Passenger Lists: San Francisco 1800s
Bark D. C. Murray
The D. C. Murray sailed around the Horn to San Francisco, first notice in San Francisco papers of her in port is September 20, 1864, having sailed around the Horn.
She is noted as sailing between San Francisco and Hawaii beginning in 1866 through at least 1885. She was later sold and on July 9, 1888 she went ashore and wrecked at Redondo Beach.
July 14, 1888, Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, California
Lying on the Shore at Redondo Beach.
Observations by a Reporter.
Among the favorite barks which in times gone bye plied between San Francisco and Honolulu was the D. C. Murray, and sister craft Comet, commanded by the famed Commodore Paty. The first named bark, known to every son of Neptune's Pacific realm and to a very large number of land-lubbers on the Coast, has, for twenty-eight years ploughed the briny deep in commerce's service, as before stated, from the Hawaiian Islands to the Golden Gate and up and down the Coast.
Sometime since, the old bark was sold at auction for $4,500. On June 19 she left Port Discovery with a cargo of lumber, bound for Redondo Beach. She arrived July 13th and anchored at the mooring buoy. On Monday last, in attempting to lay alongside the wharf now being constructed, her kedge slipped and she stranded in a few feet of water with her bow inshore. Forty-three thousand feet of lumber on deck was unshipped and she listed heavily to the port and so lays.
She had a cargo of 409,000 feet of lumber, including 300,000 lath and 25,000 pickets.
A Herald man visited the wreck yesterday and found her as described. The sea was calm and her cargo below decks intact. Her rudder was gone and a hole was stove in her bottom. The Captain and crew of eight men were camped on the beach with their effects and two pet kittens which the Captain had brought ashore before he had his "clothes." As the Herald approached the camp a weazened old sea-dog was chanting:
I had ships that sailed the sea.
More than twenty years ago;
They will never come back to me,
But go sailing to and fro,
With torn sails and battered hulls,
While around shriek the gulls,
Flying low, flying low.
Captain Montanden, of the ill-fated bark briefly recited the facts given before, adding that the Redondo Beach Company refused to receive the lumber unless at the wharf, and as his "charter party" read: "to be delivered according to the rules of the port," he had attempted to make the wharf and lost his vessel. He had followed the sea for thirty-two years, he said, and had never been wrecked before. "If I can get my cargo out before she breaks up," continued the captain, "I can bank a thousand dollars after paying expenses, including the loss of the bark." How this could be done was not made clear, as the total freight, at $8 per M, the rate to be paid, would only amount to $3,200, and the bark was not insured.
The cargo of lumber is insured in the New Zealand Insurance Company, of which Geo. Bradbeer is the agent at Los Angeles who was on the ground. The San Francisco agent, Captain Reed, and one of the owners of the bark, Charles M. Bradshaw will probably arrive at the scene to-day. Until their arrival, nothing will be done, unless by nature in breaking up the bark and floating the lumber out to sea. The amount of the insurance on the lumber is not yet known. No effort will be made to save the bark, and her specter will add to the picturesqueness of the beach for many a day.
She was a wooden vessel of 350 tons gross and 422 tons net. She was built at Green Point, New York, in 1860. Her dimensions were: Length 131 feet, beam 31 feet, depth of hold 12 feet.
September 21, 1864, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
September 20: Arrived D. C. Murray, 147 days from Ponce, Puerto Rico, via Valparaiso 42 days. Sugar to C. A. Low & Co.
Memoranda per D. C. Murray: Was 75 days to Cape Horn; off the Cape 10 (or 19) days; put into Valparaiso for provisions and water; was in port 4 days; crossed the equator in the Pacific in lon 116 W; was 21 days thence to this port, with light winds and calms.
February 7, 1865, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Advices from Valparaiso received per steamer state that the destination of the barques Trieste and Randolph, previously reported as loading for this port, had been changed to Australia, and that barques D. C. Murray, Flatworth and Tempest had been taken up to load flour for this port.
June 11, 1865, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Per D. C. Murray: Mrs. C. V. Joice, Miss C. Bishop, Mrs. L. R. Townsend, child and servant, Mrs. R. T. Thomas, Mrs. N. Lundinglor and son, Miss L. Whild, Captain Wellin, wife and cild,Mrs. C. S. Richards, Miss E. Brown, F. Hammond, D. Walter, W. G. Moses, W. Brown, S. C. Bigelow, Dr. Williams, L. Chrislor, W. Chrislor, F. Barney, Captain Morrell, E. Hunt, W. Brash, F. Farman, M. Haller, C. Bailey, H. Mann, I Farquher, J. F. Jeffries, D. J. Shield, F. Hammon, J. Lore, A Stark, J. Welsh, R. Brown, J. Duffe, J. H. Cooper and eight others.
