Passenger Lists: San Francisco 1800s


SS Cortes

Arrive San Francisco

January 5, 1853
Captain Cropper
From Panama


Thursday Morning, January 6., Daily Alta California, San Francisco



Meeting of Congress President's Message Cuban Affairs 
Great Britain and the Slave Trade, &c., &c.

The steamship Cortes, Capt. Cropper, of the New York and San Francisco line, from Panama, arrived and anchored inside the Heads about 9 oclock last night, the weather being to foul to allow her to come up. She brings New York papers to the 6th and New Orleans to the 7th, and Panama to the 22nd ult.

Taboga, Panama.

The steamer California left Panama on the 22d, with the mails, and was off Cape St. Lucas when the Cortes passed her. She will of course come in today. The Cortes was detained seven hours outside the Heads by a dense fog. Her report will be found in another column. We are indebted to Purser W.G. Smith for his attentions.

By this arrival, we have the President’s annual message, which will be found in an extra sheet of this paper. Congress met on the 6th December, and received the President's message on the 7th. The message is an able and interesting State paper.

The affair of the Crescent City is still on the table one day reported settled, and the next the settlement contradicted. The New York Herald on the 6th says:

The news brought from Havana that the steamship Empire City, which arrived at this port yesterday, is not to late by one days as that received by the steamer Isabel at Charleston. Our letters say nothing whatever tending to corroborate the report of the latter as to the settlement of the Crescent City difficulty; but as the Empire City left on the 29th November, it is possible that the conciliatory arrangements were made next day, or the eve of which theIsabel left.

Our advices by the Empire City, however, are of a most important and interesting character, inasmuch as they confirm the statements hitherto made as to the increasing activity manifested in carrying on the slave trade, and the proportion the determination evinced by the British Government to put it down, and compel Spain to observe her treaty stipulations. The traffic with the coast of Africa, for the purchase and landing of slaves on the island of Cuba, is carried on to an extent greater than heretofore; and not only do the authorities connive at it, but Queen Christina and Captain General Canedo are said to be largely interested in the expeditions.

The island is now circled by the cruisers of the English Fleet, for the purpose of intercepting vessels engaged in the slave trade. The Government of Great Britain is resolved to annihilate the traffic, the last vestige of which is not only to be found in connection with Cuba; and if no other mode can be found available, as present appearances indicate, they will decidedly favor the transfer of the island to the United States.


129 dozen packages of unidentified merchandise.


Note: This list from the Daily Alta California is difficult to read. Many first names were not included for this list. Several deaths occurred from diseases "engendered on the Isthmus: Fever, dysentery, etc." The letters printed at the bottom of this page were quite clear, so the spellings are probably accurate therein.

