Merchant Ships in Port
° Vessels & Rigging ° Clippers ° Steamships ° Lines ° Builders ° Shipwrecks
Please note: Merchant ship arrivals are included to give an idea of the volume and type of goods into early San Francisco. If you had the money, you could have anything your heart desired. Listings are by no means complete; names of passengers on these vessels are often unavailable.
Click here for passenger ship arrivals.
° 1846-1847 ° 1848 ° 1849 ° 1850 ° 1851 ° 1852 ° 1853 ° 1854 ° 1855 ° 1856 ° 1858 ° 1860-1862 ° 1863 ° 1864 ° 1865 ° 1868 ° 1870s ° 1880s ° 1890s
- January 1: Mining Company schooner Roanoke, 99 tons, built 1842 in Hanover, Mass. Sailed from Boston, Mass, July 18, 1849 under command of Captain Shelley with 21 passengers. Arrived 150 days later via Straits of Magellan. Goodman reports that she was used for inland river trade after arrival, and ultimately wrecked. Other reports indicated she sailed to the Sandwich Islands.
- January 2: Mining Company ship Florida, 522 tons, built 1821-22 in New York, New York. Sailed from New Bedford, Mass, August 1, 1849 under command of Master Robinson with 40 passengers. Arrived San Francisco in 152 days via Cape Horn and Callao. She was ultimate lost at sea.
- January 10: Schooner Laura Bevan, Captain Pierce, arrives in 16 days from Lahaina, Sandwich Islands. Cargo: 5,000 gallons Polar oil; 250 bbls potatoes; 100 bunches of bananas; 13,000 oranges; 18 hogs; 4000 coconuts and 4 bags of coffee. Passengers: B. Palmer; G.F. Putnam.
- January 11: Mining Company ship San Francisco, 268 tons, built 1849 in Cumberland, Maine. Sailed from Beverly, Mass, August 15, 1849 under command of T. Redmonds with 40 passengers. She arrived in San Francisco via Cape Horn and Valparaiso 149 days later. She traded with Manila after arrival and was ultimately wrecked.
- January 14: Mining Company ship Sarah Parker, 387 tons, built 1827 at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Sailed July 6, 1849 from Nantucket, Mass under command of J. Codd with 29 passengers and 9 crew. She was a Mining Company ship. Arrived in 190 days via Cape Horn. She was later sold abroad and ultimately condemned.
- January 14: English ship England, Broin, 138 days from Liverpool
- January 14: French ship Cachalot, Legrand, 150 days from Havre, 137 passengers.
- January 14: French ship Surprise, Allay, 135 days from Rio de Janeiro. 6 passengers.
- January 14: American bark Harriet Thompson, 238 tons. Sailed from Philadelphia, PA, July 18, 1849 under command of Captain Tilden with 2 passengers. Arrived in 178 days.
- January 14: American bark Eliza Ann, 370 tons, built 1835 in Baltimore, Maryland. Sailed February 24, 1849 from New York under command of Captain Corwin (Alta California cites Cummin as Master) with 4 passengers and 12 crew. Arrived on January 14, 68 days from Panama with 169 passengers. Because she left New York with so few, she obviously picked up passengers who had crossed the Isthmus of Panama and were heading for California's gold fields.
February 9, 1850, Placer Times, Placerville, California
Metamorphose Extraordinary. The bark Eliza Ann, recently arrived here from Panama, landed an individual whose sex would hardly have been ascertained from outward appearances. Presenting him or herself at Panama, our subject secured a passage hither and embarked. So completely was the lady (as she soon confessed herself to be) disguised, that discovery might have been easily evaded, but with the independence generally conceded the sex, she boldly and practically proclaimed her right to "wear the breeches," by donning a pair of most unexceptionable ones, together with all the appropriate trimmings. "Charley," as our heroine was speedily christened, took up her quarters with the crew, with whom she soon became quite a favorite; and displaying a formidable brace of pistols and a dazzling bowie knife, defied insult, declaring it to be her "holy mission" to pursue and demolish a traitorous consort, who, she said, had robbed and deserted her at New Orleans. Charley's conduct on board was quite unex-ceptionable to-day busily perusing her wellworn bible, and to-morrow as aptly conducting a part in a game of "old sledge." No sooner had the news of the bark's arrival reached the city, than a small boat might have been descried nearing her; and he who had sworn to cherish, was soon locked in the embrace of her who had vowed to slay! The past was forgotten, and the boat conveyed the re-united pair to the shore, where doubtless, ere this, drafts have been made upon some of our merchants to enable the hero of the Eliza Ann to sail under true colors. [Alta California, 21st ult.]
- January 14: English bark Duke of Roxborough, Collard, 99 days from Sydney
- January 14: American bark Science, Howland, 150 days from New Bedford
- January 14: Ham brig Helena, Anders, 46 days from Valparaiso
- January 14: English brig Lady Jane Stewart, Roper, 31 days from Panama. 50 passengers.
- January 15: English brig Enchantress, Boyes, 92 days from Sydney. 5 passengers.
