Passengers at the Port of San Francisco: 1800s

SS America
New York to Nicaragua; Connect with Moses Taylor
SS America
Captain Jeff Maury
From New York to Nicaragua; cross the Isthmus to connect with the Moses Taylor
December 18, 1863, California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences
The People's Line of Steamers.
We learn that a brisk and earnest, competition is now intended on the New York route, and in a fast way of its completion. The steamship America, of 2,500 tons burden, for this side, will leave New York on the 23d of December, and will be due here the 10th January, next. She will stop at Panama, for passengers, and then proceed to this port.
The Retribution, a splendid steamer of 3,300 tons, equal to the Golden City, is now rapidly finishing and will leave New York in January.
The new America and the Moses Taylor are intended for this side. The new Retribution and the Illinois will run from New York to Panama. The length of time that this line will run on the Panama route, is uncertain. One thing is certain, however; a vigorous, able and earnest competition will be kept up on the Peoples' Line, for the people. Nothing has as yet been definitely settled by the United States Government relative to the rights of a National highway, yet our Government are determined it soon shall be. The moment this is done the People's Line will return lo the Nicaragua route, and press on in their determination to win the favor of the great Public to the Peoples' Line. Mr. Roberts is constantly at work to devise ways and means to advance the quickest and most safe way for the immigration of the people to our shores, and that is what California wants we want population, and those who labor for cheap fares and a quick passage will be sure to secure the people's patronage. One thing is certain, the new steamers added to this Line are certain to make the Line equal to any for safety, speed and accommodations.
July 9, 1863, Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
The following named are passengers from the Atlantic States, en route to California, per Aspinwall and Nicaragua steamers.
Passengers: June 13, 1863
The following passengers left the Atlantic states from New York with through passage to San Francisco per Aspinwall and Nicaragua steamers. The Daily Alta California did not note which passengers specifically made it through to San Francisco.
Presumably the majority of these passengers actually arrived in the City aboard either the SS St. Louis on July 9, 11 A.M. or the Moses Taylor on July 12, 1863.
Albert, M. and wife
Allen, D. K.
Anderson, Mrs. A. J. and two children
Averel, L.
Averel, Mary
Avery, D. E. (Col. D.E. Avery of New York checked into the Occidental Hotel on July 13th, 1863)
Barton, O. and wife (Dr. T. M. Barton and family of New York checked into the Occidental Hotel on July 13th, 1863)
Bell, E.G. and wife
Bennett, Mrs.
Bentley, Miss H.
Bently, T. S.
Boyd, W. A., wife and sister
Brinbaum, Mary
Brinsbaum, W.
Brozzell, Miss M.
Buckley, J. P., wife and child
Cady, Mrs. G. B.
Campbell, James
Carter, J. A.
Casidy, Mrs. E.
Champlin, W. B.
Chase, Mrs. C. A.
Church, Miss L.
Colby, J. S.
Coles, D. H.
Coles, J. L.
Conlish, Mrs. E.M. , infant and seven children (Might be Mrs. E. M. Conlisb)
Cook, W.S.
Daigneau, S.
Dean, Mrs. L. and child
Doolen, William
Dubois, A. S. (A.P. Dubois of New York checked into the Occidental Hotel on July 13th, 1863)
Dutche, J. M. and wife
Dyer, G. and wife
Edgar, Mrs. W. G., infant and two children
Edgar, W. G.
Fludder, J.
Folsom, Miss S.
Foster, G. and two ladies
Fry, M.
Gallagher, William
Glacee, Mrs., two sisters and two children
Golden, Mrs. M. and two children
Gordon, Mrs. E. T., daughter and four children
Gould, Dr., wife and child
Gould, Mr., wife and child
Graff, J.
Griswold, Mrs. L. and two children
Guptill, E. H., wife and two children
Haight, J. E. B.
Hale, S.
Hall, W. H. H.
Harkness, Miss A.
Henry, Mrs. and infant
Holland, J. C., wife and sister
Hopkins, L.
Hubbell, Orton
Jamison, W. H.
Jenkins, Elizabeth
Johnson, P. B.
Judd, Miss A.
Kepplen, C.
Lake, Master
Lake, Mrs.
Lamb, F. B.
Lawrence, J. E.
Layton, Miss J.
Linneo, G. D.
Love, R. B.
McBane, J. D.
McClain, J.
McConahee, Miss
McConahee, Mrs.
McCormick, Miss M.
McCullough, S. G., daughter, and three children
McDougal, Miss A.
McGraw, Mrs. and three children
McNally, Mr. and wife
Murdoch, Miss C.
Nichols, Miss B. C.
O Connor, John
O Connor, Miss M.
O Grady, P. J.
Pennerger, J. H.
Rev. F. H. Blanchet
Rev. Mr. Halde
Rev. Mr. Hodges
Rev. S. B. A. Brouillet
Robinson, D.H.
Ross, F. H., wife and child
Ross, H. J.
Shaddock, G. and wife
Shanks, J.
Shepson, William, mother and three children
Sister Catharine (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister de Arimathie (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister del Enfant Jesus (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Emerentienne (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Enerancienine (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Euphemie (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Fredrich (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Hyacinth (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Isadore (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Kate Kirrs (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Lajove (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Catharine (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie de Assize (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie de Sacre Coeur (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Delacroix (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie des Auges Gardieres (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie des Sept Douleurs (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Heduidge (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Helene (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Justine (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Louis (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Marie Praxede (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Patrick (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Romuald (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Marie Virginie (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Olivier (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Paul Miki (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Terese de Jesus (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Sister Veronique du Crucifix (Sisters of Charity: Arrived San Francisco on the St. Louis, July 9)
Slater, C.O., wife and child
Sloat, B. R.
Sloat, E. A.
Spencer, R. B.
Tifalini, Fibras
Towne, L.A.
Truax, Mrs. E. and child
Tryon, Mrs., infant and two children
Turner, F.
Tusker, Dr., wife and child (Dr. J.C. Tucker, wife, and Master Tucker of New York checked into the Occidental Hotel on July 13, 1863)
Vernon, L.P.
Waho, G.
Whitney, Miss M.
Wilbar, R. and wife
Wilcox, Sylvia S.
Wilcox, W. H.
Wood, Mrs. H.
Worsley, Mrs. and two children
And about 300 other passengers