Adams, W. 
Adraine, J. 
Allenders, R. 
Alston, G. 
Ames, Mr. H. and two ladies 
Anderson, John (of Virginia, died December 28th on passage up from Panama) 
Archer, Mrs. and child 
Armstrong, J.L. 
Arnoux, Mr. 
Atwood, R. 
Authen, L. 
Autum, Mr. and wife 
Bache, Mr. C. J., wife, children and nurse (Mr. Bache, of San Francisco, and one child died on December 28th on passage.) 
Baker, F. 
Baker, G. S. 
Ball, D. 
Barnett, M. and lady 
Barney, H. 
Barnum, Henry 
Barnum, R. 
Bart, W. H. 
Bates, E. 
Beach, H. 
Beach, W. 
Beatty, W. (of New York, died December 28th during passage up from Panama) 
Beckett, W. A. 
Bemis, Miss (died December 28th during passage from Panama) 
Bergen, F. 
Blair, Saml. 
Blither, F. 
Bloomer, Mrs. and children 
Bones, F. 
Boswich, N. (Obits note that N. Bosworth of Ohio died on December 28th during passage from Panama. Because this list is so difficult to read, I suspect these are one and the same) 
Bowdin, R.C. 
Bowman, D.C. 
Boyd, Wm. 
Braden, Jno. 
Brady, J.L. 
Braley, G. 
Brittain, S.B. 
Brougham, J. 
Brown, G. 
Brown, L.L. 
Browne, Mrs. 
Buckley, J.B. 
Buckley, Mr. 
Buckling, Wilson 
Bush, A.M. 
Bush, W. 
Butler, D.L. 
Cafflin, John 
Canath, D. 
Carlton, J.H. 
Carroll, Mrs. and Miss 
Chambers, Jno. 
Chase, D.B. 
Chaumeab and lady 
Chaumeab, J. 
Cheesebrough, E. 
Chipman, O. 
Clatterly, P. 
Clementes, A. H. 
Clendeney, J. 
Coffin, L.D. 
Conk, E. 
Conn, J.H. 
Conner, J. 
Connueford, R. (Difficult to read.) 
Cooke, R. G. 
Cooper, G. A. 
Cooper, G. C. 
Cooper, W. A. 
Cortelyou, W. L. 
Cosmon, T. (Might be Cosmor) 
Crowell, J.D. 
Cruikshank, Mr. 
Dampro, D. 
Darkee, Anson 
Darlington, D. 
Davis, M.B. 
Davis, Mrs. and family 
Dee, Joseph (of Connecticut, died December 26th on passage up from Panama) 
Delmarie, S. (of New York, died Dec 28th on on passage up from Panama) 
Denman, R. W. (Might be Dinman) 
Dennon, A. 
Derrickson, D. 
Dickey, E. 
Donaldson, J. 
Donoghue, O. 
Dorsey, S.A. 
Doty, T.R. (Might be Duty, Daty, Dety) 
Dowd, M. and B. 
Dowd, R. (Surname difficult to read. Might be Dawd, Dewd) 
Dunsy, Mrs. and child 
Durfee, H. H. 
Dyail, D. C. 
Eastman, E. 
Echiatta, J. (Difficult to read) 
Edward, S. 
Ellsler, Mrs. and child (Obits note that Mrs. Ellseler of New York died on December 28 during passage from Panama) 
Emerson, J. E. 
Evans, C. S. 
Evans, F. N. 
Evans, J. 
Farnston, J. 
Farron, F. 
Fellheime, F. 
Ferguson, Jas. 
Fish, N. 
Fisner, E. 
Fletcher, D. 
Folet, J.J. and family (Surname difficult to read. Might be Falet or Ealet) 
Foster, J. 
Freeman, (First initial impossible to read) 
Friel and family 
Frost, E. 
Grarjan, Mary (Obits note that two children of Mr. Grojan of San Francisco died on December 28th on passage up from Panama, and list below clearly notes G.W. Grotjan and Thos. J. Grotjan) 
Garland, N. 
Garland, T. 
Getting, J. M. 
Gibbons, W. T. 
Gibbons, P. V. 
Gibbs, F. 
Gilberts, Dr. W.P. and family 
Gilmore, J. C. 
Goddard, L. A. 
Goodman, Mrs. 
Goodrich, H. 
Goodwin, F. 
Gourbeck, G. 
Gourlie, J. (died December 25 on passage up from Panama) 
Gourlie, Z. (Surname difficult to read) 
Grabb, R.W. 
Graff, W. and two ladies 
Grant, G.L. 
Grant, Jno. 
Grant, O. 
Gray, J. 
Greacan, F. (of Ohio, died on December 28th during passage from Panama) 
Grotjan, Mr. T.J. (Note: Brother-in-law of Mr. C.J. Bache. Family of ten travelling together. Two of his children died on this return trip from a visit to the States.) 
Grotseau, G. W. and family 
Grotseau, Y. J. 
Grover, B. (Benj. Grover of Maine died on December 28th during passage from Panama) 
Grover, M. 
Gump, T. G. 
Haddie, J. (Might be Hoddie, Heddie) 
Hailey, S. 
Hall, S. 
Halleck, G. 
Hallyde, W. 
Hardell, G.E. 
Harlen, B.S. 
Harmon, S. 
Harris, C. Andrews 
Harris, Jane 
Hart, A. 
Hathjet, Mr. 
Hauseman, H. 
Hawkins, J.P. 
Heaschab, J. 
Hersee, J. 
Hickes, M. 
Hicks and family 
Higgins, J. 
Higgins, L. 
Hinds, A. 
Holcen, C.M. 
Holdridge, and lady 
Howe, E. 
Howe, Mrs. J. H. and lady (Mrs. J.H. Howe of Zanesville, Ohio, died December 28th during passage from Panama) 
Howley, O.L. 
Hubbard, F. 