1866: Hawaiian Packet Line
First-Class Clippers
Captain Bennett
June 21, 1866, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Passengers per D. C. Murray: Mrs. George Hearst, Mrs. Peter C. Jones, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. E. Metcalf, Miss S. Harris, Mrs. J. Harris, Mrs. J. Q. A. Warren, Miss Winslow, Miss L. Harris, Mrs. Winslow, Capt. Chadwick, Capt. James Smith, Messrs. R. Leighton, Wm. C. Kimball, C. Apperson, S. Grinbaum, J. Saderly, Theo. Metcalf, J. Q. A. Warren, J. Holmes, A. T. Reeder, H. Clark, A. Cavachoche, M. Johnson, P. Botts, J. W. Winslow, Chas. Felton, Mark Winslow, J. Cassage, Thos Archer, W. Burnham, C. D. Merriam, W. H. Kimball, P Cushman, Jones L. Leighton, F. Metcalf, W. O'Brien, W. Cahill, G. W. Bray, C. Arnold, J. H. Griffin, N. Rash, J. Harris, Jno McBride, John Smith, J. Dolgeer, Henry Weaver, James Macquire, Marshall Harris, John Tameree, Master Harrison.
Mark Twain's return to San Francisco from his four months in Hawaii in 1866 for his stories as a newspaper correspondent with the Sacramento Union was reportedly on board the D. C. Murray.
August 5, 1868, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Arrived August 4, Barque D. C. Murray, Bennett, 23 days from Honolulu. Mdse to Williams, Blanchard & Co.
Per D. C. Murray: Mrs. Capt. Chas. Halsey, Miss F. Halsey, Mrs. A. D. Cartwright, Mrs. W. B. Murray, Mrs. J. Ramsey, Mr. J. Ramsey, W. F. Evans, Chas. Nolte, J. McDonald, Robt. Cobel, Wm. Thompson, J. Modent, Mr. Along.
October 4, 1869, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Per D. C. Murray: Chas. Wessel, J. T. Morgan, Daniel Webster, W. Mann, A. D. Cartwright, Mrs. A. S. Ross, Mrs. J. Ross, Miss Rebecca Ross, Mrs. A. J. Cartwright, Alexander Roussean, Master A. Cartwright, Capt. J. C. Hubbard, Jr., Mrs. P. S. Hubbard, Miss A. T. Hubbard, Master W. Love, Frank Humask, Jas. Morgan, A. Sherman, Thomas Hanser, A. Dudoit, Fred Mayer, Fred Kruger, H. Hassam, F. W. McElroy, Wm. Bond, Chas Edwards, Jno. Osborne, N. S. Lewis.
April 13, 1870, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Shipping Intelligence, San Francisco
Arrival Bark D. C. Murray, Captain Bennett, 20 days from Honolulu; passengers and merchandise to Williams, Blanchard & Co.
G. W. Gilbert, M. H. Grover, Mrs. M. M. Gower and 3 children, Mrs. M. L. Green and 2 children, Mrs. L. B. Green, Mrs. C. Gillett, Geo. F. Haight, Mrs. Catharine Stewart, Miss K.. Stewart, Jas. Stewart, A. Bush, Chas B. Kingman, Mrs. Bannister and 2 children, Master Crabbe, Geo. Cogshale.
July 3, 1870, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Sailed: Bark D. C. Murray, Captain Shepherd, Honolulu. William Blanchard & Co.
January 4, 1871, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Cleared: Bark D. C. Murray, Honolulu, Captain Bennett.
March 8, 1871, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Honolulu - Per D. C. Murray - Mrs. S. E. Morrison, Fanny Morrison, Mrs. J. O. Carter, Mary N. Carter, H. Coulter, Mrs. P. N. Makes, W. H. Brown, M. Dore, Jr., John H. McLean, H. F. Bombroit, Dr. W. W. Howard, A. J. Williams, J. J. Lyon, Captain Gillett, J. R. Logan, E. P. Stoddard, Ed Bouer, I. Jacobs, E.Deagard.
November 21, 1871, Sacramento Daily Union, Sacramento, California, U.S.A.
The Wrecked Whalers
The bark D. C. Murray, from Honolulu, brings several more officers of the wrecked whaling fleet and some particulars of disasters to different vessels. Many of the sailors from the wrecked fleet have set to work on the sugar plantations, much to the relief of the planters, who were greatly in need of more laborers. A new fleet was expected to be fitted out at New Bedford on receipt of the news of the disaster, and these sailors would join it at Honolulu
May 22, 1872, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Arrival of the Bark D. C. Murray.
