Ship Passengers arriving in San Francisco: 1800s
SS California
Arrive San Francisco
August 23, 1850
SS California
Lt. T. A. Budd
From Panama
Alta California, Friday, 12 o’clock, August 23, 1850
Death of the President of the U.S.!
The Question of our Admission still Undecided!
The U.S. mail steamer California, Lt. T.A. Budd commanding, arrived this morning at day light, bringing the melancholy intelligence of the death of Gen. Taylor, President of the United States.
The California question was still under debate, but the prospects of a speedy and satisfactory termination were rather improving.
The California left Panama on the evening of the 3d, having been detained in waiting for the passengers of the Philadelphia; the latter sprung a leak in a gale of wind on her passage to Chagres, and to prevent a total loss, her passengers were compelled to assist at the pumps, for many hours.
The Sarah Sands was at Panama, or Toboga, preparing to leave for San Francisco; there were a large number of sailing vessels at anchor in the roadstead, waiting freight and passengers.
The latest dates brought by the California are to the 13th from New York.
The C. came up the bay with her colors displayed at half mast. Mr. Forbes, her purser, reports but a few passengers on the Isthmus when she left.
The California left Acapulco on the 11th. The cholera had prevailed with much fatality there, but it was subsiding. Ship Matilda, with coals to Howard & Son, and another vessel with coals for Howland & Aspinwall, are in port. The C. did not stop at San Blas on account of a severe gale. No vessels at Mazatlan on the 15th, but on the 16th, H.B.M. ship Dolphin arrived. The steamer Ecuador sailed from Mazatlan on the 14th. At San Diego on the 19th, barque Winthrop, bound for Panama with passengers, all well. On the 18th, passed the brig Corbiere with passengers for San Francisco.
The Hawaiian princes, Kamehameha and Lehiliho, accompanied by Dr. Judd, are passengers on board the California.
The capital is shrouded in mourning. President Taylor is no more. He breathed his last at thirty-five minutes past 10 o’clock yesterday evening, and lies in state this morning at the Executive mansion, surrounded by his grief stricken and afflicted family.
Still we are unadmitted! Confusion reigns in the Capitol ’ gloom and anxiety, and "men’s hearts failing them for fear." These is hope left us, nevertheless, and we look trustingly forward to the decision of the many questions before Congress, involving our admission in another week.
Abbi, Dr.
Abel, A. G.
Adams, L.
Adler, L.
Alvaraiso, F.
Ames, C. S.
Ames, H. C.
Arata, Mr. F.
Arnstein, J.
Atkins, W. T.
Ayers, J. C.
Bailey, Davis W.
Bailey, J.
Baker, W.
Barker, Mrs. and three children
Barnett, Lestor
Basely, J.
Beach, C.
Beach, C. A.
Beach, G. W.
Beardslee, Mr.
Bedell, Mr.
Bell, Pelasso C. E.
Bentliff, W. A.
Bettis, John
Birch, W.T.
Brigham, James M.
Brown, N. D.
Brown, William
Bruner, G.
Bumm, G.
Burke, M. D.
Cady, A. D.
Caldin, R.
Canfield, W.
Catherwood, Mr.
Charles, Mrs.
Chittenden, Jr.
Clark, Mr.
Clarke, G. E.
Clarke, Mr. (Rasmussen notes that this passenger boarded at Mazatlan)
Clarke, W.
Claypole, J.
Coltart, J.C.
Conklin, J.
Connelly, John
Coombs, J.
Cooper, J. B. R.
Craig, J.
Cram, D.
Crosby, C.
Crozier, J.
Cruse, S. R.
Davenport, William
Davidson, Paul G.
Davis, J. R.
Davis, Mr. and two ladies
Davis. S. C.
Day, W. H.
Dean, A.
Dean, Jas. H.
deGraff, H.P.
Doane, M.
Dougherty, J.
Dulay, Mr. and lady
Fisher, M.
Flomoy, T. C.
Flores, S. and six servants
Flournoys, Mr. and three servants
Ford, Joshua (Rasmussen notes that this passenger boarded at Mazatlan)
Forgeaud, Dr. and lady
Forsyth, W.
Fox, J.
France, A. M.
Frank, F.
Freeman, E. G.
French, C. C.
Gaines, W. M.
Gaston, O. B.
Gladding, W. B.
Goodman, J. R.
Goodrich, L.
Goold, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Goold, R.W.
Gorman, Geo.