Hugiton, D. 
Hunt, A. 
Jacobs, G.G. 
Jacoby, S. and servant 
James, E. 
James, J. 
Janes, T.D. 
Jayne, Miss 
Jennings, I. O. 
Johnson, E. 
Johnson, J. and C. 
Jones, J. 
Jones, J.B. 
Jones, P. 
Kane, T. and wife 
Keene, Mr. and lady (Note: Keene difficult to read and letter after "K" missing). 
Keeneg, S.J. 
Kelly, A. and P. 
Kimmell, J. and lady 
King, J. 
Knight, O. 
Lamb, W. 
Launer, C.P. 
Leighty, H. 
Libby, B. 
Lincoln, S.S. and family 
Ling, W.R. 
Little, Wm. (from a Br. Province, died on December 28th during passage from Panama) 
Long, Mrs. and children 
Lops, Jno 
Lowell and lady 
Lowell, Miss 
Lowich, Jno and lady 
Lulis, J. (Might be Laudis) 
Luther, Dr. 
Mabess and lady 
Mahoney, J. S. 
Mahuby, M. and wife (Might be Mehuby) 
Mail, E. 
Mailer, A.T. (Might be Maler) 
Manning, E.C. and W. 
Marks, Mr. and family (Might be Marss or Narss) 
Marquart, H. 
Marquart, R. and family 
Marshall, Mr. 
Mary, Alex 
Matthews, Chas. 
McCoy, D.S. 
McCrosky, P. H. (Obits have P.H. McCroskey of Tennessee, dying on December 25th on passage up from Panama) 
McCrosky, T. P. S. 
McDowanor, A. (Might be McDowaner or McDowanar) 
McDuff, G.J. 
McGil, Lot and Wm. 
McIntyre, B. 
Mecum, J. 
Meek, C. 
Meyer, H. 
Miatorich, V. (Note S. Milatonich below) 
Minas, , lady and servant (No first name. Surname could be Miras or ) 
Minus, J. 
Miss Ritmmnod (Impossible to read: this is a guess. "Robinson" is on board -- perhaps this is Robinson) 
Mitchell, Mrs. and child 
Molony, G. H. 
Moore, H. 
Moore, W. 
Morgan, W. 
Mow, J. 
Mulden, P. 
Mullins, T. 
Murdoch, Alonzo (of New York, died on December 28th during passage up from New York) 
Nelson, C. H. 
Newtyn, W. N. 
Northum, C. 
Nowlen, T. 
O'Langley, E. 
Olniger, J. and family 
Oppenheimer, H. 
Ormsby, M.P. (Obits note that W.P. Ormsby of Galena, Ill, died on December 28th during passage from Panama) 
Orr, S. 
Otto, H. 
Page, J. 
Patterson, C. B. 
Paul, A. B. 
Pearson, M. 
Peirce, Jas. 
Peritie, Mr. 
Pettit, C. 
Pettit, Mrs. 
Pierce, H. 
Powers, A. 
Powers, Mrs. M. and child 
Purchase, G. 
Randall, J. 
Randell, J. 
Ray, D.M. 
Raynolds, W. 
Reach, R. F. 
Reed, S. 
Reid, F. B. 
Reid, J. 
Reynolds, J. 
Reynolds, Mrs. 
Richardson, F. 
Robertson, Mrs. 
Robertson, Mrs. 
Robinson, G. 
Robinson, G. 
Robinson, J. 
Roex, A. 
Roonie, D. 
Roper, J. 
Rosenthal, Z. 
Rothchilds, R. 
Rusark, L. (Rusario ) 
Ryan, Pat 
Sanford, J. and wife 
Saunders, L. C. 
Saunders, Miss 
Savage, D. M. 
Scaw, C. 
Schafler, H. (died December 28th during passage from Panama) 
Schaiver, J. 
Schmidt, D. 
Seely, J. F. 
Shaff, P. 
Sharp, S. 
Shilliber, G. 
Shorff, H. 
Shuttleman, J. 
Sisson, L. W. 
Smith, H. J. 
Smith, Mrs. 
Spar, H. 
Spindey, C. 
Stanton, E. 
Stein, V. 
Steinehart, F. 
Stephens, O. 
Stewart, Mrs. and family 
Stewart, T. 
Stiles, J. 
Stockfleith, N. 
Straap, H. 
Stright, W.E. 
Strong, E. P. 
Sykes, A. R. 
Temper, H. G. 
Thompson, L. 
Thornton, W. B. 
Thurston, E. 
Tiffany, H. 
Tilden, M. B. 
Tomlinson, G. 
Townsend, A. J. 
Townsend, C. 
Townsend, T. 
Tremer, Mr. 
Trotter, Mr. 
Trueworthy, F. 
Trueworthy, T. E. 
Tyler, C. 
Van Will, E. 
Wade, C. 
Walker, L. 
Walker, R. (of Maine, died December 28th during passage up from Panama) 
Walker, W. 
Wamburgh, Mr. 
Warner, P. 
Waterman, D. 
Waterman, R. (died December 25th on passage up from Panama) 
Weaver , H. 
Weaver, Miss 
Webster, O. 
Weeks, M. J. 
Weld, J. 
Welken, (Might be Walken, Wolken -- Note that there is a Warnock listed below. Perhaps this is the same) 
Wemper, A.J. (of Michigan, died December 26th on passage from Panama) 
West, C.L. (of New York, died December 28th on passage from Panama) 
Westbrook, J. 
Whaling, J. W. and wife 
Wheeler, G.V. 
White, Mrs. S. 
White, T. 
White, W.A. 
Whitney, S. 
Whitscomb, O. 
Willhelm, Mrs. 
Williams, F. P. 
Williams, F. R. 
Wilson, L. (LeRoy Wilson of New York died on December 28th on passage up from Panama) 
Wing, W. C. 
Wood, J. W. 
Woodbridge, Mr., (of Dartmouth, Mass, died December 23 on passage up from Panama) 
Woodridge, S. 
Woodruff, A. 
Woodruff, H. A. 
Work, J. 
Yellus, W. 
Young, Robert

