargo to Loumis & Bro. Three passengers: D. Buck, H. Works, E. Currier
- July 13: Peruvian Ship Godeffroy, Mandalonus, 66 days from Papuedo, Chile. Produce to Guilman, Meyer & Co.: 5300 bags barley, 300 do. potatoes, 50 do flour, 160 do beans, 100 do nuts, 50 do wheat. Passengers: Don Carelia Mesa
- July 13: British Ship William, Gollitby, 200 days from Glasgow via Valparaiso 74 days. Assorted cargo to D. Gibbs: 40 crates castings, 60 pkgs, iron, 310 tons coal, 18 csks paint, 1000 pks merchandise. Passengers: W.H. Mecomb, T. Bartlemore, W. Gilchrist, H. Devlin, G. Meikel, Mr. and Mrs. Fell, Rose Austin.
- July 13: Schooner Laura Bevan, Pierce, 34 days from Lalialea, SI. Produce to master: 350 bbls potatoes, 130 do onions, 300 pumpkins, 300 watermelons.
- July 15: Ship Delia Maria, Burleigh, 164 days from New York. Assorted cargo to Quereau & Johnson
- July 15: Ship Adirondack, Gillespie, 100 days from Sydney, via Honolulu 21 days. Assorted cargo to J.R. Ronaldson; 251 passengers -- 100 females: Mr. and Mrs. Heron, and 252 in the steerage.
- July 15: Barque Catalpa, Chadwick, 62 days from Hongkong. Assorted cargo to G.B. Post & Co. One passenger: Rev. J.D. Collins.
- July 15: Brig Oriental, Keller, 21 days from Honolulu. Produce to master. One passenger: W.H. Foster
- July 15: Schooner Robert Bruce, Baker, 18 days from Lahaina SI. Produce to R.G. Nicholls. Passengers: Messrs Swinton; Lomber & Dorset
- July 15: British Brig Alert, Taylor, 130 days from Hobarttown. Produce to Starkey Bros.
- July 19: British Brig William, Poustie, 44 months from Liverpool, via Buenaventure 102 days and Santa Barbara 25 days. To British consul. Memoranda: Was struck by a heavy sea off Cape Horn, which compelled her to put into Buenaventure, where she stopped three months repairing. She was also compelled to go into Santa Barbara, for water and fresh provisions, on account of the crew being down with the scurvy.
- July 20: Steamer General Warren, 31 days from Panama, via San Diego. To Kingsbury & Co. Seven passengers: Messrs Santama, Wilson, Vnua. From San Diego: Mrs. J.B. Cook, Miss Cook, Mr. Voltz, Mr. Gowan
- July 20: Barque Condor, McKee, 70 days from Valparaiso. Memoranda: Saw a Chile ship several times, apparently bound in. Brig Volante to sail in five days. Ship St. Lawrence about to load. To Macondry & Co. Three passengers: Mr. Martin and two ladies
- July 20: British Brig Marmion, Steele, 130 days from Melbourne, via Tahiti 52 days. Merchandise to order. Passengers: Mr. Hobler and family.
- July 21: Steamer Washington, 13-1/2 months from Baltimore, via Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso and Panama, 106 days. And Acapulco, Mazatlan, Santa Barbara and Monterey, 41 hours. To James Blair. 15 passengers: Mr. and Mrs. J. Echols and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Henley and two children, Messrs. H. Echols, Parpase, Ewer, Wiggins, Graves, Harman.
- July 21: Ship Lebanon, Draw. 56 days from Hong Kong, via Jedda, 36 days. Memoranda: Ship Oneco to sail in two weeks. A chinese junk sailed the day before the Lebanon with passengers. Consignees: D. Gillespie, Capt. Drew, Lyechung, Chunghee, Loutshee, Loutheong, Hepshuen. Importations: 200 bxs. sweetmeats, 46 cs and 7 csks lemon syrup, 200 bxs soy, 50 tubs pork fat, 48 cs silks, 6 cs mace, 1593 bags sugar, 103 bxs oil, 10 bxs candles, 8 bags onions, 10 tubs and 159 cs chowchow, 5 bxs candles, 19 bxs segars, 30 bxs sugar, 2911 bags ric,e 11 bxs medicine, 5 bxs and 25 pkgs crackers, 2 bxs pickles, 418 bxs, 71 tubs, and 5 bskts tea, 2 bxs grass cloth, 10 bags hams, 7 bxs dried shrimps, 64 bgs coffee, 12 bxs cakes, 11 bgs garlaic, 7 bgs string, 10 bxs and 74 cs trunks, 7 bxs eggs, 28 cs China ware, 4 bxs segars, 20 tubs candy, 10 bxs china paper, 8 bxs ghos stick (might be joss sticks?), 9 cs allspice, 73 cs ginger, 15 bxs cinnamon. 260 passengers: Chinese.