- January 15: American sp Sea, Spring, 154 days from New York
- January 15: Bremmen brig Mentor, Lookaymo, 57 days from Pernambuco
- January 16: Daily Alta California. FOR SALE At Salas, Bascunan, Fehrman & Co.'s, California street, just arrived per ship Independence, 8 houses, of different dimensions; per ship Louisa, 5 frame houses, 16,754 alerce half inch boards, about 7 feet long; 1500 nieces scantling, 11 ft long and 3x4 inches, 1500 alerce boards, 1 inch thick, 100 pieces scantling, 24ft long and 4 to 5 inches; 120 doors, 400 bags Chilean flour, 458 bags barley, 28 bags beans, 67 bags best dried peaches, apples, etc.; 7 bags biscuit, 2 bbls salmon, 1 cask hams, 9 bbls sausages in lard, 18 bbls eggs (120 dozen), 3 bbls pickled cabbage, 13 tin jars fowls in lard, 9 cases sweetmeats, 1 bbl starch, 1 bbl arrow root, 3 cases fruit syrup, 210 pairs Chilean overshoes, 19 cushions, 53 mattresses, horn tumblers, saws, etc. j16-3
- February 17: Mining Company brig Christiana, 226 tons, built 1837 in Pittston, Maine. Sailed from Beverly, Mass on August 16, 1849 under command of Captain Patterson with 10 passengers and 10 crew. Reached San Francisco 180 days later via Cape Horn, Rio de Janeiro and Valparaiso. She was used in Panama trade after and ultimately broken up.
- February 17: Mining Company ship Splendid, 392 tons, built 1835 in Rochester, Mass. Left New York, New York on September 17, 1849 under command of Captain Bayliss (also spelled Bayless in another source), with 66 passengers. Arrived San Francisco 139 days later via Cape Horn, St. Catherine's and Valparaiso.
- February 21: Mining Company ship Fanny, 391 tons. Sailed from Holmes Hole, Mass, August 22, 1849 under command of Uriah Russell with 25 passengers and 22 crew. Arrived San Francisco 188 days later (arrival dates vary by a few days, according to sources) via Cape Horn and Valparaiso. She was later used in the Panama trade and ultimately wrecked.
- February 25: Mining Company ship Harriet Rockwell, 447 tons, built approx. 1835 in New Hampsire (Portsmouth?). Sailed from Boston, Mass September 18, 1849 under command of S. Hawes with 97 passengers. Arrived San Francisco 160 days later via Cape Horn, St. Catherine's and Valparaiso. She was used in the Panama trade after arrival.
Daily Alta California, February 6, 1850, San Francisco
HOUSES TO ARRIVE per ships Hamilton and Carthage, and for sale by the subscribers as follows: six beautiful two story houses, three of cottage form and three square, finished in a very superior manner, with marble mantles, mahogany hand-rail, with bricks, mortar, paint, etc.; size 34x34 feet: four houses 32x29 feet; four do 36x26 feet; twenty do 20x20; eight do 28x16; four do, size; in all 46 houses. These buildings have been got up with great care, and all the materials are of excellent quality. The undersigned are prepared to make contracts to put up the whole or any portion of the above. Plans can be seen, and further particulars obtained by application to EVERETT & Co., iron store, foot Sacramento st.
- March 11, Daily Alta California: The English bark Vicar of Bray, Duggan, cleared Valparaiso.
- March 11, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
CARGO OF SHIP AKBAR of Boston, consisting of 350,000 extra planed and rough boards, 170,000 shingles, all qualities; 6000 cedar boards, 10,000 clapboards, all varieties: 60,000 bricks, 300 casks nails, 2 heavy warehouses, 30x60; 14,000 pickets, rough and finished; 400 casks cement, 200 bbls. flour, 60 do. mess pork, 63 do. butter, superior quality; 75 boxes chairs, 50 harness, complete, different descriptions; 20 open wagons, 3 lumber do., 1 superior top carriage, 100 tons red-ash coal; boat and scow materials; together with a general assortment of merchandise, for sale at corner of Clay and Montgomery streets, in Sherman & Rockel's building.F. A. HUSSEY & HENRY M. HALE.
March 11, 1850, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
from Boston, consisting of frame buildings, complete, 25x36 10-1/2 story double houses, 18x21 and 18x23 two stories; cotage houses, 15x32 with an L of 15 feet, very perfect; pine and spruce, boards, joist, spruce and pine plank, shingles, vinegar in casks, nails assorted, cooking stoves, revolvers, double barrel guns, shovels, spades, bricks, cement, hard coal, safes, beads, serf boats, brandy, gin and whisky in barrels and boxes, paper hangings, satin, battle of Monterey and common rainbow curtains, champagne, superior cigars, thick clothing, frocks, pants and overcoats, military coats and epaulets, stove pipe and elbows, tobacco in boxes and Turkish smoking, Jamaica and New England rum in barrels, old cognac brandy in quarter casks, writing paper, boots, assortment; shoes and slippers, mens and womens silk kerchiefs, percussion caps, shaving soap, saddles and bridles, rifles with straps, flasks and pouches, bullets, cards, back-gammon boards, dice and boxes, crackers in tins, glazed caps, spunk, combs, blacking and leather preservative, bowie, pen and jack knives, gun flints, tinder boxes, octagon steel, liquor cases filled with pure brandy, alley balls and pins, prime pork, pilot bread, barrels and boxes superior port wine. etc. Also a steam engine with ppile driving apparatus complete, for sale, afloat or ashore. Enquire on board ship Morrison or to R. S. DORR, on Battery between foot of Pine and Bush streets. Spacious rooms to rent in new house on California street. Enquire R. S. Dorr.
- March 11, 1850, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California
Splendid Blood Horses.--
The subscribers have received ex ship Harrison, the following entire Sydney cart horses to which they invite the attention of farmers, carters, adn breeders for thier great value, size and purity of blood 1 chestnut stallion "Sam;" 1 brown do "Glenalg;" 1 light bay do "Richmond Hero." These horses are furnished with a cart and harness fitted to them of superior make; also 5 sets of shoes and nails to each. A few drays spring and other carts, wheel-barrows, also for sale. SIMMONS, HUTCHINSON & CO. foot of Clay st.
- March 29: American schooner, Frances Helen, 171 tons, built 1846 in Lower Bank, New Jersey. Sailed from Baltimore, Maryland, October 20, 1849 under command of M.H. Leeds with 8 passengers. Arrived 157 days later via Straits of Magellan and Callao. Used as a coastal trader after arrival.