The bark D. C. Murray sailed from this port for Honolulu, about the same time as the steamer Mohongo, and returned last evening, the Mohongo being at Honolulu at the time of her sailing. Following is her memoranda and passenger list:
Sailed from Honolulu, May 2d, with fresh trade winds, which continued for seven days; the wind then hauled. to the southeast, very light, for the next seven days; then the wind hauled to the north, fresh with squalls; saw a schooner steering to the eastward and two barks steering to the north. Left In Honolulu the steamer Mohongo, waiting the arrival of the steamer from this port and Australia. The time of her sailing is uncertain — probably on the 12th or 15th instant. On the 18th and and 19th instant, had strong northwest wind; last two days calms.
Geo. F. Brightman, C. S. Walters, Max Enderlein, Chas. S. Knox, W. R. Bliss, Mrs. S. E. Morrison and four children, G. D. Brewer and wife, Mrs. S. Peck, Miss E. Peck, Mrs. Lourson, two children and servant, Mrs. L. Stanfield, Mrs. G. O. McLean and three children, Rev. J. McCarthy, Mr. Brewster and wife, Miss M. Kennedy, A. Tripp, S. H. Foster, A. E. Williams, C. Jones, D. McCorreston and Joseph Halstead.
November 20, 1872, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Consignees per D. C. Murray: Williams, Blanchard & Co; J. C. Merrill & Co; A. P. Everett; H. M. Sevrance; Morgenstein & Lowenberg; Huntington, Hopkins & Co; Hyman & Co.; Fred Iken; N. P. Cole & Co; W. H. Diamond; Order; J. C. Johnson & Co; A. B. Clark; Woodward's Garden; C. Baker.
Imports per D. C. Murray: 15 skins, 273 dry hides, 116 casks cocoanut oil, 5 bbls guano, 41 bdls goat skins, 306 green hides, 197 bls pulu, 13 pks tallow, 150 bags 652 kgs sugar, 18 bdls whalebone, 54 bls wool, 1 pkg sheep skins.
Passengers from Honolulu per D. C. Murray: Fred Spencer, J. M. Buffington, Mrs. Arabella Mix, Miss Nelly Mix, William Thompson and 7 others.
November 17, 1873, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
By the arrival of the D. C. Murray we have Hawaiian dates to October 25th.
The Leper Settlement.
The total number of lepers at this settlement is 797; 45 are school children, three foreigners and five or six Chinamen. There are fifty-seven who are cared for in the Hospital ward and fed by the cook; twenty-nine live in the cottages on the Hospital premises: : Mr. Thomas Butterfield, of California (to whose enterprise in raising the celebrated Angora goats we referred some months since), arrived on the Murray, bringing with him two bucks of the pure blood, and ten of the rate known as 15-16ths.
The unsatisfactory reports in regard to prices of sugars in San Francisco have stopped shipments. The D. C. Murray, according to the Advertiser left without one pound of sugar.
January 24, 1874, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Cleared: January 23 - Bark D. C. Murray, Fuller, Honolulu. J. C. Merrill & Co.
January 25, 1874, Daily Alta California, San Francisco: The bark D. C. Murray sailed for Honolulu yesterday with an assorted cargo valued at $28,000.
May 18, 1874, Sacramento Daily Union, Sacramento, California, U.S.A.
The Australian Steamer Cyphernes - Arrival from Honolulu - Queen Emma
San Francisco, May 17th.
Considerably anxiety is felt about the Australian steamer Cyphernes, which is several days overdue.
The bark D. C. Murray, from Honolulu, arrived today, bringing dates to April 25th, but the news is not important. The press gives glowing accounts of the royal progress through the Islands. The friends of Queen Emma pretend that there are men who will be glad to kill her, and they keep a guard at her residence. A man who assisted in quelling the recent riot at the Assembly was found on the premises of the Queen armed with, a pistol. A guard arrested him, and he was fined $100 for carrying concealed weapons. The Cyphernes had not arrived at Honolulu when the D. C. Murray sailed.
July 15, 1874, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Arrival of the Bark D. C. Murray
The bark D. C. Murray arrived in port last evening. Her memoranda and passenger lists are as follows:
Left Honolulu June 17th. First eight days out, fresh trades from N.E. to E., with squally and rainy weather. Lost the trades in 38 degrees North. Next ten days, calms and light, baffling airs which finally settled into S. W. and hauled afterward to N. and W. On the 9th instant, hove to in a dense fog off Point Reyes, since when we had a continuation of fogs and calms.