- July 21: French ship New Jersey, Sandre. 228 days from Bordeaux, via Valparaiso 73 days. Memoranda: French shipOrtezien, sailed 5 days before from Valparaiso. French barque Aristide Marie to sail in a week. Consignee: Gardet & Co. Importations: 430 csks, 453 bbls and 4675 cases wine; 213 bbls 15 csks brandy; 115 bbls, 52 casks and 8 cases vinegar; 44 cases preserves; 276 cases fruits; 613 cases and 300 baskets champagne, 35 cases cologne; 50 cs lavender water; 161 cs. sugar plums; 125 cs sperm candles; 120 cs syrup; 150 cs Malega; 35 cs oil; 8 cs sauces; 4 cs mustard; 2 cs spurs; 8 bbls vermicelli; 2 bbls maccaroni; 100 cs sardines; 187 cs liquors; 12 bbls sugar; 2 cs shawls; 6 csks sugar; 9 cs silk handerchiefs; 5 cs pants; 10 bxs prunes; 7 cs tobacco; 5 cs leather; 7 cs drapery; 4 cs umbrellas, &c. Passengers: Messrs Sailliard, Lafoy, Bonis, Muller, Mazeres, Deller, Mrs. Cheminant and child, and 28 in steerage.
- July 24: Barque Mary Waterman, Higgins. 62 days from Panama. Consignees: Wilson & Co. 13 passengers: Mrs. Sweetser; Mrs. Stevenson and two children; Mrs. Silver and child; Mrs. Copp; Mrs. G. Drew; Mrs. Reed; Miss C. Bayley, Capt. Corwin; Mr. Reed.
- July 24: French brig Battina, Cravcette. 300 days from Marseilles, via Valparaiso, 75 days. Importations: 200 bxs olive oil; 50 hhds red wind; 15 qr csks absynth; 15 qr csks vermouth; 8 qr csks brandy; 80 bxs red wind; 2000 bricks; 160 bxs whie winte; 36,000 bricks; 125 bxs Madeira wine; 74,000 corks; 30 jars earthenware; 12 trunks merchandise; 80 earthen bottes. Consignees: Master. Passengers: Messieurs Bruno De Giarauna, Piere, Francois, Fillippe, Muger, Cetar, Beduit, Dinsus, Leon, Antone, Louis, Zazinand, Jean, Felix, Triaud, Delaborde, Doussard, Dermarehl, Faretti, Lindey, M. and Mde. Prouin and child, M. and Mde. Jay and son, M. Odlrado.
- July 26: French barque Maria, Gott, 189 days from Cette. Importations: 94 bbls almonds; 80 bbls white wine; 2 bxs wooden cocks; 2 bxs jewelry; 5 bales mattreses; 3 bxs straw hats; 180 bbls white wine; 300 csks brandy; 20 bbls ratified wine; 10 bbls aniseed brandy; 20 qu csks Madeira wine; 275 csks red wine; 110 csks white vinegar; 1000 bxs red wine; 138 bxs Muscat; 100 bxs liquors; 20 bsks champagne; 50 bxs cherries and brady; 10 bxs plums and brandy; 50 bxs grapes and brandy; 50 bxs assorted liquors; 200 bxs olive oil; 100 cs assorted pickles; 10 bxs sardines; 4 cs mustard; 20 cs vermicelli; 20 csks almonds; 20 bbls flour; 2 bxs cotton shirts; 2 bxs clothing; 2 bxs boots and shoes; 2 bxs ruled paper; 24,000 lbs white salt; 22,110 bricks; 50 cs syrups. Consignee: F. Domet. Passengers: A. Caudiere; P. Duterte; B. Joseph; J. Sardon; A. Tiopon; J. Piou; H. de Loncie; A. Gross; M. Moeli; D.Morion, Sr.; D. Morion, Jr.; H. Legrange; A. Boussey; H. Roche; J. Nayes; Mrs. Jouventine.
- July 26: Chil. Brig Paquete de Copiapo, Schroeder, 75 days from Valparaiso, to Orrego Bros. Memoranda: Fr. shipOrtezlen, Ham brig Carl " Henrich, Am. brig Mary, all sailed May 6. Am. barque Guilford, and Am. barqueLaura sailed on the 10th of May for this port.
- July 26: Hawaiian Brig Baltimore, Hasty, 20 days from Kahului. To F.A. Newell. Memoranda: Passed, on the 10th inst, in lat 37 52 N, long 153 W. schooner Euigma, from Hahului for this port.