March 11, 1850, Daily Alta California Advertisements
- April 6: U.S. ship Vandalia, W.H. Gardner, commander, 40 days from Callao, 3 passengers
- April 6: British brig Tepic, Luce, 20 days from Sandwich Islands, 10 passengers, cargo of potatoes, etc., to Starkey, Janion & Co.
- April 6: Mining Company American schooner (another source lists her as a brig) Civilian, 165 tons, Sailed from Boston November 12, 1849 under command of Thomas Dodge. Arrived 143 days via Cape Horn, St. Catherine's and 36 days from Valparaiso. 50 passengers, 12 crew forming the Cochituate Mining Co., cargo of building materials, etc.
- April 6: Ham brig Anna, Meyer, 60 days from Valparaiso, 2 passengers, flour and wheat to captain.
- April 6: American bark Chester, Warren, 190 days from Boston, 7 passengers, cargo coal and building materials to order.
- April 6: British schooner Josephine, Clinton, 34 days from Sandwich Islands, to captain.
- April 6: British barque Whitby, Stewart, 85 days form Hong Kong, 34 passengers, cargo houses and bricks to order.
- April 6: American ship Aquetnet, Mosher, 160 days from Balitmore, 15 passengers, lumber, bricks, etc., to order.
- April 6: Brem. ship Pauline, Stelljis, 81 days from So. Australia, 65 passengers.
- April 6: Ham. barque Elizabeth, Jansen, 179 days from Hamburgh, 11 passengers, houses and building materials to order.
- April 6: American brig Cybele, Davis, 209 days from Portland, Maine, lumber, shingles, bricks, etc., to captain.
- April 29, 1850: Bark Daniel Webster
- May 1: Ship Manco, Fish, 238 days from Boston, with an assorted cargo to Semple and Robinson.
- May 1: Prussian bark Thiam, Genoz, Memel, 5 mos; Valparaiso 70 days, with cargo of lumber and flour to Cross, Hobson & Co.
- May 1: Brig James Caskie, Jones, 193 days from Boston, with cargo of lumber, etc. to master.
- May 1: Bark Dudley, Morrison, 166 days from Charleston, S.C., with cargo of lumber, bricks and coals to Kuthmann and co. PerDudley, Dec. 11th, lat. 26 32 n., long., 34 35 w., schr. A. P. Chase, Bly, from N. Bedford, Nov. 27th, for San Francisco; Dec. 25th, ship Triton, Sands, 40 days from N. Bedford, for Pacific Ocean, no oil lat. 4. n., long. 21 w., reported having spoken Dec. 18th, off St. Antonio, Cape de Verds, ship Dalmatia, from N. Orleans, 29th Oct. for San Francisco; April 29th, Am. ship from Bath, for this port, with lumber; Feb. 4th, ship Franklin, Flazard, of New Bedford, 39 mos. out, full of oil, bound home.
- May 1: Ship Ann Mary Ann, Dering, 180 days from Sag Harbor, via Talcahuana 70 days, with lumber, bricks, etc. to order.
- May 2: American ship Hannibal, 644 tons, built 1841 at Bath, Maine. Sailed from Boston on November 26 under command of G.H. Willis, with 102 passengers. This was apparently a returning trip to San Francisco for her. She arrived in 157 days via Cape Horn.
- May 4: Am. ship Richard Cobden, Barrell, 183 days from New York with cargo of lumber, etc., to Macondray and Co.
- May 5: Mining Company schooner Mary and Emma, 51 tons, built 1848 in New London, Connecticut. Sailed December 21, 1849 from Nantucket, Mass., under command of David Patterson. Arrived in San Francisco May 5, 1850. Ports enroute not noted. She traded with the Sandwich Islands after arrival.
- May 5: American schooner Harriet, 128 tons, built 1843 in Brunswick, Maine. Sailed December 13, 1849 from Bath, Maine under command of Captain Given. Arrived 143 days later via Valparaiso. Used in Oregon trade after arrival.
- May 5: Br. brig Magusha, Horsley, 132 days from Hobart Town, 15 passengers, with cargo of lumber and bricks to Mr. Padman on board.
- May 6: Mining Company schooner Elizabeth B., 98 tons, built 1846 in Dennis, Mass. Sailed December 12, 1849 from Hyannis, Mass under command of A. Bacon with 11 passengers. She arrived 135 days later via Straits of Magellan and St. Catherine's. She was used in the coastal trade after arrival.
- May 21: Mining company schooner Astoria, 72 tons, built 1849 in Essex, Mass. Sailed from Gloucester, Mass, December 14, 1849 under command of Captain Parkhurst with 14 passengers. Arrived 158 days later via Straits of Magellan.
- May 27: Mining Company ship Crescent, 340 tons, built 1826, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Sailed from Salem, Mass December 7, 1849 under command of J. Madison with 80 passengers. Arrived 171 days later via Cape Horn and Juan Fernandez. She was used as a storeship after arrival and ultimately broken up.
- May 29: American brig Galen, 226 tons, built 1831 at Falmouth, Maine. Sailed from New Bedford, Mass. on October 18, 1849 under command of Wm. Heron with 7 passengers. Arrived 203 days later via Cape Horn, St. Catherine's, Talcahuano and Juan Fernandez. Used as a storeship after arrival.
- June 9: Ship Martha Tawne, 197 days from New York.
- June 9: English ship Kelso, Innis, 63 days from Hong Kong.
- June 9: Bark Waban, Severin, 200 days from New York.
- French bark Hercule, Barde, 8 months from Havre de Grace.
- Govt. schr Major Lincoln, Lincoln, 20 days from Monterey.
