Passengers at the Port of San Francisco: 1800s

SS Sierra Nevada
Arrive San Francisco
November 17, 1853
Sierra Nevada
Captain Baldwin
From San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
The Nicaragua steamer Sierra Nevada, Capt. Baldwin, arrived this morning at about one o'clock from San Juan. She has on board a large number of passengers, among whom are 165 women and children. The intelligence by the Sierra Nevada has been slightly anticipated by the arrival of the Golden Gate and by the New Mexican route.
The annexed is her Purser's memoranda: and under the proper head will be found the list of passengers:
Steamer Sierra Nevada, C. H. Baldwin Commander Left San Francisco Oct. 16th, and arrived at San Juan del Sur in 114 days. Passengers, mails and specie embarked on steamer Star of the West, which sailed from Greytown on the evening of the 31st, and would undoubtedly arrive at New York on the 8th inst , 22-1/2 days from San Francisco. The Sierra Nevada left San Juan on the morning of the 5th, and arrived at this port in 11-1/2 days. Passengers speak in the highest terms of the Company's road, it being dry and ie excellent condition, notwithstanding the prevalence of the rains.
Not noted.