- July 28: Barque Canton, Hall, 50 days from Acapulco. In ballast, to master. 80 passengers, 7 females: F. Aikholt; John Andrew; C.V. Barry; A. Bertolomer; Mrs. Bicknell and child; M. Boillon; M.A. Booker and lady; L. Braninger; E. Brawn; Joon Brown; J. Burget; P. Campelle; J. Creig; J.M. Cunard; C. Dazis; J. Edmonds; J.S. Fairchild; E. Fougere, lady and child; J. Fougere and lady; E. Harris; Otis Howe; M. Isadora; Wm. Long, lady and two children; S. Lougenduffer; Simon Marx; B.H. McKeever; P.P. Meyers; B.F. Mouldin, lady and two children; P.A. Mullen; J.B. Nickson; A. Renson; L. Rothiock; J. Stewart; J. Rettwitz; W. Routh; S.E. Ross; J. Schneider; John Sheridan; H.H. Smith; H. Smith; Wm. Tobin; G. Trull; O. Vance; Vandertracken; Verrequin.
- August 1: BrigIturbide (Mexican), Capt. Cheryne, 54 days from Mazatlan, via Cape San Lucas; produce and live stock; 8 passengers. Passengers: Mr. Alexander; Mr. Bland; Mr. Dupuy; Mr. Liaire; Mr. Macie; Mr. Vandeleus; Dr. Ward
- August 1: Schooner L M Yale, Capt. Buckman, 40 days from Otaheite, oranges. Passengers: G.C. Baker; H. Rockwood
- August 1: Barque Douglass, Ropes, 138 days from New York. Merchandise to master.
- August 1: Mexican Brig Iturbide, Cheryne, 54 days from Mazatlan, via Cape St. Lucas. 20 hogs, 150 bxs onions, 29 bbls eggs to R. Duff. Memoranda: Barque Sonora to sail in a few days for this port. Eight passengers: Messrs Dupuy, Vandeleur, Bland, Alexander, Macie, L. Liaire; Dr. Ward.
- August 1: Nor. Brig Sea Gull, Gulllixson, 69 days from Whampoa. Merchandise to order: 13,000 bags sugar, 1500 bags rice, 150 boxes sweetmeats, 900 bags oats, 5000 eggs, 60 fowls. Memoranda: Brig (Nor) Oscar Theodore sailed in company for this port.
- August 1: Schooner L.M. Yale, Buckman, 40 days from Otaheite. 90,000 oranges to master. Passengers: G.C. Baker, H. Rockwood.
- August 1: Schooner James L. Day, Hempstead, 30 days from Lahaina. Produce to order: 900 bbls potatoes, 2 bbls onions, 250 watermelons. Memoranda: SchoonerCynosure sailed June 4th. Schr Falmouth, Wilson, waiting cargo. Schr. James Franklin, loading. At Honolulu, schrSpartacus, Harris, hence. Br. ship Mary Catharine, Fox, from Sydney; French barque Courier from Mazatlan; shipSaml Appleton, Doane, 13 days hence; Br. barque Athole, 22 days hence; barque Isabelita, Hyne, hence; Br. schrEagle, Blenheim, 16 days hence; whale ship Helen Augusta, Faith, 7 mos. out. Cleared at Honolulu, June 21, brig Brotehres, for Sydney; 23d, ship Mazatlan, Cutting, Calcutta; French barque Courier, Batavia, 26th, Br. Barque Walter Morris, Singapore.
- August 2: French barque Aristide Maria, Lescure, 240 days from Bordeaux, via Valparaiso 75 days. Merchandise to Loubert. Four passengers. One female.
- August 2: Dutch barque Loopuigh, Van Wyle Jarriaause, 168 days from Swansea, via Valparaiso. 300 tons coal to order.
- August 2: Dutch barque Sphinny, Wigman, 100 days from Batavia. Merchandise to Gildemeester, DeFremery & Co. One passenger
- August 2: Schooner Emily Frances, Freeman, 46 days from Manzanilla. Produce to G. Morehad & Co.: 25 bdls leather, 2 bxs cigars, 90 bags beans, 2 crates paper cigars, 28 crates panoche, 2 bags nuts, 23 bags tamarinds, 7 crates preserves, 3 crates sausages, 2 bdls mats, 14 bxs chocolate, 4 bags starch, 2 bags parched corn, 12 bags peas, 3 bags barley, 4 bales peppers, 15 bales garlic, 46 crates onions, 20,000 eggs, 3000 limes, 300 fowls, 5 bags corn, 24 doz. playing cards, 2626 bags sugar, 2650 bags coffee, 1400 bags rice, 3 bbls nutmets, 800 bdls rattan, 200 bbls butter, 100 pkgs cheese, 25 bxs salt herrings; 100 pkgs hams; 346 bags pepper Five passengers. Memoranda: Left at Manzanilla, brig Sylvinafrom Boston, bound home.
- August 3: Ship Mary Catherine (British), Capt. Fox, 116 days from Sydney, via Honolulu 30 days, mdse; 100 passengers, 30 females. Passengers: Capt. Brown; Mrs. Fox and two children; Capt. Gordon; F. Gray; Dr. Welsh, lady and two children
- August 3: Schr Napae (Hawaiian), 38 days from Lahaina; produce, 8 passengers: M. French; H. Gillingham; J. Gorge; J. Hamilton; F. Labba; J. Lovee; J. Philips; J. Rootmanum
- August 4: U.S. sloop-of-war Vincennes, Wm. L. Hudson, commanding, from a cruise on the coast, 34 days from Mazatlan
- August 4: Chilean Barque Rosalie, Johnson, 75 days from Valparaiso. 4,402 bgs barley, 400 bgs flour to Canessa.