- June 15: Mining Company brig Metropolis, 209 tons, built 1847 in Essex, Mass. Sailed from Beverly, Mass., November 15, 1849 under command of J.C. Bennett with 41 passengers. Arrived San Francisco 180 days later via Cape Horn and St. Catherine's. She was then used on the coastal trade and ultimately sold abroad.
- June 17, Sacramento Transcript (June 20, 1850). MARINE NEWS. Port of San Francisco. ARRIVED: June 17th -- Ship Manchester, Coleman, from N. York; bark Eureka, M. Quin, fm Cleaveland; ship Hermann, Welsh, from Phila; ship Hibernia, from New Bedford, ship Watagafrom Phila; ship Francis Depa, fm New York.
- June 29 and 30:
Br. ship Una, Canszar, 83 days from Sydney, 167 passengers. Consigned to Whitman & Salmon.
Sch Charles Herbert, 205 days from Warren, Rhode Island, 23 passengers. Cargo of provisions to company on board.
Br. barque Swallow, Seagrove, 72 days from Sydney. 3 passengers. Consigned to master.
Barque Clarissa, Lawrence, 68 days from Panama, 124 passengers. In ballast to master.
Brig Ceylon, 198 days from Boston via Valparaiso 21 -- consigned to master.
Sch. J. C. Demarest, Collins, 200 days from New York via Callao, 50. 3 passengers. Assorted cargo to C & D. L. Ross
July 1, 1850, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
- July 1, 1850, Daily Alta California: BY THE PORT WARDENS. For account of whom it may concern, will be sold at public auction in front of the custom house, on Tuesday, July 2d, at half-past twelve o'clock, the barque ORION, of Boston, with her tackle, apparel, boats, and furniture as she now lies on the beach near Rincon Point. The Orion is a fine vessel of 449 tons burthen, but a few years old, with a full inventory. Terms, cash.
- July 8: American schooner Emperor, 110 tons, built 1849 in Stonington, Connecticut. Sailed December 2, 1849 from Bridgeport, Connecticut under command of O. Bolles. Arrived 218 days later via Valparaiso and other ports. She traded with the Sandwich Islands after arrival.
- July 11: Peru brig Susanna, Girondeau master, from Callao, with cargo to Finley, Johnson & Co., and to the passengers.
- July 11: Ch. brigantine Matilda, Jones master, from Guayaquil, with cargo to master.
- July 11: Ch. schooner Jackin, G. Norman master, from Acapulco, with cargo and specie to Bawden & Co.
- July 13: Barque Byron, Foss, 218 days from Bangor, via Port Praya, Cape Verde, 15th Jan and Valparaiso 4th May. 5 passengers. 300 feet of lumber. Consigned to master.
- July 14: American bark Minervia, Perry master, 48 days from Valparaiso, with cargo to the master, Dickson & Hay; and others
- July 14: Russian bark Prince Menshinoff, Rudakoff master, 12 days from Sitka, general merchandise to Starkey, Janion & Co.
- July 23: American brig G.W. Kendall, 183 tons built 1846 in Boothbay, Maine. Sailed from Wicassett, Maine on November 12 under the command of E. Chase. She made other stops at American ports and arrived 185 days later via Rio de Janeiro and Callao. She sailed in the Oregon trade after arrival.
- July 24: Mexican vessel Camilla, 35 days from Mazatlan, Mexico. Cargo: 6 bdls serapes, 3 bdls clothing, onions, oranges, meal, two bskts oysters, eggs, bananas, sugar, coffee, cheese, chili pepper and assorted merchandise. Passengers: Capt. E. Armstrong and lady; Mrs. Madero and family; R.G. Killaly; W.H. Hearie; F. Somoas and lady; S. Lamkin; A.T. Lee; Mr. Rivero; Mr. L. Lehn and lady; W.H. Hamilton; T. Sibrian; A. Lee; C.A. Holmes; J. Monlue; H.G. Balinger; G. Tempsky; 89 in steerage.
- July 25: Sea Witch, New York. Extensive list of goods including clothing, 400 kegs sugar, 174 boxes of tobacco, 80 csks ale, 50 bxs pickles, 10 pails almonds, 5 bales cloves, 5 bales and 14 rolls carpeting, a "quantity of lumber," 217 bbls dried peaches, 30 bbls molasses, 140 baskets champagne, 1 iron safe, 2 carriages, 1 steamboat, and 2 pair whiffletrees. Passengers: Mrs. and Mrs. C.W. Jones; Misses B. and A. Connelly; Dr. Pague; Mr. G. Barbey; Mr. J. W. Leigh
- July 25: Camilla from Mazatlan. Cargo included 6 bdls serapes, 3 bdls clothing, 6 sacks onions, 6 baskets oranges, 3 sacks meal, 2 bsks oysters, 2 bbls eggs, 1 sack bananas, 7 bbls bananas, 1 sack sugar, 225 cheeses, 4 sks Chilepepper, 4000 onions, 6 sacks coffee. To Mullett & Tallot. Passengers: Captain E. Armstrong and lady; Mr. L. Lehn and lady; Mrs. Madero and family; Mr. Rivero; F. Sommers (difficult to read) and lady; J. Monlue; W. H. Hamilton; S. Lamkin; H. G. Balinger; R. G. Killaly; T. Sibrian; A.T. Lee; A. Lee; W.H. Hearne; G. Tempsky; C.A. Holmes; and 89 in the steerage.
- July 25: Ship Susan G. Owens from Taleahuana. Thousands of bags of flour to J.W. Haddington. 2 horses, 1 mule to master. Passengers: Thos. Dodson; Fernando Ziban (Might be Zibar or Zibac); Juan Ismun; W.G. Colwell; and three in steerage.
