Passengers arriving at the Port of San Francisco
Arrive San Francisco
May 3, 1851
SS New Orleans
Captain Wood
From Panama
18 days from Panama, via Acapulco, Mexico, ten days. The steamship New Orleans, Capt. Wood, arrived at this port this afternoon, about 4 o'clock. She left Panama on the 15th of April, and brings passengers. The news is nine days later than that received by the last arrival, having brought papers from New York to the 28th of March. She brings no mail.
We regret to learn that Major Gen. Brooke, U.S.A. who was ordered to relieve Major Gen. Smith of this coast, died at San Antonio, Texas.
We also regret to hear of the death of Major M. M. Noah, one of the oldest newspaper editors in the United States. He died in New York on the 22d March.
The Steamers Northener and Antelope sailed on the evening of the 15th. The Mail Steamer has a large mail on board. The Gold Hunter had arrived at Acapulco, from Tehuantepec, on the 19th ot April.
The New Orleans passed the Antelope on the 16th, and the Northener on the 22d. The Antelope had not arrived at Acapulco when the New Orleans left. The Northerner sailed on the 24th, and the New Orleans passed her on the 25th.
At Acapulco, on the 17lh April, the Bark Canton arrived from this place, out of water and provisions. 100 of her passengers left for the States via Mexico. The vessel was sold. The brig Anne also arrived with 96 passengers, in the same condition.
We are indebted to Capt. Wood, and to Purser Ward of the N. 0. for papers and a list of passengers. Also to Adams & Co. and Dodge &. Co. for our correspondence and newspapers from the States and Panama. ln the memorandum of the Purser we find the remark in allusion to the arrival of the Gold Hunter that "several rumors were current as to the success of the expedition, but no doubt the public will be favored with the truth of the matter by some of the passengers who have returned."
. . . The new steamer Brother Jonathan, which left New York for Chagres about the 20th March, with a large number of passengers, had the misfortune to break one of her wheels when about 600 miles from New York. She was therefore compelled to put about and run into Norfolk for repairs. Her passengers speak in high terms of her qualities as a sea boat, and expressed their determination mostly to remain with her.
The steamers Ohio and Geo. W. Kendall, burst their boilers on the Mississippi river in the latter part of March, by which a number of lives were lost.
The steamers leaving Panama on the 15th took an aggregate of 800 passengers for this port. The Panama Star notices that the Antelope had been turned over to the Pacific Mail Steamship's line, and that the remaining three will be turned over to the same company as they arrive at Panama. The amount of immigrant passengers by the Isthmus route is considerably on the increase.
Several hundred packages of unspecified merchandise.
Ackerley, Capt., lady and son
Arey, James
Bailey, Major
Baldwin, Dr.
Basset, Mr., lady and two children
Bauchamp, L.
Bellows, S. B.
Benedict, A. S.
Blood, S.S.
Bowers, John
Brevoort, Robert
Brewster, Mr.
Brindle, J.W.
Brown, Henry
Burns, Mr.
Cardoza, Mr.
Clarke, C.
Clements, Mrs., child and servant
Clinton, J.
Coleman, M.
Conrad, J.
Curtis, H. A.
Cushman, Mrs. C. D.
Davis, A.
Dennis, Joseph
Dennison, Mr.
Deveries, W.
Devote, A.
Dodd, W.
Dougherty, J. W.
Drinkwater, F.
Dunlap, Mr.
Dye, D. Clarkson
Fardell, Michael
Farley, Cornelius
Farrow, Charles
Gibson, Mr.
Gorham, Mr.
Harris, B.
Hart, Mr., lady, three children and servant
Hawkins, H. B.
Heartly, W.
Hemmington, S.
Hendrickson, Miss Hannah
Herzburg, J. and lady
Hincock, D.
Hinklhy, Charles (Might be Hinckley or Hinckly)
Howland, J. H.
Hughes, Charles and lady
Hunt, Joseph
Hunt, Robert
Huntley, Sir Henry
Ives, Butler
Ives, W.
Jackson, Alonzo
Jacobson, Mrs. and two children
Jacques, J. A.
Jennings, G.
John, F.H.
Johnson, Andrew
Jones, Edward
Jones, J.
Kelly, Francis
King, A.
Levy, N.
Little, J. A. and lady
Lockwood, Mr.
Lockwood, Mr., lady, child and servant
Maconachy, Mr.
Mayer, W.
McCabe, H.
McCortney, E. J. and lady
McCortney, Mrs. A. A.
Meyer, Morris
Meyer, Philip and lady
Moore, Col. J.B., lady and two daughters
Morse, Mr.
Murchard, Miss Emma
Page, Capt. A. S.
Parker, E.O.
Paul, C.F.
Perrine, Mr. (Might be Perriue)
Piurier, D.H.
Platt, Mr.
Potsdamer, Mr.
Richmond, C. E., lady and servant
Ritchie, Mr.
Roberts, Henry
Roberts, R. R.
Rosenbaugh, J. B.
Rotan, F. G.
Russell, A. S.
Ryer, Dr.
Scoville, C. B.
Sewerkrop, Mr., lady and servant
Simmons, John
Smith, Capt.
Smith, Mr.
Smith, R.
Smith, William
Sneezer, Henry
Squires, L.
Suydam, Mrs. John and servant
Thom, Miss
Thompson, John
Thompson, Miss Fanny
Thompson, Thomas
Toland, Miss
Uhler, W.H.
Walker, J.G.
Walter, J.
Walter, Mr.
Walton, Mr., lady and three children
Watkins, Mr.
Watson, E.H.
Weaver, A.
Wells, Thomas
Welsh, A.
Williams, L. L.
Works, F.
Wulluf, Mr.
Young, John H.
Zunt, Mr.
and several unidentified passengers