News & Tall Tales. 1800s.

The Girl Burgler
Saturday, March 26, 1898, San Francisco Call, San Francisco
Edna Trueworthy, 14 Years of Age, Jailed.
Accused of Entering Hotels and Stealing Jewelry.
Caught in a Mission - Street Church After an Exciting Chase.
A Portion of the Stolen Property was Found in Her Possession.
Edna Trueworthy, alias May Hinds, the pretty 14-year-old girl who is accused of entering the room of Mrs. Schofleld in the Russ House a short time ago and stealing considerable jewelry, was arrested last evening after an exciting chase and locked up In the City Prison. She was found in company with a girl named Alice Atwood, who was also taken into custody.
Shortly after 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mrs. Schofleld recognized the Trueworthy girl on Fourth street, and she started to speak to her. Evidently thinking that she had intended to have her arrested the erring girl ran up Mission street and darted into St. Patrick's Church, where she tried to conceal herself. Detectives Sullivan and Graham happened to be in the vicinity, and, seeing the girl running, they followed her into the church. She was at once taken to police headquarters and closely questioned. She at first denied her guilt, but finally broke down and made a confession. A portion of the jewelry which she had stolen was found in her possession.
To the detectives the girl admitted that a short time ago she entered a room in the Hotel St. Nicholas and stole several pieces of jewelry. Her scheme was to visit a hotel and after entering the parlor she would apparently amuse herself by playing the piano. As one of the women guests left her room the girl, with the aid of a skeleton key, would at once enter the apartments and make a thorough search for jewelry and other valuables. After satisfying herself that she had not overlooked anything she would then leave the hotel as mysteriously as she entered.
Last night the detectives recovered several pieces of Jewelry which the girl had stolen. They were found in a pawnshop on Third street, where she had sold them.
Edna is not unknown to the police. Some time ago she was arrested for stealing some jewelry, but on account of her tender age it was decided to send her to the reform school. After a few weeks' incarceration she escaped with several other girls by climbing over a high fence which surrounded the institution. To-day the detectives intend to place several charges of burglary against her.
San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists : Volume I, 1850-1864, Louis J. Rasmussen.
Trees in Paradise: A California History
Jared Farmer
California now has more trees than at any time since the late Pleistocene. This green landscape, however, is not the work of nature. It's the work of history.
In the years after the Gold Rush, American settlers remade the California landscape, harnessing nature to their vision of the good life. Horticulturists, boosters, and civic reformers planted millions of trees to create groves, wooded suburbs, and landscaped cities in bare countrysides. They imported the blue-green eucalypts whose tangy fragrance was thought to cure malaria. (It does aid in keeping vermin out of your home should you includes stalks in your bouquets.) They built a lucrative "Orange Empire" on the sweet juice and thick skin of the Washington navel, an industrial fruit. They lined streets with graceful palms to announce that they were not in the Midwest anymore.
California: A History
Andrew Rolle, Arthur Verge
This eighth edition covers the history of the Golden State, from before first contact with Europeans through the present; an accessible and compelling narrative that comprises the stories of the many diverse peoples who have called, and currently call, California home.
Explores the latest developments relating to California’s immigration, energy, environment, and transportation concerns. Features concise chapters and a narrative approach along with numerous maps, photographs, and new graphic features to facilitate student comprehension. Offers illuminating insights into the significant events and people that shaped the complex history of a state that has become synonymous with the American dream. Includes discussion of recent – and uniquely Californian – social trends connecting Hollywood, social media, and Silicon Valley.
Conquests and Historical Identities in California, 1769-1936
Lisbeth Haas
Spanning the period between Spanish colonization and the early twentieth century, this well-argued and convincing study examines the histories of Spanish and American conquests, and of ethnicity, race, and community in southern California. Lisbeth Haas draws on a diverse body of source materials (mission and court archives, oral histories, Spanish language plays, census and tax records) to build a new picture of rural society and social change.
Contested Eden:
California Before the Gold Rush
(California History Sesquicentennial Series)
Ramon A Gutierrez, Richard J. Orsi
The essays investigate traditional historical subjects and also explore such areas as environmental science, women's history, and Indian history. Authored by distinguished scholars in their respective fields, each essay contains excellent summary bibliographies of leading works on pertinent topics. This volume also features an extraordinary full-color photographic essay on the artistic record of the conquest of California by Europeans, as well as over seventy black-and-white photographs, some never before published.
A Golden State: Mining and Economic Development in Gold Rush California
James J. Rawls
The Gold Rush was a multiplier, an event that accelerated a chain of interrelated consequences that in turn accelerated economic growth. But it also touched a deep-seated nerve in the human psyche and unleashed economic forces, for good or ill, that transformed California forever into a Golden State.
Artists of the WestWestern Art |

The Naval Order of the United States has a history dating from 1890. Membership includes a wide range of individuals, many with highly distinguished career paths.
The San Francisco Commandery meets the first Monday of each month at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club in San Francisco, California and holds two formal dinners each year.