- August 4: Barque Petrel, Blackburn, 63 days from Hobart Town. Merchandise to McKenzie, Thompson & Co.
- August 4: Barque Laura, Easton, 84 days from Valparaiso. Merchandise to Flint, Peabody & Co.: 3874 bags barley, 82 bags shorts, 388 bags beans, 88 bags nuts, 156 bxs potatores, 14 bxs domestics, 334 kegs lard, 4 cs. blue drills.
- August 4: British ship Mary Cathrine, Fox. 116 days from Sydney via Honolulu 30 days. Merchandise to master: 20 bhds mdze, 6 cs cigars, 37 hf chests olive oil, 7 cs port wine, 125 tons coals, 30 tons iron, 10 bales paper, 5 cs glass ware, 10 bxs seeds, 2 cs saddlery, 2 cs drugs, 97 bgs oats, 36 bxs onions, 6 bxs soap, 36 bgs flour, 6000 ft. timber. 100 passengers, 30 females: F. Gray; Capt. Gordon and lady; Dr. Welsh, lady and two children; Mrs. Fox and child; Captain Brown.
- August 4: Sw. Barque Swea, Strumberg, 210 days from Gottenberg, via St. Catharines and Valparaiso, 65 days. Merchandise, five passengers to Gildemeester, De Fremery & Co. Merchandise: 6425 plank, 536 bars iron, 17 bxs paper hangings; 48 cs. brandy, 20 mats, 39 pcs. flagstone, 22 stair stones, 288 empty bags. Passengers: Messrs. Baulgrear, Modhe, Anderson
- August 4: Norw. Brig Oscar Theodore, Dahlstrom, 46 days from Hong Kong. Merchandise to Lubec & Co.: 42 pkgs tea, 12 cs silks, 1 cs rhubarb, 28 cs bitters, 1394 bags sugar, 18 cs Canary seed, 6000 bags padding, 2400 bags rice, 18 bdls mats, 768 bars iron, 103 reams writing paper, 100 casks molasses.
- August 4: Schr Cynosure, Douglass, 21 days from Lahaina, produce to order: 300 bbls potatores, 50 bbls onions.
- August 4: Schr Pilgrim, Mayhew, 42 days from Tahiti. Fruit to master.
- August 4: Hawaiian schooner Napea, Morrison. 38 days from Lahaina. Prod uce to Swinton: 400 bbls potatoes, 100 bbls onions; 350 pumpkins; 13 bags sugar; 3 pigs. Eight passengers: J. Gorge; J. Lovee; J. Rootmanum; J. Philips; H. Gillingham; J. Hamilton; F. Labba; M. French.
- August 4: Schr Excel, Corwine. 38 days from Huahina. 100,000 oranges, 1000 lemons
- August 5: Br. brig Frederick, Rudman, 50 days from San Blas. Produce to Mr. Miles, on board: 300 crates onions, 450 dozen eggs
- August 6: Barque Sherwood, Foster, 148 days from Boston. Merchandise to Fay, Pierce & Willis. Three passengers: A. Allen; Chas. S. Tucker; S.H. Dickerson.
- August 6: French barque Orthizien, Popillon. 180 days from Buenos Ayres, via Valparaiso 92 days. Merchandise to J.J. Chauviteau. 100 passengers, 7 females. (Note: List not provided in Daily Alta California. It will have to be located elsewhere, if possible.)
- August 6: Brig Samuel & Edwards, Smith, 70 days from Talcahuana. Produce to Mr. Gould
- August 6: Schooner Adeline, Gardner, 51 days from Mazatlan via Cap St. Lucas 41 days. Ballast to master. Five passengers: Capt. Macy
- August 7: Ship Cambridge, White, 147 days from Philadelphia via Callao. Merchandise to Hussey, Bond & Hale; 10 passengers.
