Passenger Lists: San Francisco 1800s


Hong Kong Maru

Arrive San Francisco

March 20, 1900
Hong Kong Maru
Captain Filmer 
26 days, 23 hours from Hongkong via Yokohama and Honolulu



The Toyo Kisen Kaisha's steamer Hongkong Maru arrived from the Orient late Wednesday night and was sent into quarantine yesterday morning. As soon as Dr. Kinyoun learned that the plague was dying out in Honolulu he allowed the cabin passengers to land.

The vessel was held for fumigation, however, and will probably dock to-day. The cabin passengers on the Hongkong Maru were:


C. H. Bain, V. de Bodisco, W. J. Carlisle, Benjamin Ellis, Alfred Goni, Count R. Marbin, T. H. Holmes, J. R. herod, J. C. hinkley, J. S. Humphrey and wife, George Kaehler, R. Kondo, D. Kowzinbzeff, H. E. Lewis, R. C. McKerron, Mrs. Watson, C. H. Nichols, wife and son, K. Nabeshinna and wife, M. Ofaguwa, C. Perriera, Edward Runge, Charles Rogers, S. S. Kerujso and wife, B. Sangino, A. Scharffe, Wada Masanga, J. B. Tuttle and wife, W. A. Armstrong, Mrs. G. W. Ketchum, J. C. Fitzsimmons, S. Hichborn,T. Matsuega, Mrs. G. S. Morgan, Mrs. J. W. Matteson, Miss C. E. Rowen, Mrs. J. W. Bergstrom, Miss T. L. Curtis, P.B. Smith and wife, T. O. Van Ness, M. M. Wells, W. S. Sachs and wife, Joseph Pash, wife and son, Mrs. A. H. Webster, D. J. Styne, R. O. Rawlings, Miss Russell, J. J. Walsh.

In the steerage the Japanese mail boat has three Europeans, 246 Japanese and 111 Chinese passengers. The influx of Japanese into California has been something wonderful of late.

Every steamer from the Orient brings them into the United States in hundreds, adn in consequence every vessel from the Sound has her steerage crowded with them. The Walla Walla brought in over a hundred, while the City of Puebla, due here Sunday, has near two hundred aboard.

The demand for Japanese labor has increased with leaps and bounds within the last few months. The Highbinder Wars among the Chinese have paralyzed that class of labor, and the "little brown men" from Japan are wanted in their place. On its face, however, it looks very much like contract labor coming into California.

Japanese in San Francisco.The Four Immigrants Manga
A Japanese Experience in
San Francisco, 1904-1924Japanese in San Francisco.
Henry (Yoshitaka) Kiyama
These poignant tales of four immigrants in turn-of-the-century San Francisco try for irony in depicting the protagonists' attempts to understand the convoluted whims of their American employers. But the humor hovers near slapstick, with the pie in the face of the Caucasians. The illustrations are direct and effective depicting how difficult it was for Japanese to rise in business. The story is bookended by the dates 1904 and 1924, as in 1924 the immigration laws stiffened and some of the protagonists elected to return to Japan. After 18 years of preparation, this book includes extensive notes historically pinpointing several of the cartoons and an introduction providing an overview of the author/illustrator.

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Maritime Nations, Ships, Sea Captains, Merchants, Merchandise, Ship Passengers and VIPs sailing into San Francisco during the 1800s.



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Sources: As noted on entries and through research centers including National Archives, San Bruno, California; CDNC: California Digital Newspaper Collection; San Francisco Main Library History Collection; and Maritime Museums and Collections in Australia, China, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc.

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