Passengers at the Port of San Francisco: 1800s
SS Moses Taylor
Arrive San Francisco
November 8, 1863
SS Moses Taylor
Captain James H. Blethen
From Panama
Daily Alta California, October 29, 1863
THE OPPOSITION LINE OF STEAMERS. The steamship Illinois, of Messrs. M.O. Roberts & Co.s opposition line of steamers, left New York on the 3d inst., with a sufficient number of passengers to fill the smaller vessel Moses Taylor at Panama. The agents of the Illinois were compelled to reject a very large number of applications for passage. The vessels of this line will probably be re-transferred to the Nicaragua route early in January. The Moses Taylor is not expected here before the 5th proximo. The following is the list of passengers who left by the Illinois.
Daily Alta California, November 8, 1863
The steamship Moses Taylor, arrived at half-past-nine P.M. yesterday. Her passenger list was published in the Alta of October 29th. The following is her
The Steamship Moses Taylor, James H. Blethen, Commander, arrived in this port November 8th, with eight hundred passengers. We are indebted to the Purser for the following particulars of the voyage: The steamer left Panama on the 20th of last month, after receiving her passengers and freight from the Panama Railroad Company, by means of the steam tender Flamingo, owned by said company. At Panama, the United States vessels St. Mary and Saignaw were lying.
At Taboga, where the steamship stopped for water, she fell in with the English sloop-of-war Charyldis. At Acapulco, she found the U.S. storeship Farallones and the ship National, which last was about to sail for Callao. The passengers and crew have in general enjoyed excellent health, and no deaths have occurred, since the Illinois left New York.
The Alta California reported: "She arrived half past nine oclock last evening and has on board $1,000,000 in Legal Tenders, and $50,000 in Stamps, consigned to D.W. Chessman." Because they were referring to the Moses Taylor as being seen by the St. Louis, its unclear as to which ship was carrying the Tenders and Stamps.
Note: While the Alta stated that the full passenger list was printed in their October 29 issue, the following are the only names on that list.
Allen, James
Anthony, Lewis
Bar, David, wife and sister
Bowrey, J. and wife
Bowry, L. and wife
Boygan, Mrs. and child
Boygen, Mrs.
Buckett, H. L. and wife
Butterworth, G. E. and niece
Cahill, Mr.
Calvert, H.
Calvert, Mrs. I. and two children
Campbell, C. C. and wife
Carol, A. S.
Caw, S. and lady
Chamberlain, Jas.
Chamberlain, Mrs. J.
Cohen, S.
Cohn, Dr. David
Compton, M.
Curtis, J.S. and niece
Darling, Mr.
Darling, S.J.
Davy, C.
Ehlers, J.
Elkus, S.
Falconer, C.
Falkner, Frederick
Fletcher, Mrs.
Frohmann, Miss Emily
Geib, G. H.
Griswold, Mrs. Jane
Harris, A. W., wife and four children
Hedges, G. W.
Henchman, Miss N.
Hogan, Mrs. C. A.
Holdgree, S. M.
Holland, H. W.
Huchboy, Mrs. L.
Hughes, Miss E.
Johnson, Mrs.
Johnson, Mrs. M.
Latimer, P.
Livingston, A.
Love, S.
Macy, H.
McBride, Mrs. J. R.
Meyer, D.
Miller, F.
Miller, Miss M. E.
Miller, Mrs. J. A. and sister
Miller, Mrs. J. S. and two children
Mogle, Miss M.
Mogle, Mrs. and child
Moore, P. D. and children
Morrison, P. T.
Mowe, Mrs. and child
Nash, C. and wife
Nichols, Miss M.
Peck, R.
Prior, L.
Prior, Mrs. E.
Reed, Mrs. and daughter
Reese, Mrs. and three daughters
Reick, C. C.
Robinson, C. F.
Schmad, Mrs.
Scott, H. and wife
Scott, Mrs. S. and family
Searle, Allen
Sewine, Mrs. S. and sister
Shaw, E.W.
Sherwood, Mr.
Sherwood, Mrs. and child
Silvester, Emily J.
Smith, Cynthia
Spaulding, G.
Spaulding, Mrs. and child
Stanholp, Mrs. A.
Stephen, Albert
Stewart, Miss M.
Strombug, Rev. Niles
Supple, Miss A.
Van Arnam, Miss
Van Arnam, Mrs.
Van Winkle, E.
Van Winkle, Miss C.
Wilkinson, J., wife and child
Williams, J., wife and child
Williams, Miss C.
Williams, Mrs. and two children
Wise, Miss V.
October 29, 1864, Sacramento Daily Union
Followup to the Above Sailing
Tine Cause Why. The following are the circumstances, as given by the Bulletin, under which the late judgment of $10,000 damages was given in San Francisco:
Graham took passage for himself, wife and child on board the Company's steamer Illinois, last November with the understanding that there would be a close connection at Panama. Just before arriving at Aspinwall, he learned for the first time that there would be a delay on the Isthmus, which lasted some six or seven days. During that time he contracted a fever from exposure to the warm climate. The family were taken on board the Moses Taylor at Panama in small, uncomfortable boats, and compelled to remain in the damp on the hurricane deck of the Moses Taylor until one o'clock at night before they could get a stateroom, and then there were in it two narrow berths for himself and wife, and no place for his child to sleep. Before a place couldi be provided, his boy took cold from his first night's exposure on the hurricane deck which terminated in acute bronchitis. The food and the accommodations on shipboard were abominable. It was under these circumstances they landed here, and in view of them the above suit was commenced, which has terminated in so satisfactory a manner to the plaintiff.