Passengers: San Francisco 1800s

S.S. Yankee Blade

Leave San Francisco

September 30, 1854 (Saturday)
Captain Captain H. Randall

At 3:30 p.m., on October 1, 1854, the Yankee Blade struck a rock at Point Pedernales, between the Southern California coastline and the Channel Islands, which grounded the ship.

Eye witness accounts attest to foggy conditions, stating the land was hardly visible. The sea between the grounded ship and the shore, which was less than a mile away, was rough.

The Captain tried to reverse engines and back off the reef, but water was rushing in through a gash, one foot wide and thirty feet long. The ship was lost.

October 10, 1854, Sacramento Daily Union, Sacramento, California

By Telegraph to the Union
From the Extra Union of Monday morning
Further Particulars of the

Loss of the Steamship
Destruction of Human Life

Names of Passengers Known to be Lost
Three Hundred Missing!

Culpable Conduct of Officers
Loss of Personal Property, etc.

San Francisco, October 9.

Point Conception to Point Sur

Point Conception to Point Sur, California.

The Yankee Blade, Capt H. Randall, left San Francisco at 4-1/2 o'clock, p. m., Saiurday evening, September 30, for Panama; and on the passage down the coast, struck a rock, at the point about sixteen miles above Point Conception, at halfpast three o'clock on Sunday evening, Oct. 1st. Immediately her stern went down, causing the loss of some fifteen persons.

The vessel has become a total wreck, causing much misery, and a heavy loss to individuals. Some thieves commenced pillaging the ship as soon as the passengers began to land.

The loss of this steamer is but another instance of the destruction of property and life through the utter recklessness of those having the power to employ men, able and willing to discharge their duties. The utter incompetency— criminal carelessness of the Captain is to be seen in the fact, that he turned his back to all advice— was told the course he was pursuing would be destruction to the ship and passengers, all of which he unheeded; thus causing the loss of life and property.

Capt. Bell, passenger by the Goliah, states from the best information he could learn from reliable sources, twelve hundred passengers were on the Yankee Blade. Capt. Haley stated to him that he had taken from the wreck and on shore, seven hundred passengers and left one hundred and fifty on the beach, as per statement of Capt. W. H. Burt, who had charge of the only boat that returned on shore to the relief of the passengers.

Of 1200 sailed, 350 or thereabouts, are missing, but feels sure that out of the whole number, 850 have been saved. As much as, we fed disposed to censure Capt. Randall, we will reserve further remarks until we have his statement of the occurrence. Why be should be so far out of his — why he deserted his ship, remains to be explained.

To Capt. W. H. Burt and Charles Matthewa, many hundred passengers are indebted for their lives. They were? both passengers onboard the Goliah.

To Capt. Haley, of the Goliah, they owe everything. We learn that the following are the names of passengers known to be lost:

Mrs. Longston and four children.
Mrs. Brannan and child.
Mrs. Sumner and child.
Mrs. Smith, wife of Mr. Smith - firm of Smith, Brothers & Co.
Mr. Moore and child.
Frank Mitchell.

Second Dispatch.
Steamer Sent to the Yankee Blade
The Comptrollership— The Hall Case.

San Francisco, Oct — 10 p. m. The steamer Brother Jonathan left this evening for San Diego to bring up the passengers from the wreck of the Yankee Blade.

October 10, 1854, Sacramento Daily Union, Sacramento, California


Total Wreck of the Yankee Blade— From Thirty to Forty Lives Lost— Disgraceful Scenes on Board $163,000 in Specie Lost— Opportune arrival of the Steamer Goliah— Lists of Passengers Lost and Saved, &c.

The steamship Goliah, Capt. Haley, arrived this morning from the lower coast bringing disastrous tidings. We are indebted to Pursera Fleming for the following memoranda and list of passengers :