Passengers: H. Halstead, wife and five children, G. Rhal, wife and infant, H. L. Chase, C. S. Cook, G. F. Moorehouse, H. Taylor, H. Foss, wife and five children, I. W. Middlefield, wife and two children, Mrs. C. H. Judd, Miss Julia Judd, F. Hayselden, William Booth, Mrs. Walsh, J. M. Oat, Joseph Stewart and Joseph Parker.
July 17, 1874, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
The bark D. C. Murray is discharging a Honolulu cargo at Hathaway's wharf.
July 18, 1874, Elevator
Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, June 17, 1874
The fast sailing packet bark D. C. Murray, Captain Fuller, sailed from San Francisco, Friday, May 29, 12 M , and arrived at Honolulu, Wednesday, June 10th, P.M., not quite 12 days from land to land. It is now about 47 years since I made my first voyage to sea. I have traveled the ocean several times oftener than I have time to count. Sometimes as steward, cook, sailor and gentleman; but never sailed in a ship with a captain, officers and crew like the bark D. C. Murray. The ship herself acted more like a well regulated eight day time piece, and all she wanted was to wind her up, and she would keep good time and run three or four days over, and not vary one minute. So with this vessel give her full sail, a good helmsman, captain, officers and crew, and point her head towards Honolulu, and she will go right to the place quicker than you can say "Jack Robinson."
A model ship, commanded by a thoroughbred captain, the embodiment of a practical navigator, sailor and gentleman—one of nature's noblemen — and from officers down to cook are of the same stamp; every mother's son of them, true types of old ocean's tarry sons. Not a cross word or an oath, nor even a reprimand above common or every day conversation among gentlemen. It seemed as if the whole crew — commander and those under command, were inspired with the spirit of brotherly love, which is obedience to God. Then too, the cabin passengers, ladies and gentlemen, all were imbued with the same spirit; thus the twelve days passage seemed to be only 12 hours. A happier family from stem to stem, or forecastle to cabin I never witnessed in my erratic life on the ocean. As it was remarked by a lady passenger, she "hated to leave the vessel and was sorry the passage was so short."
The voyage ended, we landed on terra firma on the afternoon of June 10th, and under the guidance of a gentleman passenger, I found your friend and agent, Mr. Fuller, and delivered your letter and papers, and had a pleasant chat for nearly an hour. I then turned my attention towards finding comfortable lodgings Fortunately, a fellow-passenger had already engaged rooms, in a private family, with table board for the moderate sum of $6 each, ,located on one of the most fashionable streets in the city, within a stone's throw of the Royal Palace and House of Parliament.
Of course, these islands are governed by a King and Royal family. You will be astonished to see what rapid progress these heretofore savages have made in founding a monarchial government and constitution al monarchy—and which is indeed, not to be sneered at. It is a mistaken notion of those who are constantly, and might I not say, religiously traducing the capacity of the races of the world, not white, for self-government. A constitutional monarchy composed of a nobility of natives and white men appointed by the King — conferring knighthood of several degrees upon the same., with all the power of older monarchies and state aggrandizements. And Americans and Europeans viewing with each other for the honors of royalty from the hands of King Kalakua. But such is this government, of no distinction, with a difference of degrees.
W. P. P.
August 1, 1874, Elevator
Powell's Mission to Honolulu
We copy the following from the Hawaiian Gazette of June 22, which will explain Mr. Powell's object in visiting the Sandwich Islands:
A NOBLE ERRAND -- By the Bark D. C. Murray, there arrived from San Francisco Mr. Wm. P. Powell, a worthy colored gentleman who has come all the way from New York city, inspired with the belief that he can cure the leprosy. He has been connected lor many years with the Sailor's Home of that city, and furnishes the best of references. About a year ago he wrote to a party here, offering to undertake to cure leprosy, by a method original with him if means were provided to enable him to get here. He was answered that it he had any effectual way to cure leprosy, be had better communicate it to the Board of Health, and it would be faithfully tried. He replied that no one could treat the disease as well as himself, and he desired to come if be could get here. With the aid of friends in New York he has come out, and now wishes to be allowed to cure such lepers as may be presented. There is something of the chivalric spirit of olden times in this man's leaving home, and coming out here, five thousand miles from his home, to undertake to cure what all consider an incurable disease.
Mr Powell writes us that he has had an interview with the King, and other dignitaries of the Islands, and his remedy will be tried. If successful his fortune is made.
