Passengers arriving at the Port of San Francisco

SS Winfield Scott

Arrive San Francisco

September 2, 1853
SS Winfield Scott
Lieutenant S. F. Blunt, Commander
From Panama


Daily Alta California, September 20, 1853

With The U.S. Mails,
Twelve Days Later News.
Failure of the New Orleans Mail via the Isthmus

The Pacific Maill’s fine steamer Winfield Scott, Lieut. S. F. Blunt commander, arrived this afternoon at 3-1/2 o’clock, 14 days from Panama.

The Winfield Scott got under weigh from Panama Sept. 4th at 2 a.m. with mails and passengers for San Francisco. Sept. 9ht, at 9:45 P.M. arrived at Acapulco; coaled ship, and sailed Sept. 10th at 10:30 A.M. Left the steamship Oregon in port, from San Francisco for Panama. Sept. 16th, at 6 P.M., arrived at San Diego; took in 30 tons of coal, and sailed at 8:30 P.M. Sept 18th, and 10 A.M. arrived at Monterey; exchanged mails, and started at 10:30 A.M. September 18th, arrived off the Heads and anchored, the fog being to thick to run. Sept. 19th, got under weigh and arrived at San Francisco at 3:45 P.M. Sept. 17th, 18 miles west of Santa Barbara, passed P.M.S. Co’s steamship John L. Stephens.

The passengers speak in the highest terms of the skilful navigation and gentlemanly treatment of Captain Blunt; also of the cleanly condition and orderly arrangements of the ship, and the kindness, attention and skill of all her officers.

Among the returned Californians, passengers by the Winfield Scott, are Edward Byrne, Esq., J.P. Sullivan, Esq., and E. Gould Buffam, of San Francisco; A.A. Townsend, of Stockton, and A.A. Durfee of Sacramento. Among the passengers is Mlle. Leo Picard, an actress of considerable reputation, from Paris.

Mr. Sullivan, while in Paris, received the appointment of U.S. Consul at Bayonne, France. Mr. Sullivan returns to California for the purpose of arranging some business matters, when he will proceed immediately to his post.

By this arrival we have New Orleans papers of the 5th of September, telegraphic dispatches from New York to August 29th, and from London to August 15th. The Yellow Fever was slowly abating its ravages in New Orleans. . .

The Winfield Scott left Panama on Sunday, Sept. 4th, at 2 A.M. She brings the U.S. mails brought from New York by the Illinois, with dates to the 20th of August. She also brings from Acapulco the mails by the Ramsay route, with New Orleans dates to Sept. 1st. The Winfield Scott left Acapulco on Saturday, Sept. 10th, and the New Orleans mail arrived on the night previous.

She brings 144 passengers, and 221 bags of mail matter, under the charge of Capt. J.M. Thornton, Mail Agent. We are indebted to Berford & Co.’s Express for the early delivery of Panama and Atlantic papers.

Up the the hour of steamer’s departure, no tidings had been received of the steamship Philadelphia, which was to have left New Orleans on the 22d of August, with the mails. She consequently brings no mail from New Orleans via the Isthmus of Panama.

There was no sickness on board, and but one death has occurred on the Winfield Scott since her departure from San Francisco.

From a passenger who came up on the steamer from Acapulco, and who left New Orleans on the 14th of August, we learn that the agents of the mail steamship Philadelphia, which was to have left New Orleans from Aspinwall with the mails, on the 22d, had decided not to send her, and said they should not dispatch her again until October. The cause of this was the difficulty of procuring hands, and the small number of passengers. The next New Orleans mail will probably reach here via New York.

Orders had been received at Governor’s Island for the transmission to the Rio Grande of large quantities of ammunition. . .

Col. Collier has been arrested in Ohio, and is to be sent to this city for trial, on the charge of withholding public funds while Collector of this port.

It is reported that gold mines have been discovered in Iowa. Great excitement was created by the announcement. A letter from the new mines says that a man obtained $85 clean dust from a pan of earth . . .