- August 7: Ship Anglo-American, Capt. Murdock. 145 days from New York. Merchandise to Macondray & Co. Consignees: G. Ferris; J. R. Rollinson; E. Kelley; H. Vandervu; J. De LeMontaguer; Ferris, Holman & Co; G.G. Lambert; J.B. Bidleman; D.E. Ross; Sage & Smith; Scoffey & Kelsey; P.G. Searbury; A. Neustadtor; E.H. Parker; F. Bonnell; H.H. Freeman & Co; Dennis & alden; Tollard & Hart; Quereau & Johnson; A. Lord & Co.; Scranton & Thompson; G.W. Snook; C.A. Calhoun; J. Dow; O.R. Wade. Passengers: Mrs. Bues and child; Mrs. Cahoun and son (is probably Mrs. Calhoun); Mr. and Mrs. Spencer and child
- August 7: British Ship Johnstone, Capt. Harrison. 73 days from Sydney via Honolulu. 65 passengers: Mr. Brown and lady; Miss Fletcher; Mrs. McIntosh and three chidlren; Mr. McKenzie; Capt. Simmons; Mr. Solomon and lady; Mr. A. Thompson and child
- August 7: Ship Moslem, Capt. French. 178 days from New York via St. Catherines 118 days. Merchandise to order. Consignees: Shultz & Griffin; John Clarke; Cooke Bros & Co.; W.H. Talmadge & Co.; Cornelius Storm; Chas. E. Chapman; Barnes, Stoll & Co; Bingham, Reynolds, Bartlett & Co.; Cook, Brown & Co. Two passengers: Mrs. Davis; Mr. Sawyer
- August 8: Ship Ambassador, Putnam. 156 days from Cardiff, Wales. Coal to order. 800 tons coal, 100 jars butter, 100 lbs. each, 10 cases casting, 200 bbls casting, 528 hams.
- August 8: Ship Franconia, Page. 180 days from Boston. Merchandise to Macondray & Co.
- August 8: Bremen Brig Margarethe, Lange. 220 days from Bremen, via Valparaiso 57 days. Merchandise to Gildermeester & DeFremery and others. 878 boxes wine, 40 hhds wine, 2 boxes liquors, 12 tcs. vinegar, 400 hams, 300 flagstones, 22 packages cordage, 116 rolls linen, 60 hhds 12 tcs 9 bales 57 pkgs 81 bbls 42 cks 41 cs 1062 bxs merchandise.
- August 9: Ship Bengal, Captain Bray. 185 days from Philadelphia, via Valparaiso. Passengers: L.F. Grover; Mrs. E.L.B. Gunn and four children
- August 9: Ship Arthur, Capt. Spears. 200 days from New York, via Talcahuana 60 days. Passengers: Juan Boniface; E.M. Kelly and lady; T. Webster
- August 11: Portuguese Brig Emma, Roya. 230 days from Lisbon, via Valparaiso 187 days. Merchandise to Wynn. One passenger.
- August 11: Schooner Antoinette, Capt. Adroued. 40 days from San Blas. Passengers: G. Achusen; A. Carillas; H.C. Shaw; J.H. Tracy; Mrs. West.
- August 11: Ship Witchcraft, Rogers, 127 days from New York, via Rio 62 days. Memoranda: May 9, lat 15 31 S, long 36 36 W, lost all her masts excepting fore main and fore top-mast; ran 11 days under courses; put into Rio; lay there 21 days refitting; which makes a passge of 108 days from New York. She has made the passage from Rio to this place in 62 days, which is the quickest passage that has been made here. She left at Rio the ship Game Cock, putting in main mast; would be ready to sail in ten days; she had then been in port 30 days. The ship Shooting Star sailed 10 days previous; had been dismasted. Steamer Quickstepleft Rio une 1; barque Mount Washington sailed 10 days before; barque Barrington, with a cargo of ice, had sailed a few days before her for this port. Merchandise to master. Three passengers: G.W. Booth, G.H. Timmous, B.C. Howard. Consignees: C.A. Browne, A. Sorvenhull & Co., John Benson, Jr., L. Meyers, Freeman & Co; Mebius, Duisenburg & Co.; Ferris, Holman & Co; Aitkin & Co; Dall, Austin & Co.; Macondray & Co. A. Eggleston, F. Buel, D.T. Ross, Neefus & Tichenor, Turnbull & Walton, H. Cordoza, W.T. Coleman & Co., D. Goldsmith, Earl & Co; Horner & Co; Lesler & Joseph; H. Roeder, Wood & West; Steinberger & Kaufman; Bingham, Reynolds, Bartlett & Co; King & Berwin; Weomser & Lindauer, Boardman, Bacon & Co; Hillard & Rider; L.B. Platt; King & Jacobs; F & L Meyers; Jas H. Goodman; Fitzergald, Bausch & Co; Taaffe & McCahill; Levy & Woolff; Danl Joy; Wm. R. West; Barnett & Co.; D.B. Merritt; A.T. Tobias; S.J. Neustadt; C.H. Gratiet; Jeremiah Regan; Simonsfeld, Bach & Co.; Wyckoff & Co.; A.S. Norton & Co.; A.H. Horton; Hadley & Cozzens; Schroder, Tamme & Co.; C. Delvecchio, Lynde & Putnam; Chas King.; J.C. Jansen; H. & H. Davison; Saroni, Archer & Co.; Benj B. Lawtrel.
- August 11: British Barque Zealous, Wilson, 142 days from Lisbon. Wine, etc., to Searle, Wilby & Clark.
- August 15: Ship H. Allen, Miller, 225 days from New York via Gallipagos Islands. Merchandise to master: 100 bags barley, 78 coils rope, 43 bales flannel, 176 kegs nails, 600 reams paper, 251 bdles hardware, 116 bars iron, 200 pkgs mdse.