- July 25: Danish Schooner Adeline, Captain Spofford, 54 days from Valparaiso, Chile. Cargo: Nuts, brooms, glassware, flour, dried peaches, barley, pickles and assorted merchandise. Passengers: Mr. Carlo Sozzi and wife; G. Olivari; J.J. Passans; A. Zaffa; A. Vandal; R. Breeserdelo.
- July 25: Kensington from New York. Her cargo included 128 bxs sperm candles, 250 bbls cement, 37,000 bricks, 50 bbls. Gallego flour, 270 kegs lard, 100 bbls double proof wine vinegar, 128 bbls clear mess pork, 176 bbls superior ham, 75 kegs pickels, 400,000 boards, 36 pkgs furniture, 50 pairs sashes, 50 doors. Consigned to F.C. Sanford. Passengers: E. Riddell; G.E. Wyman
- July 25: Bark Abby Baker from Baltimore. Boxes to Webb & Co.; J.B. George; J.G. Gabner (bales, and 50 boxes wines); Winter & Co; J.B. George; 250 boxes ale, 5 bbls, 131,955 feet lumber, 100,00 bricks to S.A. Sloan. Passenger: G. Seabury.
- July 25: Eliza Warwick, Captain Whiting, 183 days from Boston, Massachusetts, via Honolulu 29 days. Cargo: Cotton goods, 500 kegs pork, 100 kegs powder, 5 iron safes, 50 tons coal, 116,000 feet lumber, paint, apples, beans, hams, cheese, tongues, mattresses, pillows and assorted merchandise. Passengers: Mrs. an Mrs. J. Brewer; Mr. Hollister; Mr. Kay.
- July 28: Brig Ceres, Captain Clark, 228 days from Portland (probably Maine), via St. Thomas 172 days. On March 20, 1850 in lat 17-30N, long. 36-16W. On June 9, 1850 in lat 6-23N, long 97-59W. On June 30th in lat. 19-27N, long 166W. Cargo: Machinery for a steamboat, 30 pike pools, one workbench, 16 oars, 15,000 bricks, 120,000 feet lumber, 120,000 shingles, windows, doors and 480 barrels of mortar. Passengers: Mr. B. Jennings; J. Davis; D.H. Varmin; W.H. Moor; G. Williams; S.J. Proctor and lady; J.A. Card; C.A. Purinton; Orrin Waltze; J.D. Littlefield; H. Gibson; H.C. Kelsey.
- July 28: French barque Gustave, Captain Cels, 85 days from Panama, via Acapulco, Mexico, 42 days. Passengers: Miss E. Lemine; J.B. Nerman; G. Beach; N. Nause; Miss C. Chareton; H.O. Terrell; J. Reese; P. Trondriet; Miss J. Conslavo; M. Katz; J. Thomas; C. Koffman; H. Hedrick; P. Wayne; J. Cropsey; J. Buckner; J. Payne; F. Thomas; J. Stenwig; L. Steel; J. Delgolia; 90 unidentified in steerage.
- July 28: Bark Henry Kelsey. Captain Sampson. 153 days from Boston, Massachusetts. Cargo: 1 case perfume, 32 ladders, pork, tongues, hams, 12 stoves, sheathing metal, nails, putty, brooms, boots, stockings, 400 oars, pick axes and 92,979 feet of lumber. Passenger: Mr. F. W. Sampson.
- July 29: Schooner Providence, Captain Schultz, 279 days from New York, New York. Cargo: Not listed. Passengers: J. Tobzbu; H. Sloen; J. Davis; C. Cordes; P. Crabs; F. Heimokel (might be Heimakel).
- July 29: Swedish bark Antelope, Captain Lubel, 180 days from Gotenburg, Sweden, via Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (March 12, 1850) and Valparaiso, Chile (May 31, 1850). Cargo: 2169 boards, 600 battens, 6 spars, 17 dozen garden chairs, 3200 bricks. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan and child; Mrs. Chalebert.
- July 30: Barque America. Captain W.C. Lewis. From Baltimore, Maryland. 183 days from Baltimore with 51 boxes limes, 1 bale blankets, tomato catsup, 6 casks of oysters, 6 frame houses, cranberries, prime pork, pickles, dried fruit, hammocks, fancy paper and assorted goods. 3 passengers: Mr. H. B. Hill and lady; Miss Belt; William Hoop.
- July 30: Ship Saratoga, Captain Trask, ult Feb. from New York. Passenger List.
- July 30: British barque Agincourt, Captain Cumberland, 130 days from Adelaide, Australia. Cargo: Seven houses, 220 bags flour, 18,750 bricks, 1,500 feet of pine, 50 tons of coal, oats, hay and assorted goods. Passengers: Mr. Mackie and 116 unidentified in steerage.
- July 30: Ship Alexandrine of Baltimore, Walker, 180 days from Baltimore. 3 passengers, general cargo to master. Passengers: Mr. G N. Pacne, Mr. McKlanahan, Master Letz.
- July 31: British ship Carthagena of Liverpool. Captain Jones. 180 days from Liverpool. Cargo: 40 frames, nails, 800 feet (5 tons weight) of 2 iron houses, rope, winch, portable forge, punch press, 5 cook ranges, 4 safes, porter ale, hams, 20,150 building bricks and assorted merchandise. 14 passengers: Nathaniel Sylvester; Thomas Hall; William Edward Hall; Thomas Bancroft Jagger; Richard Hicks; John Whittall; John Henry Eden; Richard Jones; William Kenneth; Frank Mee; James Mee; William Borlase Pascoe; Andrew Kerr; William Fitzpatrick.
