Passengers arriving at the Port of San Francisco
Arrive San Francisco
September 19, 1851
SS New Orleans
Captain Ralston
From Panama
18 days from Panama, via Acapulco 9 days. 200 passengers.
To master.Passengers
Abrahams, M.
Addir, J.
Andrews, Mrs. A. C. and child
Aspinet, G.
Babbitt, N. M.
Babbitt, W. G.
Bartholomew, Mrs. and child
Baten, S.
Baten, W.
Batiste, J.
Beaver and lady
Berry, B. L.
Bicouti, P.
Blanchard, A.
Blythe, J. F.
Bone, A.
Bowen, A.
Bowers, Mrs.
Bradley, M.
Bray, Dan
Brown, James
Browning, A.
Browning, D.
Bunhon, J. L.
Burns, M.
Campbell, G. H.
Clarke, S.
Colby, T.
Cole, W.
Cooper, W. G.
Copeland, J. W.
Craner, Judge and lady
Croak, Mr., lady and child
Crow, D.
Cucho, C. and lady
Cupp, L.
Davids, M.
Davis, J.
Davis, N. J.
Doane, D.
Dor, A. M.
Farrell, H.
Fish, E. N.
Fleming, P.
Fortsch, L.
Freeman, S. D.
Gibson, M.
Glazier, J.
Graham, B.
Gusty, John
Gusty, P.
Hall, A.
Hall, C.
Hall, C. (Two passengers named C. Hall listed; they are not together on the list)
Hall, H.
Hall, J.
Hall, T.
Hallett, H.
Hanegan, J.
Harley, Mrs.
Harris, H.
Harris, H. A.
Hawkins, B.
Hays, W.
Hildred, H.
Hopkins, B.
Hopkins, H.
Houston, R. T.
Hupp, P.
Hutchinson, Judge
Imgrinnit, J.
Ives, James
Jackson, W.
Jenkins, R. E.
Johnson, W.
Jonjow, Mrs.
Jorden, Mr.
Kelly and lady
Kelly, T.
Krattiger, J.
Lappier, L.
Lasher, E. M.
Latkens, Mrs.
Lee, F.
Lesho, L.
Levy, W.
Lewis, J.
Lewis, Mrs. E.
Lilly, Mrs. C.
Lopy, C.
Machella, M.
Maire, Mrs. E.
Mann, C.
Mason, Mr.
McCabe, T.
McCarty, J.
McClamson, T.
McLaughlin, M.
McLean, T.
McNabb, R.
Metcalf, M. W.
Meyer, Mrs. and two children
Morgan, L.A.
Morrell, E.
Murray, T.
Murray, T. and lady
Nodd, D.
O Niel, H.
Palmer, C.C.
Parcells, A. and son
Patrick, Mr.
Paul, E. S.
Pela, E.
Perrior, Mrs.
Phillipe, H.
Platt, T.
Possa, F.
Pryo, A.
Quimby, R.
Reilly, Mr. and lady
Rice, B. and lady
Richmond, E.
Robinson, J.
Rogers, E.
Rollins, Mr. C. W. and child
Schutzer, H.
Scott, B. F.
Scott, T.
Shell, A. and lady
Smith, B. A.
Smith, J.
Spencer, John
Steel, J.
Stoddard, A.
Strout, Mr., and lady
Tobias, S.
Trass, A.
Van Houston,
Way, Ellen
Welch, P. and son
Whalen, D.
Wilhum, R.
Wilkinson, lady and three children
Williamson, A.
Winrow, Mrs. and children
Worms, J.
Young, T.