Passenger Lists: San Francisco 1800s


SS City of Para

Arrive San Francisco

June 13, 1897
Captain Annable
From Panama
22 days, 7 hours (flying the yellow flag - quarantine)


June 14, 1897, Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, California

SAN FRANCISCO, June 13. The steamer City of Para arrived today from Panama flying the yellow flag, and was immediately ordered into quarantine. When one day out from Panama one of the passengers, Mrs. Mitchell, died of yellow fever, and a few days later Captain Mortensen also died. About twenty passengers came into port, none having symptoms of the disease.

June 16, 1897, San Francisco Call, San Francisco, California

The Para was released, but the passengers are held.

Arrival of the Rio de Janeiro Gave Rise to Several Complications. 
When the Para's passengers are released the Rio's Asiatics will be fumigated.

The Pacific Mail Steamship Company's City of Para was released from quarantine yesterday, but the cabin passengers and those in the steerage are still on the island. It was at first intended to keep the steamer in quarantine five days, but "circumstances alter cases"' and when the Rio lie Janeirogot in from Hongkong and way ports yesterday it was found to he absolutely necessary to release the City of Para.

The Rio de Janeiro had on board 182 Chinese anil 38 Japanese, all of whom have to be fumigated before they can land. As the quarters for the cabin and steerage passengers on the island are occupied, it was thought better to keep the Chinese and Japanese on the Rio and allow the City of Para to come out of quarantine.

In spite of the fact that cholera is prevalent in China, and that, of late, no Chinese have been allowed to land until they and their effects had been fumigated, the Rio de Janeiro is now alongside the wharf with all her coolies on board. True they are kept on the outside part of the upper decks of the steamer, and guards are placed over them to keep them from straying, but nevertheless they are constantly in contact with the crew of the vessel, the buk of whom are coming and going between ship and wharf.

Angel Island, San Francisco Bay, California.

On board the Rio de Janeiro there are between fifty and sixty Chinese bound for Central American ports, and when the City of Para docked last night they were at once put aboard her. When the Para's passengers are released to-morrow the steerage passengers on the Rio de Janeiro will be taken to Angel Island (image above) and fumigated. The cabin passengers on the island are clamorous to be released, and some of them say bad things about the quarantine officers. What would they say if 220 Asiatics hadl been dumped among them

Before the City of Para was allowed to leave Angel Island the officers and crew and the cargo were all fumigated. Sailor Jackson, who had a relapse last Monday, is still in a precarious condition, but every effort is being made to save his life. The quarantined men and women from the City of Para are having a hard time to kill time. There is nothing to do but fish or loll around, and as tney cannot wander very far irom the station on account of the cordon of sentries placed on the ridge of the hill by the military authorities their lot is not a happy one. Tomorrow, however, they will be out of their misery, and then they may have something to say for themselves.

June 15, 1897, Sacramento Daily Union, Sacramento, California

Marine Disasters on the Southern Coast
The British Ship Buckhurst Burned Two Hundred Miles Off Nicaragua
A Part of the Crew Picked Up by the Steamship City of Para

Fifteen on Board Missing 
Those Rescued Spent Twenty Days on Cocos Island Without Seeing a Sail, When They Took to Their Boat Again and Were Rescued by the Pacific Mai! Steamship.

SAN FRANCISCO, June 14. The Pacific Mail steamship City of Para, now in quarantine at this port, brings the details of the loss in mid-Pacific of the British Buckhurst on Aptil 4th last, she having picked up part of the crew of the ill-fated vessel on May 2d when 200 miles off the Nicaraguan coast, and landed them at Punta Arenas.

The Buckhurst sailed from Newcastle for Panama with a cargo of coal on February 2d last, and had an uneventful voyage until April 3d, when smoke was seen issuing from her hatches and ventilators. The pumps were rigged, but without effect, for after working night and day for ten days the flames compelled the crew to abandon the ship. Cocos Island Treasure.

After the vessel burned to the water's edge the boats were headed for Cocos Island, 470 miles distant, but only three of the five reached there a week later, the others, with fifteen men having disappeared. Twenty days were spent upon that island by the castaways without seeing a sail, and fearing that their provisions would not last much longer, they decided to take to the boat again. When picked up by the City of Para they were in a most deplorable condition from thirst, heat and exposure.

June 15, 1897, San Francisco Call, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

Believed to Be Epidemic from Panama to Champerico
Dr. Bleu Says That Hundreds Are Dying Daily of the Disease

The passengers on the City of Para are bewailing their fate. For the next five days they will be held in quarantine at Angel Island, and not even the mails will be allowed to land. At least twenty-four hours before the Para is released the Acapulco, which will be due next Thursday, will be keeping her company. Chief Engineer McLean of the Acapulco died during the voyage, and it is thought that other deaths may have occurred.

Sailor Jackson of the City of Para, who was thought to be convalescent, has had a setback and yesterday morning was put to bed again. Quarantine Officer Bieu has very little hopes for his life. All the passengers, both cabin and steerage, and also the mail, will be fumigated, and if no fresh cases break out the vessel will be released on Friday and allowed to dock.

In talking about the matter yesterday Dr. Bleu said that he had reliable information from passengers by the City of Para that yellow fever was not confined to ihe isthmus of Panama, but that hundreds were dying from the disease along the coast as far north as Champerico.

The City of Para is the steamer that picked ap some of the crew of the burned British ship Buckhurst and landed them at Punta Arenas. Two of the ships' boats with seventeen men in them are still missing . . .

The Mail Company's San Jose, due here six days after the Acapulco, and the San Blas, due here on the 29th inst., will follow the Para and Acapulco into quarantine.

This is the busy season of the year with the Pacific Mail.The coffee has all been gathered and thousands of tons of the beans are now awaiting shipment to this port. In fact, the crop has been such a heavy one that the company has been compelled to put tramp steamers on to accommodate the planters. The enforced detention, therefore, of each of the steamers for five or more days in quarantine here will entail a very heavy loss on the Mail Company.


The passengers per steamer City of Para were:

F. M. Husted
Francisco Dutas and wife
F. J. Knudsen
Francisco Escelan
J. R. Jenner
Benjamin Baruch
Horace Parker
Gaston Ame and wife
Mrs. J. Olcovich
Mrs. R. de Charer
B. Kramer
Dr. J. Kingwell
Jose E. Yeaza
Mrs. Grant and family.


Saturday, June 19, 1897, San Francisco Call:

Sailed, Steamer City of Para, Brown, Panama, etc.

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Maritime Nations, Ships, Sea Captains, Merchants, Merchandise, Ship Passengers and VIPs sailing into San Francisco during the 1800s.



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Sources: As noted on entries and through research centers including National Archives, San Bruno, California; CDNC: California Digital Newspaper Collection; San Francisco Main Library History Collection; and Maritime Museums and Collections in Australia, China, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc.

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