Gotscask, C. V. (Rasmussen questions Gotscush or Gotscash)
Graham, W.
Grant, I.
Gratehouse, Mr.
Green, Capt. Benjamin
Griswold, G. G.
Halsted, J.L.
Hancock, T. J.
Harralson, J. H.
Harville, J. W.
Hay, James
Haynes, J.
Hazzard, H.
Hazzard, S.
Henry, G.
Hewlett, H. H.
Hogan, William B.
Holman, M.
Home, Tyler
Hooper, Mr.
Horne, Henry L.
Howell, Danl
Howell, Rufus
Hunter, J. H.
Ills, G.
Ingerson, Edwin
Ingerson, John
Jacobs, J. B.
Jacoby, J.
Johnson, F.
Johnson, M.
Jones, G.
Jones, Robert
Judd, Dr.
Kamehameha (Hawaiian Prince Note: Rasmussen lists this as Kamcheha, but given the news story, and that the name immediately follows Liholiho, it surely is Kamehameha)
Karnes, J.
Keirsting, Mr.
Kellam, B. J.
Kettering, G.
King, James
Konkle, Daniel C.
Kreagher, Philip
Ladd, S.
Lane, J.S.
Lee, Major (U.S. Army)
Letts, W.
Liholiho (Hawaiian Prince)
Lyons, Judge
Male, E.
Mancheusen, M.
Marcia, F.
Marcia, S.
Mari, Mr. J.
Markland, C. H.
Markland, W. T.
Martin, Mr. A.
McArfee, Catherine
McCarthy, Mr.
McChung, H.
McGarrity, G. M.
McLeod, John C.
Mensing, Mr.
Merritt, J.
Messenger, S.
Meyers, B.
Mighell, William
Mihas, J.
Miller, C.S.
Miller, Henry
Miller, S.
Morse, J.
Muenot, Mr.
Murphy, B.
Murphy, Dennis
Murphy, S.
Murphy, W.
Murray, Edward
Nay, W.
Nesmyth, Alexander
Nesmyth, Georege
Nixon, William
Nolton, H. D.
Norris, T. E.
O’Neill, P.
Oliver, L. C.
Orde, O. C., M.S.A.
Ottinger, L.
Owens, P. A.
Paine, J.
Parkinson, W. G.
Paul, John S.
Peck, C. A.
Peterson, G. H.
Peyken, C.
Plecken, J. H.
Potter, E.
Price, Jacob
Pullen, Augustus
Rand, J.W.
Reede, R.
Reeve, G.T.
Rhodes, O.
Robinson, Francis
Robinson, W., Jr.
Rodgers, Mr.
Rosenfield, M. S.
Rowley, R.
Rownberg, J.
Sanders, B. C.
Sanderson, Thomas
Sandford, W. B.
Sangree, C. W.
Simmons, E.
Simmons, J. H.
Sizer, S.
Smith, A.
Smith, J.
Smith, T. A.
Smith, William
Solomon, L.
Spalding, J. E.
Stanley, G. J.
Stone, A.
Sutton, D.
Texas, C.
Thompson, A.
Thurston, D. T.
Troutman, J. T.
Tucker, J. W.
Tuckner, J.
Turnelle, E. L.
VanDusen, M.
Vantine, Charles
Vinning, J. L.
Ward, T. R.
Waters, Richard
Watson, W. H.
Webster, W. W.
Wiggins, D. H.
Willendrof, Timoithy
Willenhart, E.
Williams, J.
Wineman, Eli ( Rasmussen notes that this passenger boarded at Mazatlan)
Wood, J.E.
Woodley, E. B.
Woodruss, A.
Ybaria, F.
Young, J. H.
The August 24, 1850 Alta indicates that the following boarded at San Diego:
Alvariso, F.
Arata, J.
Beardsley, Mr.
Bell, C.B.
Chittendon, Mr.
Cooper, J. B. R.
Craig, J.
Crosby, Mr.
Davis, Mr. and two ladies
Dunley, Mr. and lady
Flores, S. and six servants
Gratehouse, Mr.
Hogan, W. B.
Hooper, Mr.
Lee, Major (U.S.A.)
Marcia, P.
Marcia, S.
Mari, J.
Martin, A.
Matthew, Mr.
Meanobee, Mr.
Mitchell, Mr.
Muenot, Mr.
Murphy, B.
Murphy, J.
Murphy, W.
Pelasso, Mr.
Slack, Mr.
Smede, Mr.
Wihas, J.
Williams, J.
--total 259