News & Tall Tales. 1800s.

Pennsylvania vs. California
February 2, 1849, The Star and Banner, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.Pennsylvania vs. California
If our National and State Governments will only give us the right kind of laws, we have wealth enough in Pennsylvania to enrich every citizen of industry and perseverance, without the trouble of a dangerous voyage round the world to the Gold regions of California.

Give us the necessary protection to develope our resources -- protection to enable us to work our mines of coal and iron, to keep up the blast in our furnaces, the fires in our forges, rolling mills, nail factories, to keep the spindles of our cotton manufactories in motion, and employ our Railroads and canals in transporting produce and manufactures -- protection sufficient to keep us clear of the pauper labor Europe, and enable us to give constant employment and good wages to every man willing to work -- give us this and Pennsylvania will be a match for California any day.

There will no use of going there to gather the golden harvest -- it will flow in upon us by the natural currents of commerce. The old Keystone is the true El Dorado after all -- capable of sustaining a larger and much happier population than any other State or territory in this Union -- California with its gold placers, swamps and deserts not excepted.
Reading Journal.
Immigration at the Golden Gate: Passenger Ships, Exclusion, and Angel Island
Robert Eric Barde
Perhaps 200,000 immigrants passed through the Angel Island Immigration Station during its lifetime, a tiny number compared to the 17 million who entered through New York's Ellis Island.
Nonetheless, Angel Island's place in the consciousness of Americans on the West Coast is large and out of proportion to the numerical record. Angel Island's Immigration Station was not, as some have called it, the Ellis Island of the West, built to facilitate the processing and entry of those welcomed as new Americans. Its role was less benign: to facilitate the exclusion of Asians, starting with the Chinese, then Japanese, Koreans, Indians, and all other Asians.
The Children of Chinatown: Growing Up Chinese American in San Francisco, 1850-1920
Wendy Rouse Jorae
Family Skeletons: Exploring the Lives of our Disreputable Ancestors.
Simon Fowler, Ruth Paley
Most families have a skeleton. You may have already discovered yours via the grapevine or your own research. Or you may simply be intrigued by the dark side of our past. This popular history explores the behaviour of our disreputable ancestors from the unfortunate to the criminal, and introduces a host of colourful characters including 17th century witches, 18th century 'mollies' and Victorian baby farmers. Thematically arranged by skeleton, the text also describes how society punished and provided for its 'offenders' - as well as the changing attitudes that could ultimately bring acceptance.
Italy on the Pacific: San Francisco's Italian Americans (Italian and Italian American Studies)
Palgrave Hardcover)
Sebastian Fichera
San Francisco’s Italian immigrant experience is shown to be the polar opposite of Chicago’s. San Francisco’s Italian immigrants are shown as reintegrating into the host society fairly smoothly, whereas the Chicago group’s assimilation process broke down in dramatic ways.
Migration in World History
(Themes in World History)
Patrick Manning
Drawing on examples from a wide range of geographical regions and thematic areas, noted world historian Patrick Manning guides the reader through trade patterns, including the early Silk Road and maritime trade, effect of migration on empire and industry, earliest human migrations, major language groups, various leading theories around migration.
Russian San Francisco (Images of America) (Images of America)
Lydia B. Zaverukha, Nina Bogdan, Foreward by Ludmila Ershova, PhD.
Even before San Francisco was founded as a city, Russian visitors, explorers, and scientists sailed to the area and made contact with both the indigenous people and representatives of the Spanish government. Although the Russian commercial colony of Fort Ross closed in 1842, the Russian presence in San Francisco continued and the community expanded to include churches, societies, businesses, and newspapers. Some came seeking opportunity, while others were fleeing religious or political persecution.

The Naval Order of the United States has a history dating from 1890. Membership includes a wide range of individuals, many with highly distinguished career paths.
The San Francisco Commandery meets the first Monday of each month at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club in San Francisco, California and holds two formal dinners each year.