The U.S. Mail Steamer Cherokee was burnt at New York on the 26th August . . .


By the Winfield Scott and Uncle Sam, we have dates from Panama to the 3d inst.
On the 1st of September the proclamation of the new Constitution was made throughout New Grenada. In Panama its inauguration was celebrated by high mass, reading the Constitution, bull-fights and balls . . .

Panama Star


We are informed that a company of laborers, under charge of Dr. D.W. Gillet, will commence immediately to repair the Cruces Road: the work will begin at Cruces and be continued in this direction as far as Savanna Grande, or Elephant House at which point Mr. Van Runnels commences to repair the bad parts of the road at Agua Buena and Punto Frio, Mr. Gillet continuing the work on the road generally to this city, so as to put the whole in good order. Mr. Gillet will commence his operations at once with as many laborers as can be procured, while all who can be had in New York and New Orleans, will be sent out as speedily as possible to re-enforce him. Sixty thousand dollars will be spent on the repairs.

Buy at
Chinese Workers helping construct the
Central Pacific Railroad
Completed 1869

Mr. Spires, Secretary or President - we forget which - of the Railroad, was to have left New York on the 22d inst. For Ireland, where he will employ two thousand men, and ship them direct for Aspinwall. From Ireland, Mr. S. will proceed to China, where he will engage two thousand or more Chinese, all of which force will be put to work on the Railroad, as fast as they arrive. It is confidently expected that by the beginning of the dry season, the Company will have over four thousand men at work.

This looks like going to work in earnest, and the parties who have taken the matter up deserve much credit for the energy they display. As soon as the road is repaired, passengers will lose all the dread they have hitherto entertained of crossing the Isthmus, and we may again look forward to a rush of emigration by this route.


We learn that Mr. Ernest Zachrisson, formerly of the house of Zachrisson Nelson & Co. of this city, has obtained from the Chilean government a grant extending 20 years, for the exclusive privilege of navigating, for purposes of trade and commerce, the rivers of that country with steamers propelled by Ericsson’s caloric engines. Mr. Z. has two years from this date of the grant we believe the 17th of last month to have in running order at least one vessel of five hundred tons; and in three years one or more additional ones.


Eleven Days Later. The Winfield Scott brings files from the City of Mexico to the 3d of September. The papers are full of accounts of the robberies and murders by the Indians in Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Nueva Leon, Zacatecas, Coahuila and San Luis Potosi. Renewed efforts are being made to re-admit the Jesuits . . .

The workmen engaged in digging the canal at Texcuco, found a box made of stone; with a lid let in with very nice fitting grooves. The box contained a number of Aztec antiques. The government has placed the box, with its contents, in the National Museum . . .

From Acapulco we have some interesting news. The schooner B.L. Allen which was seized there a few weeks since still remains in the harbor, and the officers and crew are in the fort. It was rumored that they were to be sent down the coast for another trial . . .

The American consul at Acapulco delivered to Capt. Blunt of the Winfield Scott a despatch from the American Minister in Mexico, directed to the commander of any vessel of war cruising in the Pacific, and supposed to be an order for the sailing of any such vessel to the port of Acapulco. This is probably connected with the recent levy of back duties from the P.S. Steamship Co., and the seizure of the schooner B.L. Allen. It looks like a small speck of war.

Cargo: Cooke, Kenny & Co., Stationers’ Hall, Corner Montgomery and Merchant Streets, listed the following for "sale wholesale and retail": A large assortment of Gold Pens, manufactured by Messrs. Grean & Bown, New York consisting of: Medium pens and extension cases; Commercial pens and extension cases; Engrossing pens and cases; Mercantile pens and cases; Leviathan pens, silver and ebony holders; Leviathan pens, gold and ivory holders; Gent’s ebony and coca desk pencils; Assorted pen holders, gold, silver, coca and ebony. " All of the above pens have our imprint on them, and are warranted to give entire satisfaction."