Per steamer Goliah.— Sailed from San Francisco Sept. 30 at 41@ p.m. October 1st, at 7 a.m., arrived at Monterey. Discharged freight and passengers and sailed at 11-1/2 a.m. Oct 2, at 8 a.m., weather very thick, off Point Aguillar, discovered steamer Yankee Blade ashore; lowered our boats and commenced taking passengers from the wreck, of whom there were about 700 left on board. During the day succeeded in taking on board over 600, and assisted in landing the balance on shore. At 4 p.m.. sailed for San Diego, touching at Santa Barbara and San Pedro to land freight and passengers. Oct. 4, at 8 a.m., arrived at San Diego, landed freight and passengers, including those taken from the wreck. At 10 p. m. started on our return to the wreck; in coming out of the harbor during a thick fog, got aground, where we lay until the next evening, when we got off and proceeded to the wreck; touched at San Pedro and Santa Barbara; at the latter place took off 35 of the Yankee Blade's passengers, who had came from the wreck by land. Oct. 7, at 8 a. m.; arrived at the wreck and took on board the balance of passengers and crew, 361 in all; at 4 p.m., sailed for Monterey, where we arrived Oct. 8; at 9 a. m. took in twenty cords of wood, being short of fuel, and sailed at 5-1/2 p.m. for San Francisco, where we arrived at 9 o'clock this morning.

The following is the official report of the loss of the Yankee Blade, made by Purser Vought:

Official Report:

The Independent Steamship Yankee Blade, Henry Randall, Esq., Commander, sailed from San Francisco, Sept. 30th at 4 o'clock P.M. clock, with eight hundred passengers, and $163,000 in specie —passed the Heads at 5 o'clock, and at nine o'clock the same evening saw a steamer on the starboard beam, supposed to be the Uncle Sam or John L. Stephens.

October 1st at 3-1/2 o'clock p.m., being encompassed in a dense fog, steering a S. E. by S. course, and supposing ourselves at least ten miles from shore, we struck a reef of rocks off Point Arquella, about fifteen miles above Point Conception, upon which the ship ran upwards of sixty feet, while her stern swung in nine fathoms of water, which in less than twenty-five minutes sunk below the promenade deck; but so firmly was the forward part embedded in the rocks, that up to the time we left the ship (about P.M. on the 2d inst.,) she had not receded an inch.

As soon as we discovered our danger, the officers of the deck launched and manned the boats, and proceeded at once to get the ladies and other passengers on shore. And here, it is but justice to observe, that great approbation is due Capt. Henry Randall for his promptness in going on shore to find a proper place to land his passengers— in taking charge of one of the boats himself, and beaching it successfully when that of the first officer was stranded— for the anxious manner in which he urged the hands on shore to return to the wreck with the boats, when they displayed every desire to desert him, and for sending his son, Henry Randall, Jr. to supply his place on the wreck, in which capacify he ( Henry) acquitted himself in a manner far beyond his years, inspiring all hearts with hope and preserving as much order as could be preserved under such exciting circumstances.

While the boats were being lowered the chief steward and storekeeper went below with a gang of men, and brought out large quantities of provisions, which were sent on the upper forward deck. The Purser prepared to save the ship's papers and the valuables left in his possession belonging to passengers, which have ail been safely delivered to their owners. But, on going below about ten minutes after the ship struck, he found the specie covered with five feet of water, and so rapidly was she filling, that the water rose in the stern at the rate of six inches per minute, consequently no one dared descend to the vault, which he locked, and returned to the deck to save what he could of the Express matter, etc., which he succeeded in getting forward, and in company with some stout hearts, watched by it all night, while desperadoes were rummaging and pillaging the ship, and it was reported, although not supposed to be true, that a man had been murdered ou the lower forward deck.

Before dark the promenade deck and houses aft the shaft had all washed away, and others were torn down to form rafts in readiness for immediate departure, in case of a sudden crash, for we knew not how soon a gale might strike the ship and scatter her timbers in piecemeal on the waves.

Night coming on, and the fog, which had for a short time disappeared, again set in, the boats were stopped running, not being able to find the shore, and the terrors of our situation began to stare us in the face; for amid the howlings of the wind, the roaring of the waves as they broke upon the deck, and the hoarse orders of the third officer and Mr. Randall, there rose the loud accents of ardent and despairing prayer. Confusion in the wildest sense prevailed, for there were those who had prepared to swim ashore stiffening with the cold — those who had sought to drown their fear in too frequent libations of the ardent — while some with a calm resignation had prepared themselves for the worst, and awaited their fate in peace. Thus we passed the dismal night, made still more solemn by the church like tolling of the bell, which seemed to beck usa on to our funeral.