October 21, 1874, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
For Honolulu
The Tuscarora Detained by Orders from Washington - Mails Transferred to the D. C. Murray
Orders were received from Washington yesterday, delaying the departure of the U. S. steamer Tuscarora for Honolulu, as had been announced, and the mails will be transferred to the bark D. C. Murray, to sail on Friday. The detention of the Tuscarora is supposed to have been induced by the news of the demand made by the German man-of-war on the Samoan Government, and it is expected that the Tuscarora will be ordered to the Navigator Islands to protect the Americans there, as well as to look out for the interests of the United States. A former resident or Samoa, and well versed In the affairs of that Government, publishes in another column a reply to the special of the New York Herald, denying the demand made by the German man-of-war.
December 20, 1874, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
From Honolulu
The bark D. C. Murray, which arrived last evening from Honolulu, brought the following passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Folsom and infant, Rev. H. H. Parker, Mr. C. Thurman, H. Kohnke, Captain R. D. Weeks, H. Braultecht, B. Bornhold, F. W. Blume, J. N. Howe, J. McArthur, Charles and William Sehemelpfenning.
By the arrival of the bark D. C. Murray, we receive Hawaiian files to November 25th, from which we glean the following items:
On Tuesday, the 24th inst., His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, received at lolani Palace at 11 a. m., Major James H. Wodehouse, Her British Majesty's Commissioner and Consul-General, who presented to His Royal Highness, Captain Ralph P. Cator, R.N., of H.B.M.'s S. Scout; Captain Frederick Vander Meuleu, R.N., of H.B.M.'s S. Tenedos; Captain Charles Vernon Anson, R.N., of H.B.M.'s S. Reindeer; and Theo. H. Davies, Esq., British Vice Consul.
At twelve o'clock His Royal Highness received Mons. Theo. Ballieu, Consul and Commissioner of France, who presented to the Prince Regent, Mons. Charles Perner, Chancellor of the French Legation.
At half-past twelve o'clock His Royal Highness received James Scott, Esq., United States Charge d'affaires, who presented William H. Peebles, Esq., United States Vice-Consul.
His Royal Highness was attended on these occasions by His Excellency W. L. Green, Minister of Foreign Affairs; His Excellency W. L. Meohonua, Minister of the Interior; the Hon. Charles R. Bishop, the Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, His Excellency W. F. Allen, Acting Governor of Oahu; the Hon. Major E. H. Boyd, His Majesty's Chamberlain; Hon. J. U. Kawainui, Colonel H. Judd and Major H. Prendergast.
A monument was erected on November 14th, in Kealakekua Bay over the remains of Capt. Jas. Cook, bearing the following inscription:
"In memory of the great circumnavigator, Captain James Cook, R.N., who discovered these Islands on the 18th of January, 1778, and fell near this spot on the 14th of February, 1779. This monument was erected in November, A.D. 1874, by some of his fellow countrymen."
Another Kona storm passed over the islands last week, commencing on Tuesday night, November 14th, and breaking up on Saturday. On Wednesday, the barometer fell to 29:60, the lowest point it has indicated for many months. The rain-fall on Thursday and Friday amounted to 10:65 inches, that of the first day having been the extraordinary fall of 8:85 inches. Beyond the uprooting of trees and damage to houses and crops, we learn of no serious losses -- at least nothing compared with what is often caused in other countries by such gales.
The ship Syren is loading oil for New Bedford.
The United States steamer Tuscarora arrived November 25th.
December 15, 1885, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California
A Disgusted Passenger
The suit of J. J. Haley and others against the bark D. C. Murray, was argued and submitted in the United States District Court yesterday. The complainants alleged that while passengers on the said bark they were so badly treated as to have been obliged to leave the vessel at Honolulu.
July 23, 1886, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Argument in Chambers
The appeal in the case of the bark D. C. Murray, J. J. Haley, respondent, was heard on argument for a new trial in Chambers, by the Judge of the United States Circuit Court yesterday. Haley was a cabin passenger on the bark from the South Sea Islands, some months ago, and he sued the bark to recover damages for alleged bad food that was given him.
September 21, 1886, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Judgment Affirmed.
The judgment in the case of Jesse J. Haley, et. al., vs. The bark D. C. Murray, rendered in favor of plaintiffs some time ago by Judge Hoffman, in the United States District Court, was yesterday affirmed by Judge Sawyer of the United States Circuit Court. This suit was brought on account of bad fare furnished the plaintiffs, who were passengers on the bark, which was bound for this port, and who were forced to leave the vessel at Honolulu. The Court allowed Haley $800, Walter Adams $200, Elizabeth Heeketh $100, and Charles Spliet $100.