Passenger Lists: San Francisco 1800s
SS Golden Age
Arrive San Francsico
January 15, 1856
Captain James T. Watkins
From Panama
Wednesday Morning, January 16, 1856, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
Arrival of the Golden Age
Nine Days Later From the Atlantic.
No Prospect of Organization.
One Week Later from Europe.
The P.M. Steamship Company's steamer Golden Age arrived from Panama yesterday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, with mails and passengers. She brings dates from New York to the 22d of Dec., and from Liverpool to the 8th.
We are indebted to Messrs. Wells, Fargo & Co., Pacific Express, Wines & Co., and Freeman and & Co. for papers.
The Empire City was detained two days past her usual time of sailing. The Golden Age consequently had two days later despatch from Panama. The Golden Age had 30 hours gale in Tehauntepec, the wind blowing from the North and West. She was hove to 12 hours. Arrived of the heads at 4 P.M. on the 14trh inst., the wind from the south east, blowing a gale with very thick weather and heavy sea running. The actual running time of the Golden Age is quite as good as usual -- 11-1/1 days aside from these detentions. Saw Sonora, January 24, near Punta Mala; saw Golden Gate, Jan 10th near Cape St. Lucas.
Wednesday Morning, January 16, 1856, Daily Alta California, San Francisco
The Golden Age arrived yesterday, with dates from New York to the 22d of December, and from Liverpool to the 8th. The steamer with which she connected on the Atlantic side was delayed two days in the hope that the President's Message might be delivered to an organized Congress. It will be seen, however, that after sixty-seven ballotting, the result seems about as distant as if it was after the first vote for Speaker was taken, so far as the prominent candidates are concerned. Much interesting Washington news will be found in the summary which we give today.
Some interesting news in relation to the next Presidency also reaches us by the steamer, and it seems that Col. John C. Fremont is a candidate in anticipation.
The European news does not amount to much. The peace rumors are still in circulation, and affairs at the rest of war seem to be very much at a standstill.
The Cortes with two days later news may be expected to arrive either today or tomorrow, but it is not probably that we will get the message by her, as it was pretty generally conceded that no organization of the House would be effected until after the holidays.
We received by the Golden Age but one day later news from the City of Mexico, being the Siglo, to the 25th. It announces Gen. Comonfort's new manifesto, for the day after, and speaks of General Yasez's (name ) honorable acquittal after the investigation instituted for his conduct at Guaymas, when defeating Count Rousset de Boulbon.
Consignees: Pacific Express Co. 87 pkgs; H. Hertch, 7; Lazard Freres, 5; Verdier Freres & Co., 14; F. Franck & Co., 3; Gigsons & Co., 1; E. Cordier & Co., 21; G. Aiken, 17; Hayneman, Peck & Co., 1; Freeman & Co, 115; Beltoc Freres& Co., 2; Lynch & Roeding, 1; S.T. Meyer & Co., 4; G.H.Wines & Co., 92; Wells, Fargo & Co., 206; F.O. Ledtman, 1.
Adolphe, J.
Amesbury, H. N.
Barker, J.
Berrey, Mrs. A. P.
Bevins, J., lady, and two children
Bowman, Miss
Briggs, D. D.
Briggs, W. and lady
Britan, H. L.
Buchanan, Mrs. McKean and daughter
Connor, Miss
Darlington, J. (First initial difficult to read. May be other.)
Davis, G. J.
Davis, J. A.
Dietrich, F. and lady
Dunn, A.W.
Dunning, Mrs. and son
Durgen, Mrs.
Fales, E. and wife
Fontnigne, M.
Fuller, J.
Gillett, S.O.
Haley, M.
Hambelin, Mrs. W.
Hart, C.O.
Hart, J. N.
Haven, J. P., lady, two children and two servants
Hazelton, J. (Pacific Express)
Heald, J.
Hewett, (Wells Fargo & Co.)
Hill, Rev. Mr.
Huth, C.C., two children and servant
Irving, W.
Judkins, Mrs. E.
Judkins, S.
Keith, Mrs. S.A.
Kelley, B.
Kun, J.H. and lady
Lehaw, F.
Leighton, A.
Lemparae, M. and lady
Little, B.
Loveland, W.
Lovell, J.
Martin, W.
McCane, Judge
McGinness, Mrs.
Miller, J and lady
Mills, J.J. and lady
Murphy, Mrs. M.J.
Nichols, W. N., lady and three children
Olden, Mrs. and daughter
Otis, J. H. and lady
Parling, J. Y.
Peri, L.
Rabenstein, A. and lady
Ragsdale, Mdme.
Rice, F.O.
Robinson, J.
Ross, A. and boy
Russ, Horace P.
Safford, J. H.
Sanborn, John D.
Schaffer, P.
Scott, J.
Shafter, Miss
Simons, A. S.
Smith, Mrs. E. and three children
Tallman, Mrs. and three children
Taylor, Mdme.
Taylor, S.
Torrey, E.W., lady and daughter
Tripp, D.K.
Washburn, L.
Washington, Col. B. F.
Wheeler, S. N.
Williams, J., wife and two children
Wilson, H.
Wincante, S. N.
Wolfe, (G. W. & Co.)
Woodward, Capt. W.
Young, H. M.
301 non-commissioned officers and private, composing Companies C. D. and H., of the 9th Regiment, and 400 others in the steerage. Ladies 100, children 23. Total number of passengers 851 and 8 horses.
Officers of the 9th Regiment:
U.S. Infantry: Lieut Col Casey, Capts F. Bowman and P.N. Guthrie, Lieutenants R.H. Davis, J.A. Howard, H.B. Fleming, H.A. Douglas, J.K. Allen, D.B. McKibbee, Dr. G.S. Sukely
Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life
Roger Daniels
This revised edition is an engrossing study of various waves of immigrants to the United States from the colonial era to the present. This is a useful book for anyone who has an interest in learning brief histories of most groups of immigrants to the United States.
It also provides a theoretical understanding of the reasons for immigration. Though it is particularly useful in its examination of the pre-colonial and colonial periods.