January 7, 1853, Daily Alta California, San Francisco

General Notices

Steamship Cortes, January, 4, 1853 -- We the undersigned passengers on the steamship Cortes, on her late trip from Panama to San Francisco, conceive it to be our duty to express our feelings and sentiments, in awarding our praises and thanks to the Captain, Purser, and other officers, for the kind treatment which we have received on board said steamer.

Of the Captain, Thomas B. Cropper, Esq., we can only say that we believe him to be one of the most skilful of navigators, and a perfect gentleman in every respect. The manner in which he has conducted his ship, governed his passengers and crew, while it meets with our approbation, not only demonstrates him to be perfect master of his profession, but a man of feeling, sentiment, and strict integrity of purpose.

The gentlemanly Purser, Mr. Walter G. Smith, has performed the arduous duties peculiar to his office in the best possible manner, and to our entire satisfaction. Nothing has been omitted; and we feel under many obligations to him for the kind favors he has shown to us.
Mr. Healy, the first officer, has, by his kind deportment and manly bearing, merited the esteem of the passengers.

The other officers of the vessel we have always found gentlemanly, courteous, and ever ready to perform their respective duties.

In conclusion, we would say, that the ventilation and sailing qualities of the steamship Cortes are unsurpassed by any other vessel on the Pacific coast. Though death has been among us, and some of our number have found a watery grave, we cannot attribute the cause to lack of good regulations, or want of wholesome food and first rate water, but to sources entirely unconnected with this vessel.

