Passenger Lists: San Francisco 1800s
SS Lewis
Arrive San Francisco
July 9, 1852
Captain Baker
From San Juan del Sud, Nicaragua
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, July 10, 1852
Arrival of the S.S. Lewis
The steam propeller S.S. Lewis, Capt. Baker, arrived this morning from New York via Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso, Panama, San Juan and Acapulco. She brings from Panama and San Juan a very large number of passengers ’ a list of whom will be found under the marine head, as also the names of the persons who died on board on the passage up. The S.S. Lewis is intended to run on Vanderbilt’s Nicaragua route, in connection with the Independence and the Pacific on this side, and thePrometheus, Daniel Webster and Northern Light on the Atlantic side. She is a large fine looking vessel, possessing apparently all the requisites for a good safe sea-going steamer.
Port San Francisco, July 8, 1852
July 7--Steamer S.S. Lewis, Baker, 112 days from New York, via Rio de Janeiro 82 days, Valparaiso 41 days, Panama 26 days, San Juan 23 days, and Acapulco 11 days. 653 passengers.
We are pained to hear from the passengers by the S.S. Lewis, that the trip across to San Juan was one of the most difficult and unfortunate ever undertaken by travelers on that route. The sickness and death among the Northern Light’s passengers was truly frightful.
San Juan was the scene of many melancholy occurrences during the detention of the S.S. Lewispassengers. A number of deaths occurred, but are to be found properly reported in another column. It is feared that the passengers en route for this port from San Juan, in sailing vessels, have terribly suffered from sickness and privation.
By the S.S. Lewis, which arrived yesterday from San Juan del Sud, we have received files of theTrait d’Union, (published in the City of Mexico) with dates to the 19th of June. Through this journal we received intelligence from Atlantic States to the 2d of June last. The news, it appears, was transmitted from New York to New Orleans by telegraph.
The brig Eagle sailed from the latter port on the 2d June, reaching Vera Cruz in eleven days, from whence the intelligence was transmitted by telegraph to the city of Mexico, and published in the Trait d’Union of the 19th June as follows:
UNITED STATES. Our advices from the United States are up to the 2d of June, and is of no great interest. The attention of the country appears to principally be drawn towards the coming Presidential election.
The National Democratic Convention charged with the selection of the candidate for their party, met at Baltimore on the 1st of June. The candidates mentioned as most prominent were Messrs. Cass, Douglas and Buchanan.
The following are noted as having died at San Juan del Sur:
John F. Nezt, Boston; Christian Myers, New York; Alex Islaushies, St. Louis; Peter McCarty, New York; James Waldron, Auburn, New York; J. W. Hotchkiss, Fairhaven, Conn.; Roseville Derbyshire, Lenox, Mass.; Chas. H. Everett, Bridgeport, Conn.; Wm. P. Page, Hyegate; T.L. Wright, New Hampshire; Kilbourne Knox, E. Granville, Vermont.; Eri B. Halbert, Chicago, Ill.; Patrick McCarthy, Canada (also listed above as having died at sea); Michael Reinhart, Pittsburg, Pa.; James Graves, Pittsburg, Pa.; Chas. Dunn, New York; Thos. O. Kane, Lowell, Mass.; Cornelius Baker, Franklin County, Penn.; Henry Lee, Duxbury, Mass.; Samuel Ingle, Milestown, Pa.
Abrams, D., wife and two children
Adams, Mrs. H.
Ambler, N.
Amsbury, H. N. and nephew
Andrew, A. F., Jr.
Andrew, W.
Armstrong, J. W.
Armstrong, Mrs.
Ashton, J.
Baldwin, H.
Baldwin, W.
Baresbarett, Mrs. and three children
Barker, J., Jr.
Barker, Mrs. E. G. and child
Barnum, Mrs.
Bartlett, J. H.
Bartlett, N.
Bead, G. W.
Bekman, August (From Prussia. Died at sea July 4.)
Benton, H. P. and wife
Bingham, D. B.
Birdsall, Mrs. E.
Blakesley, L.
Branfield, O.
Brewster, J. H.
Bridge, E.
Bridge, Mrs. and servant
Browers, Wm. H.
Bunn, G.
Burnett, Mrs. and Miss and two children
Burnett, P. W. and child
Cain, L. B. and wife
Cain, P. P. and wife
Carpenter, G.
Castle, J.
Caton, L. P., wife and child
Caulfield, H.
Chapin, Chauncey
Chapman, G. J.
Chapman, S.
Chase, Mrs. L. and two children
Chell, G. and wife
Cheney, D. L.
Cheney, H. L.
Choate, D. T. (Might be Choatie)
Clark, Benjamin F. (Chelsea, Vermont. Died at sea June 18.)
Clark, Ed
Clark, P.
Colver, F. M.
Cone, H. B.
Cone, J. W.
Corliss, J. E.
Coulon, J.
Craft, Mrs. and infant
Craig, G. S.
Cristie, L. P.
Cummings, Mrs., five children and servant
Curry, Mrs., two children and servant
Curtis, H.
Dorsy, S.
Eames, H.
Eastman, J.
Easton, A.
Estinson, Miss L. J.
Everett, C.H. (Note: There is a Charles Everett of Bridgeport, Conn. listed below as having died in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua)
Farwell, Lewis (Charlestown, New Hampshire. Died at sea June 21.)
Felder, Samuel (Bucks Co., Penn. Died at seea June 28.)
Ferguson, D. H.
Ferris, C.
Ferris, C. C.
Flint, C.W.
Frank, N.
Frisbie, Mrs.
Fulton, J.
Gadicken, N. L.
Gaghagan, Mrs. R.
Gannon, Mrs.
Gans, A.