- August 15: Ship Jane Parker, Jordan, 170 days from Baltimore, via Callao, 50 days. Merchandise to Hillard & Ryder: Extensive list, including 520 bxs lemon syrup, pickles, pepper, pepper sauce, lime juice, bitters, 50 bxs green mint, 7 bxs Java coffee, 345 bxs cordials, 135 bxs catsup, 10 bsc cranberries, 34 bxs cherry brandy, 20 kegs brandy peaches, 20 bxs ginger syrup, 5 cs paints, 6 csks glassware, 17 cs butter, boots and shoes, sides of leather, 6 bales muslins, 228 kegs nails, 8 bales 6 cs blankets, 50 cans crackers, 1 cs wrapping paper, bacon, 21 cs hats, 440 bolts duck, 440hf bbls homony, 4 force pumps with fixtures.
- August 15: Ship Helen McGaw, Capt. Lunt, 173 days from Norfolk, via Rio and Valparaiso; government stores and troops. Passengers: Capt. Stone and 23 of the Ordnance Company.
- August 15: Ship Alceste (British), Capt. Camu, 220 days from Swansea, via Falkland Islands 88 days; patent fuel to order. Three passengers: Mr. Allen; Mr. Brown and lady
- August 15: Ship Union (French), Capt. Marlet, 215 days from Havre, via Valparaiso 60 days; mdse, to master. Merchandise: 275 cs. champagne, 500 cs medoc wine, 100 bbls port wine. 24 passengers: Madame Boucard and child; Messr Chamin; Messr Chamon; Madame Chevalier; Messr. DeLattre; Messr DeLattre; Messr DePiccitto; Messr. Gargnausl; Messr. Gusselin; Messr. Picquire
- August 15: British Barque Hartland, Murkland. 284 days from Quebec, via Rio and Valparaiso, 77 days. Merchandise to Casey: 9000 bricks, 691 crowbards, 30 tons iron, 590 oak plank, 4510 oak blank, 439 pcs scantling, 50 doz handspikes, 100 bdles brooms, 11,166 pcs deals.
- August 15: Dutch barque Baltimore, Jaskie. 165 days from Amsterdam via Valparaiso 47 days. Merchandise to Gildermeester, DeFremery & Co: 32 bbls crushed sugar, 25 cs falcon ale, 36 cs Madeira wine, 24 cs furniture, 300 bbls butter, 200 cs cheese, 150 bbls pearl barley, 26 bbls tar, 60 bbls pitch, 20 pipes gin, 1000 bxs with empty bottles, 59 cks linseed oil, 17 cks dried applies, 40 bbls loaf sugar, 6000 cigars, 50 bbls white beans, 32 bbls sweetmeats, 209 bgs coffee, 100 bbls conserves, 200 bbbls butter, 5 cs pickled meats, 2 cs linens, 1 cs paintings, 2 cs boots and shoes, 40 cs merchandise.
- August 15: Hamburg Barque Elizabeth, Jansen, 52 days from Talcahuana. Flour, &c. to master: 1892 bags barley,3814 qr bags flour, 893 hf bags flour, 100 bags wheat.
- August 15: Mexcian Barque Sonora, Marutoria. 55 days from Mazatlan. Produce to Larco & Co. 94 passengers, 56 females.
- August 15: Brig Glencoe, Hazleton, 70 days from Chatham Islands. Potatoes to T.G. Wells.
- August 15: British Brig Trio, Wallace, 272 days from Liverpool. Merchandise to Starkey & Bros: 105 tons coal, 2 csks hardware, 9 anchors, 300 cs wine, 50 kegs butter, 1555 bars iron, 898 bags salt, 4 cs steel, 52 tcs porter, 34 tcs ale, 500 slates, 4 iron pumps, 3 winches, 20 bdls hoop iron, 86 kegs spikes, 2 bdls forks, 26 sheets of iron, 4 boats' anchors, 1 bag boat hooks, 272 cases contents unspecified.
- August 15: Barque Palmetto, Capt. Rich, 90 days from Punta Arenas; coffee, to supercargo on board. Passengers: M.E. Elmer; S.W. Goss; Capt. W.F. Trey
- August 15: Hamburg brig Carl & Henrich, Henning, 168 days from Hamburg via Valparaiso 65 days. Merchandise to Heyman, Pluigth & Horn: 8 bbls Roman cement, 9 cs champagne, 40 bxs port wine, 40 bxs sherry wine, 5 cs playing cards, 1 bale corks, 17 bdls iron, 826 bars iron, 60 bdls iron plates, 250 cs mdse, 1200 cs wine, 2 cs tobacco.
- August 15: Schr Titan (British), Capt. Ferguson, 95 days from Hobart Town, via New Zealand 74 days; produce, to Reynolds and order. Three passengers: H. Brahen; L. Wetherall and lady
- August 15: Brig Paquete de Copiapo, Inchcuse, 34 days form San Blas. Produce to master: 130 crates onions, 8 pegs mescal, 13,000 cigars.
