Passengers arriving at the Port of San Francisco
SS Oregon
Arrive San Francisco
August 5, 1853
SS Oregon
Captain Leroy
From Panama
Daily Alta California, August 6, 1853, San Francisco
From the Atlantic States and Europe.Nine Days Later from New Orleans
Foreign News Only Thirty-Six Days Old.
The P.M.S. Oregon, Captain Leroy, arrived yesterday evening, sixteen days from Panama, with two hundred and fifty passengers, and the mails from the Atlantic.
The Oregon brings late dates as follows: From Liverpool, June 29; from New York, July 10; from New Orleans, July 14; from Mexico City and Panama, July 20. The roads upon the Isthmus, the Purser states, were in good condition, and the state of the health excellent for this period of the year.
The following memoranda is from the Purser of the Oregon:
P.M. steamer Oregon, A.V.H. Leroy, Esq., Commander, sailed from Panama Bay July 20th, at half-past 7 P.M., with 250 passengers, mails. etc. Touched at Acapulco on the 27th and sailed same day. There was no vessel of any description in port when the Oregon left Acapulco - a rare occurrence. The steamship John L. Stephens touched at Acapulco, 6 days and 18 hours from San Francisco, having made way ports. She sailed thence same day. Her time has seldom been equalled. All well on board. Touched at San Diego and Monterey; saw the Northerner coming out of the former port. The Oregon has made a fine run of 15 days. Passengers all healthy, no deaths or sickness occurring since leaving New York and New Orleans. On Friday, 22d, John Dawson, seaman, from Quebec, aged 50 years, was lost overboard. Made the run from San Diego in forty-six hours.
Adams & Co. were first to furnish us with the Atlantic papers, immediately followed by Wells, Fargo & Co. and Berford & Co.
The news is no later, except from New Orleans, our dates via Mexico reaching to the 14th ult. An epitome of the intelligence will be found below. No mail bag for California having been sent from New Orleans by the Texas steamship which left New Orleans on the 14th at 8 A.M., the agent of the Mexican Ocean Mail and Inland Co., at Vera Cruz, made up a package of latest newspaper dates, which furnishes us the news referred to. We are indebted to Mr. Davis, the Purser of the Oregon for the delivery of our files.
Not noted. Delivered to Bolton, Bayron & Co.; Gaime, Guillemot & Co; White & Wilson; Levy & Co.; C.C. Adkins; Pick & Co.; McKinlay, Garrloch & Co.; Perry & Cutter; and others.
Allen, Charles
Anther, F.
Atkinson, H.
Atkinson, Thos
Aubrey, Miss A.
Barraw, W. E.
Beader, Caroline
Benty, D.
Berri, M.
Binder, B.
Bird, Edwin
Blacker, W.
Bogardus, J. and lady
Bowden, Mrs. E.
Bower, James
Brainard, W.
Brothers Montezubia, Feliciana Sequiro
Brown, H.E.
Brown, Peter
Bryant, A. J.
Cadwalader, G.
Caldwell, Jno
Campbell, John
Carabasa, Gregoria
Carior, George
Carphey, Wm
Carroll, Frank
Carroll, Wm. And lady
Chomboy, Eleanor
Clark, Maret
Clark, Rose
Comens, L.
Conden, Michl.
Conroy, P. H.
Crowell, M. H.
Daguere, D.
Daniels, J. R.
Dartors, Madame
Desier, Mad
Dinsmore, W. H.
Donly, Peter
Douglas, D. R.
Downs, George
Dozler, E. M.
Drake, Mrs. Mary
Dummer, Capt. S. R.
Dunn, John M.
Dunn, Mrs.
Dunscomb, E.
Ellis, Lewis
Ellis, Mrs. and son
Ensabia, Str
Erle, Jno
F der, J. M. (Might be Foder, Fider. Letter seems to be missing.)
Fisher, M.
Fitzsimmons, John
Foege, T.
Fried, G.
Frowd, Jas
Fuller, H. and E.
Galvaser, M.
Geiluff, H.
Goldberry, M.
Grave, Elij
Gross, Emile
Gross, M.
Ha e, J. W. (Might be Hale, Hane, Hase, anything)
Hagan, Mrs. O. and son
Hagothy, John
Hammond, Dr. Wm..
Hangman, J.
Hansett, Jno
Harris, Wm J.
Henderson, Mrs. lien (Might be Alien, Silen, anything)
Hines, B. J.
Hoanah, Wm. (Difficult to read. Might be anything)
Hogan, Ellsworth
Holcomb, H.
House, Isabella
Irving, David and lady
Irwin, W. M.
Isaacson, B.
Jackson, Mrs. E.
Jones, Wm
Kelly, J. J.
Kimmon, J. G.
Lane, Michael
Langdon, J. H.
Lanigan, Step (Difficult to read. Might be Lanigall, Lanigab)
Lendrum, J. H.
Lewis, Charles
Little, Geo
Lomax, Thos
Long, J. D.
Lumsden, Jno (Might be Lumden, Lumdon, Lumlden)
Mahan, J. W.
Manelli, D.
Mar eli, D. (Might be Marlelli, or even another Manelli as it follows that name on the list)
Margura, Geo
Matsell, H. O.
Mazini, John
McDeit, M.
McKee, Tho
McKegby, Hugh
McKenzie, Jno
McLane, Jno
McNally, Jno
Menger, Mrs. and infant
Monitz, J.
Moore, Robert
Morrell, Mrs. and son
Morse, Gen
Murphy, Jas
Murray, H. C.
Myrick, Mrs.
Nagbaur, H.
Naumdum, C. A.
Niegrench, M.
Noa, Jacob
Norris, Alex
O Brien, Mich
Oakley, James
Pa den, R. (Might be Parden, Pawden, Pasden, anything
Parker, H.
Peirce, Alex
Pensell, W. W.
Peyton, Mary
Pinehard, M.
Pock. L.
Raies, Joseph
Randloff, J.
Reddell, Robert
Reeve, Mrs. and two Misses Reeves
Regan, Thomas
Riley, Jane
Robertson, W. S.
Roer, D.
Rogers, James
Rogers, Jos
Ryan, Lawrence
Salari, D.
Schrader, F.
Scott, H. C.
Selkirk, Jno
Selmar, F.
Shenifer, M.
Simmons, Jno
Simon, Fred
Smith, R. H.
Stephenson, Wm
Strong, A.
Talton, Thomas
Thompson, John B.
Thorworth, Geo
Tiehler, H.
Topping, A.
Tower, Major
Trainer, M.
Ublemiah, F. (Might be Uhlemiah)
Vallette, Madame
VanBever, P. T.
Waldron, J.
Werner, Jacob
Wetz, Geo (Seems to be a letter missing. Might be Wertz, Wentz)
Whitney, Mrs. and Miss
Wiseman, M.
Woods, H.