Mrs. M. Barnett M.M. Wambaugh
Mrs. L. Guttiman W.A. Cooper
Mrs. E. Bache M. Barnett
Mrs. E. Bloomer R. Nunes
Mrs. Sallie F. Gratjan W.H. Best
Mrs. Mary R. Gibbons G.W. Grotjan
Mrs. Mary A. Ames C.P. Evans
Mrs. Mary E. Ames J.C. Gilmore
Mrs. R. Barker Thos. J. Grotjan
Mrs. D.J. Mason G.A. Cooper
Mrs. J. Arnstein A.B. Paul
Mrs. E.J. McQuigg Edwin Sternes
Mrs. R. Nunes Barnabas Hicks
Mrs. M.A. Davis W.T. Gibbons
Miss A.A. Davis F.W. Berry
Mrs. Mary Stewart Zenas Fisher
Miss Hannah Jayne Edward Cook
Mrs. B. Robinson Dr. M. Haines
Mrs. A. White C.B. Patterson
Mrs. E. Scott W.O. Warnock
Mrs. R. Hicks G.H. Maloney
Mrs. Susan Runners Alex Wigle
Mrs. Lincoln M. Lincoln
Mrs. Aucher J.O. Jennings
Mrs. Martha Long O.H. Hanly
Mrs. Mary Mitchell W.H. Goodrich
M.B. Tilden C.J. Lanier
Albert Hart N. Stockfleith
J. Arnstein Fred Steinhardt
W.M. Durfee O.W. Himrod
S. Milatonich S.A. Dorsey
R. Mendes D. Derichson
S.B. Brittain C. Townsend
A. Woodruff S.P. Ransom
J.N. James O. Stephens
Frank Hicks C. Knight
R.S. Brown E. Van Wie
S.J. Harriman C. Turner, M.D.
F. Richardson M. Wist
J. Krako C. Pettit
M. Emerson T.P. Williams
W.H. Spencer W.H. Davis, M.D.
Wm. Thorington ja7-1

Golden Gate, Steamship Cortes, January 5, 1853.

The undersigned, steerage passengers on board the fine steamer Cortes, on her present trip from Panama to San Francisco, do with genuine sincerity and pleasure recommend her to the traveling community.

As regards her ventilation and accommodation for steerage passengers, particularly, we consider her unrivaled; and the fare of the best description.

Her Captain and officers are gentlemen, and have left no means untried to render the voyage a comfortable and pleasant one, which it has proved to be.

To them, we tender our best wishes; and to all who are homeward or outward bound, we would cheerfully say, "Take the Cortes."

J.W. Whaling F. Brown
John Trotter S. Smith
Pat Ryan R. Whetlock
James Roper A. Kenney
Joseph Work R. Windle
David Bice M. Willace
J.C. Edders M. Holt
M. McGrew F. Cook
L. Coffy M. Fritz
James Western H. Keever
Isaac Higgins M. Crouch
Alfred Roman D. Huff
John Merem A. Kingsland
S. Hall J. Forbes
J.M. Freeman S. Sandford
John E. Trotter J. McNeele (or McNeale)
Mrs. Lawler1 B. Ferguson
Miss Mary Gavagan R. Thompson
F. Walsh and fifty others
L.L. Lincry

Rounding the Horn.New York to Cape Horn to San Francisco.
Rounding the Horn: Being the Story of Williwaws and Windjammers, Drake, Darwin, Murdered Missionaries and Naked Natives--a Deck's-eye View of Cape HornNew York to Cape Horn to San Francisco.
Dallas Murphy
Fifty-five degrees 59 minutes South by 67 degrees 16 minutes West: Cape Horn—a buttressed pyramid of crumbly rock situated at the very bottom of South America—is a place of forlorn and foreboding beauty that has captured the dark imaginations of explorers and writers from Francis Drake to Joseph Conrad. For centuries, the small stretch of water between Cape Horn and the Antarctic Peninsula was the only gateway between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It’s a place where the storms are bigger, the winds stronger, and the seas rougher than anywhere else on earth. In Rounding the Horn the author brings the reader along for a thrilling, exuberant tour. Weaving together stories of his own nautical adventures with long-lost tales of those who braved the Cape before him—from Spanish missionaries to Captain Cook—and interspersing them with breathtaking descriptions of the surrounding wilderness,

Around Cape Horn Sailing DVD. New York to Cape Horn to San Francisco.
Around Cape Horn: Capt. Irving Johnson Sailing DVDNew York to Cape Horn to San Francisco.
Few will ever experience such adverse conditions especially considering 1920's square rigger design, the technology and lack of meteorology available to assist the crews manage four masted ships with huge sail plans. Along with the challenging seas, this highly-regarded film was shot when cameras were bulky. Captain Irving is engaging. Actors were not used. This is real footage with real people.

The Project

Maritime Nations, Ships, Sea Captains, Merchants, Merchandise, Ship Passengers and VIPs sailing into San Francisco during the 1800s.



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Sources: As noted on entries and through research centers including National Archives, San Bruno, California; CDNC: California Digital Newspaper Collection; San Francisco Main Library History Collection; and Maritime Museums and Collections in Australia, China, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc.

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