Passengers at the Port of San Francisco: 1800s

SS Oregon
Arrive San Francisco
November 20, 1852
SS Oregon
Captain A. V. H. LeRoy
16 days from Panama
In another portion of this day's paper will be found the telegraphic news, which is the only later intelligence received by the regular mail It i from the Atlantic.
The Oregon, (P. M. S. S. Co.'s Line,) Cap A. V. H. LeRoy, entered the "Golden Gate" last at 10-1/2 o'clock. She brings the regular Atlantic mails of the 20th, and has a full passenger list.
The following is the report of the Oregon's passage, copied from her log, and furnished by her estimable Purser :
On the downward trip of the Oregon, which left here October 16th, she made the run to Acapulco in 7 days and 18 hours, and to Panama in 19 days 21 hours. The passengers had all left for Aspinwall with mails and treasure, on Monday, Nov. Ist, and the steamers Illinois, and Philadelphia, were in readiness to leave for New York and New Orleans immediately on their arrival.
On the return trip, left Panama at 11.50 A. M., and Taboga at 1:15 p.m., Nov 4th; and have experienced head winds and adverse currents since leaving the Bay of Panama. Since crossing the Guif of California, have had very severe NW. winds and sea.
Nov. 10th, at 9.30 P. M., arrived at Acapulco. The California had been gone thirty hours. The New Orleans was in port, coaling: had been detained by getting short of coal soon after leaving San Francisco. Left Acapulco at 2 P.M. Thursday, Nov. 11th. On the 18th at 5 P. M., spoke and exchanged papers with the Golden Gate, bound to Panama. At 9 P. M. same day, were off San Diego; raining very heavily, and thick weather, with every appearance of a severe gale from SE; not deeming it advisable to wait for clear weather, passed without stopping.
In loading the gun to salute the Golden Gate, John A. Gibbs of Somerset, Mass., fourth mate of the Oregon, was killed by its premature discharge. He was buried at sea the next morning. The Oregon brings New York papers to Oct. 20th, New Orleans to Oct. 2Cth, Panama to Nov. 4th, and from the City of Mexico to Nov. 6th.
Miss Kate Hayes and mother, Mr. Boshnell, Messrs. Mengs, Harold, Wells and Loring came passengers. The Oregon brings a large mail and heavy freight, with $100,000 treasure, and 300 passengers.
AYe have to thank Messrs. Wells, Fargo & Co., who followed fast upon our own ever-prompt reporter, in the delivering of exchanges and despatches by the Oregon. Mr. Gihon, of Adams &. Co., was expeditious in the delivery of our correspond ence. We havefuil files of Atlantic papers tv the 20th, Our telegraphic despatches from New York report the latest news up to the hour of the sailing of the steamer of that day.
Mr. J. W. Bell, Purser of the Oregon, kindly assisted in procuring for this office the New Orleans telegraphic announcement of Mr. Webster's death and last moments, for which he will accept the thanks of our readers and ourselves.
To E. Knight