- August 15: Schooner Naome, Holbrook, 60 days from Mauby. Produce to Beverley. Three passengers.
- August 16: Barque Siberia, Capt. Bartlett, 93 days from Bordeaux, via Valparaiso 56 days; mdse, to order; 13 passengers: John Archibald; G.G. Bartlett; Rufus Catler (Catier or Catter); G. Churchill; C. Heddeker; Henry Johnson; J. Lewis; Jno A. Lyon; Thos A. Murray; G. Peters; Jno Peters
- August 16: Brig Volant (British), Capt. Wheeland, 60 days from Valparaiso; mdse, to master; 5 passengers: Battagus Brutus; Theodore Eisen; P. Moulines; C. Nunea; G.H. Nunea
- August 21: Ship President, Captain. Thomas, 122 days from Launceston, via Honolulu, Sandwich Islands 39 days, Tahiti and Monterey, California. Cargo: Tea, sugar, oilmen's stores, 3 pianos, Liverpool salt, Irish linen, sheep, breeding sows, and assorted goods. To master. Passengers: L. Bailey; William Brewer; Jos Foote; Thomas Grieves; John Hawden; Charles Lambert and lady; R.S. Nichols; Mrs. Nichols and three children; William Oats; George Robinson; William Smith; E.O. Stephens; Mrs. Thomas and child; Peter Vera
- August 21: Ship Raduga, Cook, 135 days from New York. To Talmage & Greene. Two female passengers.
- August 21: Ship Edgar, Smith, 83 days from Sydney, via Honolulu 40 days. Merchandise to master. 120 passengers. Memoranda: Sailed from Sydney May 31. Ship Alexander, Long, sailed from Auckland, N.Z. 14 days before, for this port. Whale barque George Champlain loading coals at Newcastle, N.S.W., for Chile, on her way home, having sold her oil. Whale brig Indian, of New Bedford, sailed from Sydney, April 4th for the line; reported, May 10, with 80 bbls sperm oil, off How's Island. May 28, shipDeucalion, waiting charter. July 24, left at Honolulu H.B.M. frigate Portland, flag ship from Vancouver's Island. Arrived, July 21, H.B.M. brig Swift, and ship Sea Nymphfrom San Francisco. July 22, ship Mary Adeline waiting crew. Passengers: Mrs. J.R. Moloney; Dr. F. Montague and lady; H. Grieves; Capt. G.W. Towne; Dr. Saunders; H.D. Wilcott; Mrs. Bouk and four children; Mrs. Barry and three children; Mrs. Doyle and five children. 120 in the steerage.
- August 21: Ship Stephen Lurman, Clark, 190 days from New York, via San Diego 15 days. Government stores to Quartermaster.
- August 21: Ship President, Captain Thomas, 122 days from Launceston, via Honolulu, Sandwich Islands 39 days, Tahiti and Monterey, California. Cargo: Tea, sugar, oilmen's stores, 3 pianos, Liverpool salt, Irish linen, sheep, breeding sows, adn assorted goods. To master: Passengers: Mrs. Thomas and child; R.S. Nichols; Mrs. Nichols and three children; George Robinson; E.O. Stephens; Charles Lambert and lady; Thomas Grieves; Joseph Foote; William Brewer; William Smith; William Oats; John Hawden; Peter Vera; L. Bailey
- August 21: Ship Alert, Bartlett. 150 days from New York. To J.N. Shaw
- August 21: French ship Artimise, Le Moine, 208 days from Bordeaux, via Valparaiso 65 days. Wines, liquors, preserved meats &c. to Davidson & May. Two Passengers.
- August 21: Ship N.B. Palmer, Low, 106 days from New York. To Macondray & Co.
- September 1: Ship Flying Cloud. Passengers: Mrs. E.C. Bownan; Mrs. S.H. Bownan; Mr. L. Coffin; Mrs. M.A. Gorham and servant; Mr. N.H. Hall; Miss E.F. Lyon (note that she was married on board on September 19 -- see below); J.W. Lyon; Miss S.B. Lyon; Mr. J.D. Townsend; Mr. H.F. Wadworth
- September 1: Barque Whiton, Bird, 120 days from Valparaiso, via San Diego 20 days. To John N. Sleddon & Co.
- September 2: Schr Emeline, Hopkins, 4 hours from wreck of ship Tagus, with balance of cargo of that vessel. To master.