Not listed.


Mlle. Leo Picard, "an actress of considerable reputation, from Paris."
Allman, W.
Baker, Dr. J. W. H.
Beals, Capt.
Bego, G. (Might be Rego)
Bernard, T.
Berry, M. (Might be Barry)
Bogart, Capt. J. C.
Bowman, R.
Brewer, T.F.
Brown, D.
Brown, F.T.
Brown, W.
Buffam, E.Gould., Berford & Co.’s messenger
Burns, J.
Burns, Mrs. Caroline and child
Bussey, L. B.
Byrne, Edward Esq.
Cadete, G.
Cady, J.
Caldwell, W. D.
Calliere, F.
Cally, A. L.
Cambell, James
Canady, T.
Carman, J.
Cepana, J.
Cinhofts, G.
Clark, A.
Cummiskey, Mrs. E. J. and child
Cunningham, J. A.
Davidge, H. S.
Dawson, S. P.
Dearborn, John, Adams & Co.’s messenger
DeBuny, H.
del Castillo, Pedro
Devoe, Mrs.
Doherty, T.
Doncett, J.
Dunham, E.
Durfee, A. A., Wells, Fargo & Co.’s messenger (of Sacramento)
Forton, P.
Fuco, J.
Gardner, J.
George, Mrs.
Giles, Edward
Giles, Wm.
Goodrich, G.
Gorch, J. G.
Gregory, E.
Gribber, H.
Griffith, M. and lady
H zee, P.
Hall, C.
Hallett, W. P.
Hennsman, P.
Hess, Mrs. N.
Hopkins, M.
Howard, T.
Hughes, Mrs. Susan and child
James, J.P.
Johnson, G.
Kane, D.
Kelly, J., lady and child
Killett, J. H.
Killett, J. H. (Might be Kidett)
Koppeig, Mr.
LeBaron, Henry
Lilly, Mr. C. and lady
Lockes, L. W. and daughter (Might be Locker)
Loveland, L. Z., lady and child
Lynch, B. W.
McCullen, G. W.
Melartz, E.
Mildrom, D.
Miller, James
Millhoen, H.
Millhoen, J.
Mince, E.
Mingoice, J.
Moores, P. and lady
Mortimer, George
Mullard, C.
Murphy, Mrs.
Myers, H. and lady
Myers, L.
O’Neil, D.
Oghamburn, G.
Parker, F. C.
Pate, P.
Perry, Mrs. Mary
Petry, John
Picard, Mille. Leo
Porter, D.
Ranspect, H. J.
Rayn, Mrs. and child
Richardson, W.
Robertson, F.
Robertson, J. C.
Rockel, Chas.
Ryar, A.
Schaffer, Mrs. C.
Schriler, L.
Scott, B.H.
Sermon, J.
Spoon, Mrs. and child
Stephens, E. (Alta notes Stephees, but this directly follows Stephens on the list, so it might be a typographical error)
Stephens, L. B.
Stransyner, F.
Strobridge, Miss Mary
Sullivan, J. P., Esq.
Townsend, A. A. (of Stockton)
Trebane, Berrat
Trebane, G.
True, J.
Tryer, L.
Tyler, Joseph
Tylus, Mr. (Difficult to read. Might be Tyler, as he immediately follows Joseph Tyler on the listing.)
Undarti, Miss S.
Waber, Miss D.
Webster, W. H.
Wheeler, M. B.
Wilcox, A.
Willmott, J. H.
Wilson, W.
Woodrie, H. J.
Woods, Mrs. I. C., child and servant

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Maritime Nations, Ships, Sea Captains, Merchants, Merchandise, Ship Passengers and VIPs sailing into San Francisco during the 1800s.



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Sources: As noted on entries and through research centers including National Archives, San Bruno, California; CDNC: California Digital Newspaper Collection; San Francisco Main Library History Collection; and Maritime Museums and Collections in Australia, China, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc.

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