- July 31: Barque J. A. Jesuran, 29 days from Lahaina, Sandwich Islands. Cargo: 16 tons brown sugar, 1800 lbs loaf sugar, 4,000 lbs of crushed sugar, 2800 lbs ground coffee, 2 dozen shovels, syrup, molasses, 4,000 pumpkins and assorted goods. Passengers: J.W. Athon; P.W. Reed; J.C. Spalding and servant.
- July 31: Emily, Captain Cope, 167 days from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cargo:Assortment of chandeliers (gilted with pure California gold, made by Cunelieus & Company of Philadelphia), one fireproof chest, 2 scows, 2 boats, 7 water filters, settees, 10,000 cigars, one frame house (12x14, two story), 50 tons coal, rice, 12,000 single, oak lath, cement and assorted merchandise. Passengers: Mr. Josh Johns, Jr.; R.H. Clements; C.B. Moorhouse.
- July 31: Barque Helen M. Feidler of Baltimore. Captain not listed. 29 days from Mazatlan, Mexico with 32 crates onions and 12 crates oysters. 77 passengers: J.Y. McMaster; J. Dieter; T. Woolridge; J. Fontaine; F. Glasscock; R.H. Hall; L.M. Boyce; B.E. Boyce; J. Nash; C. Johnson; A. Home; J.H. Walburger; T. Piblu (Rasmussen questions spelling as Pibla); W.A. Mildolan, and 63 unindentified in steerage
- July (not sure of arrival date): Bark Antelope. Swedish. Captain Lubel. 180 days from Gothenburg, Sweden, via Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Valparaiso, Chile. 2169 boards, 600 battens, 6 spars, 17 dozen garden chairs, 3200 bricks. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan and child; Mrs. Chalebert.
- August 1: Ship Adirondack, Captain Gillespie, 200 days from New York, New York. On April 1, 1850, in lat 51-07S, long, 54W. On April 26, 1850, in lat. 56-56S, long. 78W. On May 23, 1850 in lat. 29-51S, long 85W. Cargo: Not listed. Passengers: Miss May Wall; James Neary; Mr. D. Drisgall; Mrs. Meakery.
- August 3: Catharine from 197 days from Baltimore, Maryland, Captain Edmonds. Cargo: 8 platform scales, boots, 400 boxes cider and ale, salmon, clothing, oyster, sauerkraut, one house, 100 bbls pork, cheese, lard, brandy, wine, champagne and assorted merchandise. Passengers: J.S. Ship; A.J. Daily; Dr. W. Pannell; ? Hoffman; 17 unidentified in steerage.
- August 3: British brig Broad Axe, Captain Lamb, 116 days from Adelaide, Australia. On June 18, 1850, in lat. 4-46N, long. 121-15W. Cargo: 90 bags flour, 3 bags sugar, 2 boxes soap and one box tea. Passengers: Mrs. Lamb and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Kirby; J. Opie and wife; A. Gorham and wife; R. Elford and wife; J. Smyth, wife and child; J. Sydenham and wife; J. Lincoln and wife; H. Barnes; J. Hayward; E. Hawkins; A. Tuskar; H. Howell; J. Haldam; J. Olliver; C. Cood; E. Cow; A. Dagetier; R. Kirby; W. Hughes and wife; J. Davis; G. Webb; G.W. Cock; J. Snow; H. Carroll; J. Phenix and wife; W. Phoenix (Note: One of the Phenix/Phoenix spellings may be incorrect); Miss M. Smith; M. Dallett; J. Preston; W. Green; G. Fawcett; J. Clark; J. Jones; C. Davis; T. Long; A. Callis; J. Gay and wife; P. Kerion; A. Fitzgerald; J. Ladrigan; R. Bawl; H. Herbert; 29 unidentified in steerage.
- August 3: British brig Lawson, Captain Ewart. 85 days from Lauceston, Van Dieman's Land. Cargo: Not noted. Passengers: J. Brown; P. Kingsbury; C.C. Lett; Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Upton; H.C. Wood. Note: vessel also listed as Lawsons.
- August 3: Barque Alpha, Captain Porter, 169 days from New York, New York. Cargo: Not listed. Passengers: W. Van Arsdale and lady; M. Martinsdale; J. Linley; J.T. Barr; D. Gilles; J. Corton; S.B. Sewell; W. Patridge; J. Higgins; C. Morse; R.H. Hopkins; C. Moore; D. Simons; ? Sandford; ? Shearer; 14 unidentified in the forecabin.
- August 3: Brig Eliza Taylor, Captain Eldridge, 144 days from Boston, Massachusetts. Cargo: One complete house, 8 cases India rubber goods, one wagon, umbrellas, 3000 pickets, 63 bbls pork, candles, shoes, ten cases crackers, pickles, vinegar, windows, 52,900 shingles and assorted goods. Passenger: C.O. Riley
- August 4: Schooner Laura Bevans, 97 tons, built 1849 in Talbot Co., Maryland. Sailed December 18, 1849 from Baltimore, Maryland. Captain Ridgeway. Arrived in 175 days via Straits of Magellan. On July 24, 1850, in lat 29-51N, long 136W, the Laura Bevan reports that at Port Gallant, on April 18, 1850, two British barks were bound for the Bering Straits to search for Sir John Franklin. Cargo: Not noted. Passenger: Philip Sandford.
- August 4: British barque John Calvin, Captain M'Causland, 200 days from London, England. On July 17, 1850, in lat. 28N, long. 137W. Cargo: 27 cases metal houses, 2 ventilators, 76 pkgs wooden houses, 24 frying pans, 24 cases iron houses, 180 kegs of color, 21 cases cordials, 92 cases pickles, 265 cases of brandy and assorted goods. Passengers: Sir Henry Huntley; R. Homfray; ? Heinzelmann; Thorton Conn;Mr. J. Pendray (or Pondray); J.H. Beer; W.R. Breece; Mrs. Wilson; J.R. Ogle; C. Pindon; C. Fitzpatrick; Dr. Barlow; Miss Scott; 89 unidentified in steerage.
