Passengers arriving at the Port of San Francisco
Arrive San Francisco
July 20, 1850
SS Oregon
Captain Patterson
From Panama
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, Monday Morning, July 22, 1850
The California Question! -- Cuban Expedition!
Cholera in Mexico! -- Interesting Intelligence!
The U.S. Mail Steamship Oregon, Capt. Patterson, was telegraphed last evening at 6 o'clock. She came up the bay in beautiful style, with great speed, her decks crowded with passengers kept off beyond Rincon Point, rounded to and dropped anchor just outside the steamship Unicorn.
As it was Sunday evening, and a leisure time, every boat which could be procured was called into requisition, and the water teemed with the fragile craft.
The Oregon left Panama on the evening of the 2d inst., having been detained two days on account of the mails.
She made the passage up in nineteen days, inclusive of stoppages - her running time being sixteen days. She brings a large mail, letter and newspaper, in charge of Major McLean, U.S. Mail Agent.
There were upwards of 1,000 persons remaining on the Isthmus, when the Oregon left, awiatin passage to this port.
We are happy to learn that although the rainy season had set in it was healthy.
The Oregon brings up 317 passengers, six of whom are ladies. Among the list of passengers we notice the names of C. Bunker, Esq., American Consul to the Sandwich Islands, and M. Dillon, Consul-General from the Republic of France to San Francisco; and also the family of Lt. Gov John Mcdougal, and several returned Californians.
The Oregon reports that at Acapulco the report was prevalent that the Cholera was raging to a fearful extent in the interior; and that in the City of Mexico alone, during the month of June, the mortality from that frightful disorder had reached twelve thousand. The Sarah Sands left Acapulco off the 4th instant on her downward trip - all well.
The long looked for steamers New Orleans , Northerner, West Point, W.J. Pease, and Republic had not arrived at Panama when the Oregon left.
The California was spoken on the 11st at 10 P.M., all well.
The Oregon saw a steamer at anchor at San Luis Obispo supposed to be the Chesapeake.
Two of the Oregon's passengers died on the trip: Wm. H. Halsted and Wm. R. Roraty.
$139,900 in specie and assorted merchandise.
Abrahams, D.
Adams, J.
Adams, R.
Ajuria, Mr.
Alden, J.
Allen, B.
Allen, W. G.
Almy, Colonel
Ames, J. J.
Annan, J. L.
Arnold, N.S.
Ashley, D.R.
Aubeck, A.
Ball, J. M.
Bancroft, Mr.
Barker, J.P.
Barry, F. E.
Bell, Mrs.
Benjamine, F. A.
Birch, Mrs.
Blake, P.H.
Bolen, J.L. (Difficult to read. Possibly Buten)
Bonnine, E.J.
Bonnine, L.
Bracket, L.
Brineville, M.
Broff, M.
Bunker, C. and son
Burnap, J.
Butler, C.S.
Butler, O.R.
Byrnes,, M.
Carman, S.
Carrington, W.
Carter, H.
Carter, W.T.
Case, J.
Charter, J.
Chazel, P.A.
Cheasy, C.
Childress, T.J.
Childress, W.J.
Clark, James
Clark, M.
Clifford, Mr. and servant
Cohn, J.
Cohn, L.
Colt, J.E.
Conelly, D.N.
Cooms, A.G.
Cooper, Capt. J.
Corlies, F.
Crandell, O.L.
Creighton, J.
Crobit, Mrs.
Cross, C.
Cross, E.W.
Davis, J.R.
De La Croix, P.
De La Hunt, Mr.
Decevioas, J. (Rasmussen notes spelling as Decivious)
Demming, B.
DePuig, J.
Dickerman, J.
Dillon, , lady and two servants
Doe, C.A.
Doe, G.W.
Doe, Z.N.
Donohoe, J.
Douglas, D.F.
Drury, J.
Dubois, A.
Echeguren, M.
Eddy, A.
Edes, R.A.
Eigelfreat, J.
Elliott, J.
Ellis, H.A.
Evans, W.
Eytinge, M.S.
Fallon, J.
Faricher, J.J.
Farmington, A.
Fields, Mr.
Fields, Mrs.
Fitch, (Difficult to read. Might be Fugh, although Fitch is more likely)
Fitch, Mrs., sister and child
Fitton, Mr.
Foucher, J.J. and servant
Fraser, A.
