Passengers: San Francisco 1800s

John L. Stephens

Arrive San Francisco

August 16, 1853
R. H. Pearson, Commander
From Panama

Later from Panama

The P.M. steamer John L. Stephens, Capt. Pearson, arrived last evening, twelve days and fifteen hours from Panama, bringing 160 passengers and the mails. The dates from the Atlantic are no later than those by the Brother Jonathan. The following is her memoranda:

River Chagres. Panama.

August 3, at 9 o'clock, P.M., left Panama. Aug. 9, at at 12 o'clock noon arrived at Acapulco. Saw the steamer Cortes off the entrance of the harbor, bound to San Juan with passengers. At 6 o'clock, P.M., left for San Francisco., At 6 o'clock ant 15 minutes passed and exchanged signals with steamer Northerner, from San Francisco bound to Panama. Aug. 1, at 12 o'clock midnight, arrived off San Diego; landed the mail, and left again at 2:30 A.M., August 16, at 4:30 P.M., passed and exchanged signals with propeller Major Tompkins, bound South.

The J.L.S. has been absent from this port but 30 days, and made the run from San Francisco to Panama in 12 days and 2 hours.

Our files and packages were delivered by the Expresses of Adams & Co., and Wells, Fargo & Co.

There was not a case of sickness during the voyage. The Isthmus is reported healthy, and the roads in good condition for the rainy season.

Mr. James E. Murdoch, the celebrated tragedian, arrived on the J. L. Stephens.

A returning Californian, by the name of Wm. Cole, was found on the Cruces road, on the 15th ult., almost in a dying condition, an attempt having been made to murder him. Messrs. Rolston and McNulty, who found him, carried him to Cruces, where he was properly cared for. The Star cautions travellers against exposing themselves to anger by travelling alone across the Isthmus. An American had been robbed a few days before by a native negro.

The Specie Tax law, as finally passed, was shorn of its obnoxious features. The law does not compel shippers of specie to employ the government transport, and if transported by private companies there is no tax imposed.

News From Mexico
Fourteen Days Later

By the John L. Stephens we have news from Mexico to the 3rd inst. . . The cholera is raging at Orizaba, and a fatal epidemic similar to the yellow fever is carrying off numbers at Tixtla de Guerror.

The city of Mexico is very unhealthy, particularly for children.

There was a revolt of some officers and soldiers at Guanajuato on the 17th of July; but it was repressed the same day. Two were killed and four wounded. . . There has been a large fire in San Blas.


Boating on The Chagres River. Charles Christian Nahl.Boating on the Chagres River. Charles Christian Nahl.

Chagres River. Charles Christian Nahl.

Edward Flint, Jas. E. Murdoch, J. N. Bonieto, Major E. S. Lovell, Mrs. C. Harley, Mrs. J. D. Philipps, Miss E. Phillipps (cq.), Mrs. John Robbins and son, Mrs. Mary M'Leod and three children, Mrs. Harriet Howard, Miss Virginia Reed, Miss E. Worms, Mrs. E. B. Mastick and three children, Judge E. Lauder, J. H. Clay Mudd, Dr. B. M. Bryns, lady, child and servant, Mrs. Agnes Brodie and child, F. H. Day, Miss Clara J. Ball, Mrs. H. J. Thornton, Miss Bessie Thornton, S. W. Topliff, Joe G. Elliott, Y. Jacbex, V. Gliden, H. Straper, B. Miner, Jas. M. Woodman, J. White, James McLean, R. P. Johnson, Jesse Johnson, Charles Johnson, B. B. Smaworth, E. Watson, S. B. Vanderveer, M. Staken, J. C. Vanderveer, Mrs. Nancy White, Miss Eliza Gibson, Wm. Miller, B. Nye, H. P. Stewart, J. E. Francisco, J. M. Compaino, W. W. Hayes, G. Bradley, D. L. Woodward, Duncan Vermont, A. J. Sharpless, W. Gilkum, W. Bnrks (cq), J. Olway, Peter Sather, Capt. E. O. Ord, U.S.A.; John Ord, U.S.C.S.; David Kurr, U.S.C.S.; Mrs. Ada M'Guire, H. Thompson, Mrs. Jas Brodie and 2 children, Mrs. M. A. Marshall, Mrs. M. Treadway and two children, Mrs. J. R. Malony, Geo B. Kerlin and lady, C. A. Williams, Alfred Mitchell, Peter Yager, wife and 2 children, Eli Bangs, Chas Moore, J. McDormot, Nich Thompkins, Miss S. Bauman, B. Cosuert adn wife, Jas. Renard, Fred Rent, Jno Frank, P. Gilidberger, Louis Myer, Jacob Soul, Saml Luxinder, B. McDonald, J. O. Sullivan, J. A. Williams, Chas. Libby, Fred Ricus, H. Stinaker, D. Hogan, J. D. Boise, W. Severer, A. Osburn, Chas Myers, J. P. Smith, Isaac Sweetland, H. Winkerman, J. Murphahny, Adolph Brieger, Sam Prescott, John H. Minston, Robt. L. Forbes, Chas. Reynolds, P. Bartell, Thomas Copinger, J. Q. Libbey, L. McKamer, Miss M. Fox, Mrs. J. M. Mann and son, L. H. Little, Kelan Holista, J. McLane, L. E. Walmoth, Miss A. Brady, Miss Be. Leon, A. Dorris, Aug Peabody, Chas March, Harley Fairbooth, Pat Collington, F. Barrett, H. Thompson, D. Gordine, R. Y. Anderson, Wm. Brodie, D. M. Kelley, W. J. Harris, John Miller, Geo O'Riley, N. Hamilton, J. H. Still and lady, John Stakes and wife, John Ashley and lady, J. H. Mallett, Miss C. H. P. Mallett, C. C. Chadwick, T. Pennison, A. C. Dietz, S. B. Ludlow, H. C. Smith, S. W. Day, J. E. Jaggar, E. H. Watts, Jas Howard, Mrs. Samuel Cowlee and child, Aug. Colwell, P. E. L. Newbaurne -- 152 grown persons and 17 children.

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Sources: As noted on entries and through research centers including National Archives, San Bruno, California; CDNC: California Digital Newspaper Collection; San Francisco Main Library History Collection; and Maritime Museums and Collections in Australia, China, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc.

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