- September 9: Barque Josephine, Wheeler, 40 days from Mazatlan. Merchandise to master. 50 passengers: Senoritas Canno, Ochos, Gorgonia, Hernandez, Stavis, Del Todilles, Mrs. F. Box, Misses Elizabeth, Sarah, Mildred and Mary F. Box. Messrs Campo, Sacarte, J. Marshall, Cosmo, Canno, J. Huddart, Geo Rigby, Theo Linden, J. McDonald, C. Roe, W. Wetsell (or Wetselt), L. Chaffe, G. Peirce, T. Shutter, J. Hernandez, A. Eugenia, J. Morehead, J. Baptiste, J.E. Chism, J.W. Chism, J. Sevada, J. Gomez, S. Tores, L. Stavis, C. Stavis, A. Stavis, R.F. Box, J.A. Qox (is probably part of the Box family), E.F. Box, W.J. Box, S.F. Box, H. Madrigilda, Del Gudrio, A. Urguillas, J. ix, J.C. Murphy, G.K. Wiginton, A. Kysock, J. Brown
- September 9: Brig Reindeer, Law, 38 days from Hawaii. Merchandise to C.W. Macey. Three passengers: J. Fisher, R. Clark, W. Trevon
- September 9: Genoese Brig Eugenia, Laragne, 204 days from Genoa, via Valparaiso 68 days. Merchandise to Marango & Co.: Cargo consists principally of wine, maccaroni &c, &c. No manifest on board. Three passengers: B. Pedrocini, J. Roche, J. Neriere
- September 9: Schooner Gazelle, Stoddard, 23 days from Kauii. Produce to order: 650 bbls Irish potatoes, 350 pumpkins, 300 melons, 150 fowls, 23 hogs, 23 breeding pigs, 5 cases merchandise.
- September 19: Clipper Flying Cloud. Married on Wednesday evening, the 17th inst., on board by the Rev. T.D. Hunt, Mr. Reuben P. Boise of Portland, O.T., to Miss Ellen F. Lyon, daughter of Lemuel Lyon, of Roxbury, Mass.
- September 19: U.S. frigate Raritan. Married on board, in the harbor of Valparaiso, on Sunday, July 20, by Photius Fisk, Chaplain, Mr. Theodore Bierau to Miss Johannah Uhlen, both of Prussia.
- October 3, 1851, Sacramento Daily Union. The steamerOregon, Captain Pearson, carried the enormous amount of $2,000,000 in gold dust. Adams & Co. shipped nearly $600,000. Burgoyne & Co. shipped $350,000
- October 6: Game Cock. Passengers: Mrs. Dunn and three children; A. Babcock, lady and children; Miss Adams; Mrs. Brady
- October 6: Keoka. Passengers: Col. J. McClure; L. Sand; J. Constant
- October 17: Schooner Robert Bruce. Captain Nichols. 26 days from Lahaina, Sandwich Islands with 900 bbls potatoes, 59 bunches bananas, 15 hogs, 75 fowls, and 15 bbls. oil. Passengers: H.C. Ames and C. Simons.
- October 20: Barque Gulnare. Captain Lucas. Departed Havre, France, on January 1, 1851. Put into Valparaiso, Chile and made passage to San Francisco from that port in 56 days. Cargo: Coal, furniture, liquorice, iron fastenings, 2 houses, walnuts, shot, champagne and assorted goods. Passengers: Captain C. Scammon; G. Smith; F.M. Baty; Miss Eunice Houblin; J. Cushman; Mrs. (Captain) Lucas. 17 unidentified in steerage.
- October 22, 1851 (Departure): FOR SYDNEY DIRECT -- The clipper brig Columbus, E. Bond, master, offers superior accommodtions for cabin and steerage passengers. From the well known sailing qualities of the vessel, a quick passage may be relied on. Parties about to visit the new El Dorado, are respectfully to call and examine for themselves, as she certainly offers inducements superior to other vessels. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, front of Jackson street, or to CAPT PATTISON, Rose Shipping Office, Pacific Wharf.
- November 25: Schooner Mary W., Captain Ward. 18 days from Lahaina, Sandwich Islands. Brings intelligence that there is an effort in Honolulu to establish an Episcopal church. As no representative of the church is in the area, a layman, R.C. Willie, Esq., will read the service of the Church of England. The service is to be read regularly every Sunday. Cargo: 1000 bbls of potatoes, 12 casks sperm oil, 61 casks whale oil. Passengers: Capt. C.W. Rand; Capt. A.J. Shockley; W.M. Jyles; R. Martin; William Mindon; Capt. W. Maxfield (late of the whale shipArrabella
- November 25: U.S. Revenue Cutter Lawrence, Captain D. B. Ottinger departed Monterey, California, bound for the port of San Francisco. On November 25, just after dark, when about 4 miles below Point Lobos, the southern extremity of the entrance of the harbor, a storm blew up. The vessel was compelled to anchor in the near area, in 5 fathoms of water. Wind increased and large sea was raised, which broker over the vessel. The cables broke and the vessel was driven on shore. Position on shore was about two miles north of the wreck of the Mary Stewart. Cargo unknown. Two passengers landed safely. Passengers: Col. Russell, Collector, Port of Monterey; Mr. Starkey, of the firm of Starkey & Brothers.
December 8, 1851, Daily Alta California
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