- August 5: British barque Ralph Thompson, Captain Atkinson, 88 days from Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land. Cargo: 334 casks ale, 939 bags salt, 2150 boxes potatoes, 50 tons coal, 132 trusses hay, 1 horse, 8 pigs, 14,000 shingles, barley, oats and lumber. Passengers: Mr. R. Collard; William Barnes.
- August 5: Brig Lowell, Captain Schander. 166 days from New York. Cargo: Not noted. Passengers: C.S. Bane; H. Durbin; Z. Gaston; S.B. Kreenda; P. Langley; F.C. Kline; H. Johnson; I. Mauck; Isaac Meyers; Slottger; J.A. Routy; A. Thomas; E. Williams; J.C. Wilson; C.M. Wilson; C.M. Wilson (two C.M. Wilson's are listed).
- August 6: Brig John Kendall, Captain Boyd, 170 days from New York via Callao, Peru 52 days. On July 13, 1850, in lat. 15-30N, long. 120W. Cargo: 110,000 feet lumber, 125 bbls cement, 7 bales of hair and 17,000 shingles. Passengers: Martin Cowl; Sam Cowl; Charles Manning.
- August 15: Mining Company bark San Francisco, 268 tons, built 1849 in Cumberland, Maine. Sailed from Beverly, Mass, August 15, 1849 under command of T. Redmonds with 40 passengers. Arrived 149 days later via Cape Horn and Valparaiso. Traded with Manila, used as a storeship and ultimately wrecked.
- August 15: Barque Florida, Captain Barron, 137 days from New Orleans, Louisiana. Cargo: One steam engine, 11 barrels oysters, 5 boilers, 40,000 ft. lumber, 12 barrels soap and assorted goods in tine plate, clothing, iron, gin, ale, glassware and cherries. Passengers: J. Cutter; W. Erkans; J.C. Franklin; R.C. Hopkins; J. Jourdan; G.H. Labertelle; C. Magrader; J. Raymond; Mr. M.C. Rice and lady; Mr. W. R. Richardson; Mr. W. J. Richardson; J. Smith; E.J. White; Mr. J.J. White and lady
- August 15: Barque Montgomery, Captain Myers, 21 days from Lahaina, Sandwich Islands. Cargo: 100,000 oranges and 1,000 gallons lime juice. Passengers: J. Anderson; G. Bilbrough; Thomas Carley; George Fox; Willian Hingram; Dexter Howard; Mr. H. Thompson
- August 27: Ship Christiana, Captain Hammond. 148 days from New York. 23 ps -- consigned to master.
- August 27: Ship Corea, Captain Prentis. 168 days from New London. 3 ps -- consigned to master.
- August 27: Barque Niagara, Captain Jarvis. 165 days from Boston. 5 ps -- consigned to C. Wright, the owner, on board.
- August 27: Hawaiian Brig Keoni Ana, Captain Indart. 75 days from Callao. Seymour & Co.
- August 27: Brig Reindeer, Captain Flowers. 161 days from Belfast. 3 ps -- consigned to master.
- August 27: British barque Jane Tudor, Captain Evans. 177 days from Liverpool. 25 ps -- consigned to Starkey, Janion & Co.
- August 27: Schooner Catherine, Captain Gill. 12 hours from wreck of brig Marshall from Malaga. To Green & Morgan.
- September 15, 1851: Brig Columbus, Domett, 34 days from Mazatlan. 20 passengers. To Sweetzer, Hutchings & Co.
- September 15: American steamship Columbia, A. V. Leroy, 38 hours from Astoria, Oregon. 15 passengers to E. Knight.
- September 19: Ship John Marshall. Captain Hardy. 180 days from Baltimore, Maryland via Valparaiso, Chile. Cargo: 2 fire engines, 6 wagons, 40 cases ham, 50,000 shingles, 140 boxes of stoves, 50,000 bricks, 130,000 feet lumber. Passengers: Mr. J.S. Emery, J.P. Jones, Mr. G. D. Chappel, Mr. J.S. Hess, Mr. J. Brommell, Mr. J.A. Lopez, Mr. J. Watt, Mr. W. Gould.
- September 30: Barque Primoguet. French. Captain Komawra. 283 days from New York via Montevideo, Uruguay and Valparaiso, Chile. Cargo: 3 scows, marine paint, 15 bales oakum, 75 packages furniture, 2 pianofortes, cheese, 1 anchor, cider, claret wine, black pepper, salt, lard, mess pork, lumber, bricks, cement and assorted goods. A large portion of cargo was transferred from the condemned ship "Solon" at Montevideo. Passengers included George Buckam, William Richard, Stephen B. Hule, Daniel E. Martin, Alexander Richard, Joseph E. Penney.
- October 5: Schooner Naomi, 99 tons, built 1848 at Baltimore, Maryland. Sailed December 4, 1849 from Baltimore under command of Captain Janvier with eight crew and two passengers: Mr. E. R. Halliday and J. Balster. Arrived in San Francisco in 304 days via Straits of Magellan and Talcahuano, Chile, 65 days. Cargo: 10 tins biscuit; 2,000 bricks; 6 bbls vinegar; butter; lard; molasses; sour kraut; cider; rice; apples and assorted goods.
- October 5: Ship Victoria. 175 days from Boston via Valparaiso, Chile. Captain Wattington. Passengers: Miss E. Marles; Mr. J. Ward; Mr. J. Angel; Mr. J. Bail. Cargo: 150 ton coal; 7 houses; glassware; cider; nails; pork; beef; saleratus; galvanized iron; lath and furniture.