Gabilot, E.
Galley, H.
Gardner, Mr.
Gaston, J.M.
Gilman, W.E.
Givan, A.
Givans, (This spelling is correct. Givan and Givans are not listed nearby each other on the passenger list)
Glass, J.A.
Goodman, W.
Goodwin, C.T.
Graff, J.
Graff, P.
Granbergh, D. (This spelling is as typed on the Alta's lists, as is the following - one may be in error)
Graubergh, C. .
Graves, W.D.
Gray, J.
Gray, Mr. and servant
Greaves, J.S.
Gregoria, A.
Guy, A.
Hall, J.F.
Hall, J.T.
Hall, Joseph
Halstead, H.
Hamberger, A.
Hamilin, D.C.
Hanigas, H.
Hare, M.
Harris, H.
Harris, W.N.
Harrison, A.M.
Harvey, R.H.
Havens, S.
Hay, Mr.
Hayden, R.
Hayes, N.
Hayward, A.
Haze, E.
Hicken, J.
Hicken, W.
Hofflin, N.
Holman, G.W.
Holmes, Leroy
Hoogland, J.
Hope, T.
Horton, L.
Hough, J.
Houghton, H.
Ingraham, C.
Jamison, J.
Johns, Mr.
Jones, E.H.
Jones, N.
Jones, W.S.
Kelmne, George
Kickham, W.
Kilgour, George
Killard, W.H.
King, J.W.
Kirby, T.C.
Kirk, A.
Kohl, C.H.
Laidley, J.
Lake, D.
Lamarque, F.
Lander, J.
Lane, Charles
Lawrence, Mr.
LeCompte, Mr.
Leese, Mr.
Lehman, J.
Leighton, James C. and lady
Lewis, Robt
Leyva, Paul
Lockwood, A.
Ludley, W.
Magehan, D.A.
Mailliard, A.
Mandine, J.
Mangay, E. (Possibly Manguy)
Marks, H.
Marshall, J.L.
Marsten, J.
Martin, P.W.
Martin, W.S.
Mason, P.
Mathe, H.
Maza, F.
McCall, J.
McCoy, A.
McDouglas, Mrs. John, child and nurse
McLaughlin, J.
McMahon, Mr.
McNulty, Mr.
Miller, G.
Miller, M.
Moon, Mr.
Morey, Mr.
Murphy, O.
Nicholson, A.A.
Padilla, Mr.
Palen, M.
Parent, A.
Parker, H.T.
Peacock, J. and servant
Pearce, O.
Perkins, E.G.
Perkins, J.L.
Perry, G.K.
Perry, S.B.
Pickard, J.
Prior, P.F.
Pritchard, S.
Prothin, J.C.
Quackenbush, T.M.
Ramirez, L.F. and two ladies
Rhodes, G.H.
Rhodes, Z.
Riley, J.E.M.
Rivero, A.
Roberts, S.
Rodrigues, Mr. F.
Ronley, R. and son
Rosenstock, S.
Rounsville, J.P.
Sargeant, L.
Savage, A.
Seaton, F.
Seay, G.W.
Seckweel, S.
Seely, J.A.
Sepuldiva, Mr.
Serad, J.C.
Seuac, F.
Sexton, Mr. and servant
Seymour, G.W.
Shaw, J.E.
Shaw, Thomas
Sheldon, J.
Sherman, A.T.
Sherwood, F.
Simon, Victor
Sinsheimer, Mr.
Smith, G.W.
Smith, J.J.
Smith, J.W.
Smith, W.M. and servant
Smith. A.
Snyder, J.R.
Spalding, E.
Span, A.B.
Spinney, J.
Stewart, G.
Stinger, M.
Stinger, P.
Swain, A.
Thomas, H.M.
Trimble, W.H.
Tripp, D.
Troutman, D.
Tubbs, A.L.
Turnbull, J.
Vail, A.
Verasien, A.
Wainwright, A.
Walker, W.
Waterman, B.H.
Watson, Mr.
Webster, B.
Weill, A.
Weiller, S.
Weister, J.
Welch, H.
Wetherwax, G.
Wheelwright, Dr.
Williams, J.D.C.
Willis, W.H.
Wilson, C.C.
Withers, D.D.
Withers, J.
Wood, A.P.
Woodman, C.
Wright, M.N.
Wyeth, E.P.
Young, J.E.