Passengers at the Port of San Francisco: 1800s
SS Moses Taylor
Arrive San Francisco
November 22, 1865
SS Moses Taylor
Captain J. H. Blethen
12 days 8 hours from San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
The Moses Taylor came over the bar all safe this morning; had a very rough passage.
Daily Alta California, November 23, 1865
The Central American Transit Company steamshipo Moses Taylor, J. H. Blethen, Commander, left San Francisco October 12th at 10 o'clock, a.m.; October 25th, at 7:30 a.m., arrived at San Juan del Sur.
Returning, received coal and supplies and left november 10th at 2:45 a.m. with passengers per steamship Ericcson, from New York, October 23d; November 18th, at 7:30 a.m., spoke steamship America, bound down; November 22d, at 10 a.m., arrived in San Francisco.
(From an Occasional Correspondent of the Alta California)
San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
November 10, 1856
EDITORS ALTA: The steamship Ericsson from New York October 23d, with 460 passengers, arrived at Greytown on the 6th. and there found about 600 passengers for New York, per Moses Taylor from San Francisco. They had been waiting eight days, and there was much complaint at the detention, there being insufficient accommodations in Greytown, and the passengers were obliged to furnish, at their own expense nearly all of their subsistence. The Ericsson was compelled to come to anchor about half a mile from the bar at Greytown, on account of insufficient depth of water to approach nearer.
Greytown harbor is rapidly filling up, there being now about four feet of water on the bar, and what was once the harbor must, in a year's time, become a lagoon. Very little water comes down the San Juan river, and that little is so turgid and heavily charged with sand that the channel is filling with great rapidity. The point of debarkation for the Central American Transit Company is shortly to be changed to Monkey Point, and thence up the Rio Colorado. This will be a decided improvement, and will do away with many delays caused by low water in the San Juan. The means for river transportation are inadequate to the carrying of the passengers crossing the transit route, but the Company are building a river boat at Greytown, and expect a lake boat out shortly. Then, with some decided improvement in the manner of victualing the passengers during the passage across the Isthmus, there will be less cause for complaint, and much more comfort for passengers. There is no complaint of the treatment and cuisine on the Pacific side. The Moses Taylor and America are spoken highly of, but on the Atlantic side there is much complaint, and with justice.
To I. W. Raymond. List not located.
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