- October 7: Ship Fanny. British. Captain Hindinarsh. 210 days from Liverpool via Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, St. May and Valparaiso, Chile. Cargo: 9 houses, 60 tons coal, 170 jars lime, 20 tons slates, 3 carts, 52 pairs bellows, 58 frying pans and assorted goods. Passengers: Mr. R. Price, Mr. R. Barker and 4 unidentified in steerage.
- October 5: Barque Ellen Noyes. Captain Lewis. 165 days from Boston, Massachusetts, via Talcahuano, Chile, 58 days. Cargo: 2 steam engines and appurtenances; 100 tons coal; 46,550 bricks; 236,281 feet lumber; white lead; lime; cheese; free stone; oil cloth, scales; codfish and assorted goods. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Bridges and child; H.A. Chamberlin; J. R. Coulbern; J. Fiffreld; J. M. Guild; A.H. Jockman; J. M. Menrand; N. Pearcy; A. Phing; D. Piecy; C. A. Rice and lady; D. W. Shattock; D. Waterman.
- October 10: Brig A. W. Havner, Staples. 170 ds from Prospect, Maine, via Valparaiso. 38 passengers. Consigned to master.
- October 10: Brig. A. W. Havner, Staples, 170 days from Prospect, Maine via Valparaiso. 38 passengers. Consigned to master.
- British barque Amity Hall, Johnston, 84 days from Hobart Town. Consigned to Mackenzie & Thompson. 4 passengers: Mrs. Locke and two children, W. Bates and T. Hull.
- October 10: Ship Albania, Crowell, 190 days fromNew York via Valparaiso, 55. 3 passengers. Consigned to master.
- Barque Cumberland. Emery. 170 days from Boston. Consigned to master.
- October 10; Brig Juno, Byron. 96 days from Lahaina, S.I. (Sandwich Islands). 2 passengers: T. King, J.B. La Mar. Consigned to master.
- October 11: British barque McDonald. Captain Abbot. 170 days from Liverpool, England, via Valparaiso, Chile, 57 days. Cargo: 13 iron houses; 140 tons coal; 19,000 fire bricks; 110 bdls sheet iron; 13 pkgs iron bedsteads; 3 cases hair mattresses; one boiler; 2 iron cisterns and assorted goods. Passengers: M. Desportes; J. Wisey; C. Cushbeck and 15 unidentified in steerage.
- October 20: Ship Medora. Captain Hammer. 170 days from Charleston, South Carolina, via Valparaiso, Chile. Cargo: Smoked and pickled tongues, 164,000 ft. lumber, 67,000 shingles, preserved meats, candles, brandy, butter, nails, pickled onions, flour, cheese and assorted goods. Passengers: J.W. Kinloch, lady and child; Mrs. Seville; James McNamee; Miss Anna Deighton and 3 unidentified in steerage.
- October 23: Schooner Maria. Captain Hobromm. 18 days from Atoi, Sandwich Islands. Cargo: 18,000 oranges, 6 pipes whale oil, 1 case silks, 775 bags coffee, 134 bbls. molasses, tea and assorted goods. Passengers: Captain James Upton, W. Robinson, S. Smith.
- October 26, Daily Alta California: The ship Cabot, which sailed from this port some time since, reached Acapulco in distress, and was subsequently condemned. Her passengers Her passengers were left to find thier way to Panama as they best might.
From the Daly Alta California, November 22, 1850
- November 10: Ship Shakespeare. Captain Clarke. 272 days from New York, via St. Thomas and Valparaiso, Chile. Cargo: 24 frame houses, 1 box books, 6 cases stationery, 26 packages umbrellas, 1 case clocks and weights, 200 tons coal, 50 bbls fruit, 92,756 lumber and assorted goods. Passengers: Mr. E. Harrison; Mr. G. Jensen; Mr. W.H. Nesbitt; Dr. J. Davenport; Mr. P.S. Peterson; Mr. S. Nesbitt, Jr.; Mr. G. Gibson; Mr. T. O'Farrell.
- December: NAVAL. ARRIVAL OF THE U.S. BRIG DOLPHIN.-- The U.S. brig Dolphin, from a cruise around the world of thirty-nine months, arrived at New Orleans in the middle of June (1851). The Dolphin sailed from China on the 22d of July, 1850, for San Francisco, touching at Manila, Borneo, and the Sandwich Islands. She left San Francisco on the 18th of December (1850), Valparaiso on the 28th of March, and Rio Janeiro on the 12th of May, from which port she made the passage to New York in forty-four days. She left New York in May, 1848. The officers report that the fever had greatly abated at Rio when they left.
- December 22: Ship Margaret. British. Captain Ord. 162 days from Liverpool, England. Cargo: 2 gold washing machines, 1 iron store, 1 iron house, 1 steam engine, 3155 pieces cast and wrought iron, 4 cases framed pictures, 2 fire engines, bricks, felt, whiskey, 151 trusses hay, 1 boat, French wine, butter and assorted goods.
- December 31: British barque Balmoral, Captain Pryde, 70 days from Sydney, Australia, via Honolulu (16 days). Made an extraordinary short passage from New South Wales of 53 sailing days notwithstanding she was within 100 miles of San Francisco the last four days. Cargo: 2 kegs acid, 157 mats, 46 bbls soap, 150 cheeses, candles, butter, paper, 18 cartons cigars, lemon syrup, iron bedsteads, 146 tons coal, rope and curry powder. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and six children; W. Hart; Dr. Hutchinson; Mrs. Dillon; Mr. Cameron; Mr. Beadsley; Mr. Bradshaw; James Doherty; James Duffey; Miss Wilmington; Mrs. Williamson; Mr. Folk; Mr. Longfield; Mr. Cuthbert.