Geerhart, W. H.
Gibson, J.
Goldsmith, J., wife and three chidlren
Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Goodrich, J. A.
Gorham, Mrs.
Greenwood, Mrs. and servant
Griffen, Mrs. M. and child
Griggs, Mrs. J. J.
Grillet, A.
Gumbert, J.
Hall, O.H. (Might be Hell, Hill, or other)
Hannan, J.
Hansintee, G.
Hanson, D. B.
Harem, Mrs.
Harrigan, Jno.
Harrington, George F.
Harrington, J.
Hart, Wm.
Hayden, S.
Hills, G.
Holland, E. M.
Holman, Mrs. E. B.
Holmes, T.
Holton, A. R.
Hooper, W. H.
Hopper, S. T.
Huey, Wm.
Huntoon, Mr., wife and child
Hussey, C. S.
Hyatt, A. H.
Jackson, C.
Jacob, Mrs.
Jefferson, Geo.
Johnson, J.
Johnson, Mrs. J.
Jones, John G. (Cayuga Co. New York. Died at sea June 17)
Jones, N., Jr.
Jordan, N.
Judd, S. A.
Kane, J. (Note below: Thos. O. Kane of Lowell, Mass. Died at San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.)
Kelly, Mrs.
Kellogg, S.
Kelly, Charles H.
King, Chris
Kingsley, H. and wife
Kipp, Dr. R. B.
Knapp, E.
Lane, Moses P. (Lowell, Mass. Died at sea June 24.)
Latham, J.
Lawrence, Mrs. and child
Lawrence, S. P.
Leavenworth, M., wife and two children
Lehman, J.
Linsberg, Miss
Maguire, J.
Matthews, J. H.
May, Frank
McCartney, Alex
McCarthy, Patrick (From Canada. Died June 20.)
McGlancey, F.
McGovern, Philip
McJustice, J. and lady
McKinley, G. V.
McKinley, T. V.
McMurray, J.
McMurray, T.
McVinton, W.
Meloney, Mrs. and three children
Merrill, H.J. and wife
Messinger, Mrs.
Minor, Mathew
More, Miss Mary
Moseley, A. E.
Moulton, W. W.
Mount, T. V.
Muer, Samuel (Salem, Mass. Died at sea July 2.)
Munsell, A.
Naylor, Mrs. and child
Newman, O.
Noe, A.
Odel, J. B.
Palmer, C.
Parker, Mrs. C. A. and servant
Patterson, T.
Peabody, E.
Pearson, Charles. W.
Pearson, J.
Peck, George, wife, daughter and child.
Peck, Miss M. and servant
Phillips, B.
Phillips, Mrs. B.
Pollard, A.
Post, G.
Pugsley, E.T.
Ransom, Mrs. D.
Rattel, Abram (Might be Abram Raffel)
Ream, Mr. and Mrs. and child
Ripley, R.
Robbins, Clark (From Vermont. Died at Sea July 5.)
Roberts, C. L., Jr.
Roberts, Wm.
Robinson, Alfred (From Danvers, Mass. Died at sea June 16)
Rock, J.
Rogers, T. D.
Ross, J.G.
Rudolph, H.
Saguin, C. C.
Sanborn, J.
Sawyer, W. G.
Sayer, T. S.
Seroice, C. M.
Shale, S.
Shattuck, Miss M. R.
Sheets, Mrs. L. and child
Shute, Mrs. J.
Smith, A.
Smith, R. L. and two children
Southworth, A.
Stearns, C. J.
Stevens, Miss S.
Stoltz, A. and servant
Stoltz, Mrs., two children and nurse.
Stone, R. S.
Strible, Mrs.
Sutton, G. L.
Swain, A. and two children
Swain, Mrs.
Sweck, O.
Taft, H.G.
Thomas, O.H.
Thrnll, W. (Might be Thrnlf. In either case it appears to be a typographical error.)
Tibbats, H. B.
Ticknor, Miss and servant
Tilton, D.
Tilton, Miss
Tilton, Mr. and wife
Tomar, A.
Tomar, S.
Tomar, Wm.
Van Horn, R.
Van Ness, W.
Vredenburg, J.
Ward, C.
Ward, Wm.
Ware, L.
Warner, B. Y.
Warren, C. F.
Watson, J. H.
Watson, Mrs. and two children
Weaver, A. J.
Weed, R. K.
Welsh, Nicholas (Died at sea July 5.)
Welton, Mrs. E. C.
Wertebaugher, (Might be Wertehaugher)
Weston, S.
Willie, Miss M.
Winegar, A. B.
Winsor, E.
Woodcock, O.
Worth, G. F.
Young, Ezekiel (S. Keaningly, Conn. Died at sea June 18.)
Zampelis, Jacob (St. Louis, Mo. Died at sea June 25.)
American Passenger Arrival Records
Guide to the Records of Immigrants Arriving at American Ports by Sail & Steam
Michael Tepper
Emigration from the United Kingdom
Selections include Emigration from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland: Lists of Passengers Arriving in America during the 1870s and in 1880.
Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. Ports, March 1877 - May 1878
Mass Migration under Sail:
European Immigration to the Antebellum United States
Raymond L. Cohn
Ship Passenger Lists, New York and New Jersey (1600-1825)
Lists of Passengers 1870-1897
Series concentrates on Emigration from the United Kingdom to New York in the period 1870-1897. The original passenger lists transcribed by shipping agents and ship's officers and filed by all vessels entering US ports have been used in the preparation of Emigration from the United Kingdom to America. Chronological order by each ship's date of arrival; includes names of ships, ports of departure and arrival and debarkation dates. You may also locate data regarding a person's age, sex and occupation as well as village of origin and destination when reported.