The scene on shore was equally painful, the boat the first officer commanded, with 21 souls, mostly females, was stranded, and all with the exception of himself and three others, who were thrown upon the beach apparently lifeless, were lost; and here I would record an instance of female energy seldom equalled even in the annals of the revolution. A Mrs. Jane Elwell, who had exerted herself by going into the water alongside of the boats and carrying the ladies ashore, saw the almost lifeless bodies of two ladies, and .said to a young man, "you take one and I'll take another," and she picked up one of the ladies and placed it on her shoulder, and carried it up an almost perpeudicular bluff to a spot where they had found a camp, and built fires, and afterwards together with many other ladies, stripped off all her under clothes and gave them to the exhausted men.

During the night a number of bodies washed ashore, among others a female with a child clasped in her arms, the wife of Mr. Brenan, who as an extraordinary instance of devoted love, went on shore with spade in hand, dug up his wife and child, kissed them, prayed over them, and then reburied them.

At day-break, the boats were again set in motion, when Mr. Hewitt came on board, and although much bruised, his stout heart never forsaking him, recommenced the discharge of his duties with astonishing energy. At 8 a. m., our hearts were made glad by the appearance of a steamer on our larboard quarter, which proved to be the Goliah, Samuel Haley, Esq., commander, who, as if by a kind dispensation of Providence, appeared, sent to our relief, for had we depended upon our own boats a large number would have been lost, as we could not have got ashore that day, and that night the wreck went to pieces, to nothing in the morning was seen but a shell of the stern, which had separated and turned bottom up.

To Capt. Haley we feel it a particular duty to extend our thanks for his promptness in sending boats to our rescue, and receiving six hundred of our number on board his steamer, in which we were taken to San Diego, whither she was bound, where 536 were left until a steamer could be sent to bear them on their homeward course.

Before leaving the wreck, we sent on shore all the provisions to be found, awning and poles for tents, bed, clothing, etc., for the use of those that had remained, whom it we found necessary to leave, as the Goliah was too heavily freighted to receive them. But it is to be regretted that the actual sufferers never received the provisions sent them, for a party composed of the ship's firemen, insensible to humanity, and holding the advantage of having in their possession a large quantify of fire-arms and ammunition, took for themselves almost every thing that went ashore, and money was seen in their possession which they could not have obtained honestly.

The Goliah, after making her trip to San Diego, returned to a cove about six miles from the scene of the wreck, when she received the balance of the passengers and crew, and started at 4 p.m. on 0 the 7th inst., for Monterey and San Francisco.

In addition to others, we are particularly indebted to Capts. W. H. Bur and Mathews, and to Purser John H. Fleming, of the Goliah, for their indefatigable exertions to get the passengers from the wreck and beach into the Goliah.

It is supposed that about thirty lives are lost, whose names, with the exception of a few, could not be ascertained. The following is list of persons known to be drowned:

Four children of Mrs. Logsdale;
Frances Mitchell;
One child of Mrs. More;
Wife and child of Thomas Brennan;
Mrs. Summer and child; Mrs. Smith and child, (of the firm of Smith Brothers & Co. )

Samuel Vought, Purser, Yankee Blade.

Passengers saved from steamship Yankee Blade:

J. Owen and lady, Mrs C Francis and child, Mrs. Spaulding and child, Andrew Patrick and wife, Mrs S. A. Smith, Andrew Swan, wife and child, Mrs T B Elder and child, Catherine Bavinger, E. Standish, lady and child, Mrs Colwell, Mrs Emily Croig and child. Mrs Jane Elwell, Mrs A Howord, Miss Reed, Mrs Bell and 2 children, Mrs Ficket and 3 children, Andrew Dowdridge and lady, Mrs. Dr. Mackay, Mrs E. A. A Terry,. Albert Terry, Mrs Elizabeth Perkins and 2 children,. Samuel Chadwick, Mrs Maria Chadwick, John Realey, Mrs. F. Elias, Chas. Douglas, Mrs. Helen Douglas and child, Mrs. Levanter Lane, Mrs. Day and 2 children; Miss Day, R. Hill, wife and children, Miss Kate Howard, Mrs. Fitzsimmons and child, Mrs. Burton and 2 children, Mrs. Elizabeth Keller, J. H. Cowed, Levi Lore, Jos Mitchell, Mos Bythen, A. M. Davis, Joseph Hall, W. B. James, P. D. Hitchcock, Wm. Wells, S. H. Church, E. H. Knight, W. L. Baird, C. Hensen, Jas. McNason, Wm. Portois, N. Levi, J. B. Eldridge, Marshall McCarty, J. E. Wilkinson, J. Thompson, B. H. Nichols, B. Book, H. B. Reed, N. W. Richardson, A. Ainsworth, S. S. Backus, H. Scoviss, L. B. Gleason, S. P. Edgerton, R. A. Broeves, H. A. Sturdivent, B. Lemon, F. Mitchell, S. Melloo, J. Smith, W. Vinegar, C. A. Horsard, C. Fayville, C. D. Watkins, A. Hoxie, H. Schaffer, N. Suxton, J. P. Chuffin, T. Potter, R. C. Williams, A. Moore, W. C. Ryle, J. W. Osborne, Moses Crosby, W. Windsor, J. Hyler, E. Graves, P. S. Wade, J. Stover, P. B. Canfield, D. Costello, J. White, J. Cox, J. L. Nowlan, J. Haywrd, G. W. Hewes, Dr. A. G. Kinzer, I. W. Gifford, E. M. Eden, G. L. Scramon, R. Doisen, H. H. Cox, M. Norman, D. Vansankser, J. Wiber, J. G. Curren, Jno Gregg, J. C. Case, J. W. Chambers, S. Blossom, O. Jones, S. S. Alexander, J. Pierson, H. A. Boyarden, A. Bolsen, H. B. Parkes, J. H. Young, L. A. B. Botart, J. McGinniss, H. L. Hughes, J. Olinger, A. Wright, W. Haskett, Wm. Schultz, John Jones, W. Abram, J. M. Rand, J. Teller, P. Mattson, N. N. Starr, E. A. Morrill, J. F. Chevallio, A. C. Franklin, T. M. Speers, D. McLaughlin, J. F. Henry, C. L. Qurrtembost, H. C. Lennox, W. H. Lyttie, T. J. McCarty, J. M. M. Brommess, J. K. Kietz, J. D. Brokuels, F. W. Haroley, J. W. Lusk, H. J. Marsh, Thas. Brace, T. H. McChenthoon, S. Sarnett, W. W. Rix, M. Punt, J. Harnemann, R. D. Wilson, Gardner Johnson, E. V. Haywood, J. B. Taylor, Jos. Moad, G. W. Full, Henry Jones, Joel Linscott, Christian Meyer, Chas. Denpris, Calvin Dennis, Festus Whitcombe, L. B. Bowman, A. I. Reed, C. Reed, E. T. Chrat, Michael Harmon, A. J. Leach, W. A. Benton, O. R. Woodwrd, S. Johnson, J. Crewfield, P. Thompson, C. Barker, D. Sullivan, W. Colbert, H. Morgan, W. S. Cook, McKee, J. Jacobs, B. A. Johnston, J. R. Ross, R. P. Bibo, C. Viol, W. Davison, C. Hutchins, N. Kelly, J. B. Pelman, A. Gould, B. Sumner, J. D. Mead, J. D. Spearman, J. Heibs, S. Marsh, W. S. Leight, D. B. Hammond, E. A. Emery, M. W. Jackson, D. Barker, M. Basth, M. Davis, H. Dunprise, Wm. Wiley, A. Kent, H. Foster, F. Brass; B. M. Card, I. Gaswilder, C. Dunham, A. M. Reynolds, D. D. Davis, J. Hall, C. H. Stone, A. A. Dodd, A. Rigger, E. B. Cox, C. C. Winnegon, W. B. Stockwell, G. Gunnison, J. McKay, H. Bishop, J. Combs, D. Kirkpatrick, D. Rigger, W. B. Privet, S. G. Underwood, J. E. Fletcher, M. L. McCoy, A. H. Moorehead, S. W. Nourse, G. C. Marsh, J. Carte, Jr., G. S. Shander, B. Bishop, J. P. Forbes, J. H. Johnsen, M. Phelps, N. Pierce, Wm. Bum, J. H. Booth, J. Ryan, A. Lyon, G. F. Shearman, A. Platt, J. Platt, R. L. Swartsvait, I. Reed, I. G. Sutherland, S. Ford, H. A. Jones, B. King, S. Lane, J. Hammond, T. Midey, I. Lynnell, G. L. Ramsey, J. Horton, C. Marden, H. Newman, E. Newman, H. Aups, I. J. Triddle, S. Winsuck, H. H. Sharp, J. Bonny, D. Evans, D. Egle, J. F. Hudson, W. Bunnis, E. Foy, J. T. Arnold, T. B. Easton, R. Powers, J. G. Sheldon, T. Evans, T. S. Harford, I. Wilson, L. Matthews, D. Dills, G. S. Hughes, M. T. Brown, F. Fiodo, W. H. McPheduth, R. Welsh, B. Elongsworth, J. W. Nuchant, G. Temuryer, P. Rickett, T. Lenron, G. Stanhouse, E. Hildreth, E. W. Pott, G. Hardey, G. Lees, J. S. Smith, H. Droyer, J. Abbott, W. Hughes, O. Allen, A. Crowell, J. Brockway, M. Randell, J. Hill, E. V. Holcomb, J. Rusbie, B. C. Bronell, J. Buckley, S. Osborne, L. Richardson, J. Green, T. N. L. Boyd, E. Westbrook, J. W. Clark, B. W. Hinckley, J. E. Ingersoll, J. Rose, T. W. Decker, T. Ross, C. E. Brown, Asa Bull, F. Withers, C. Beebe, M. Williams, Frank Williams, B. Oakley, Jr., C. Hollenbeck, W. H. Brown, G. C. Roberts, D. Packard, A. Beers, W. McFadden, E. Thomas, J. Raeglin, G. Lamptizer, D. S. Richmond, R. Davy, J. Edwards, J. Webbs, J. Copse, A. J. Colvin, J. Shestz, W. Wiggins, H. S. Jones, J. Martin, J. Randell, L. Cyme, W. Stenson, L. C. Rodgers, J. Radsbeck, G. A. Hart, G. A. Abbott, W. T. Hunter, A. W.Gould, J. Weber, E. Norton, Geo Rose, Adolf Bonday, Erastus Bartlett, H. Wilson, J. Witt, C. Halter, J. T. White, J. K. Turnley, F. Ross, H. Ross, H. Davis, J. T. Beronett, A. Moore, H. Witt, J. T. Russell, S. Murray, T. Town, W. S. Fletcher, J. R. S. Elliott, M. Evans, A. Olsen, J. Gaton, W. Gaton, A. Taylor, Wm. E. Frost, A. Bogue, I. Smart, B. Foley, E. Frost, S. Morrison, D. Abshier, S. Long, C. J. Stokes, C. W. Weston, S. Marsey, A. Houseman, H. H. Bennett, T. McCase, G. N. Bond, B. Tewksbury, W. Wilson, R. A. Wilkins, D. Newman, J. B. Gilkey, A. H. Huese, J. Richmond, J. G. Majo, E. Brady, L. Pope, J. K. Rey, D. Moore, J. B. Staires, T. M. Nichols, D. Watty, . Bonnersmith, W. S. Davis, J. F. Stump, E. Duval, J. Lotman, A. Donelty, P. Scriven, W. McRoberts, I. McGegors, W. H. Styles, J. H. Adams, J. Damons, J. T. Joyce, F. Caldwell, C. Caldwell, M. Day, C. Burbank, J. Clagton, J. Welch, J. Morton, J. Fayan, A. G. Cleney, J. Ward, J. Tromrs.

The above list does not include all the passengers.

October 12, 1854, Sacramento Daily Union, Sacramento, California, U.S.A.

The Brother Jonathan left last night for the scene of the . disaster, to bring up the passengers left at San Diego. Upon the arrival of the vessel our police force will be upon the alert, to 'arrest all the desperadoes who come up in her, and who are known to have taken part in the murderous scenes enacted upon the Yankee Blade. It has been said that ihe compasses of the Blade, were altered by some of the villains on board, so as to produce the result which has transpired. The Herald of this morning publishes a rumor to the effect "that the Southerner, on her last trip up, passed the Yankee Blade not far off Point Aguilla. She (the Southerner) afterwards met the Goliah, spoke her, and told the captain to keep a look out for the Blade, as from the course she was pursuing, when the S. saw her, she was in danger of going ashore. This was the reason the Goliah ran so close in shore herself."

If this be true, and it seems probable, the entire matter should be thoroughly investigated, not as such cases usually are, in "Star Chambers," but open and publicly, so that all the facts may become known, and the "guilty parties, whoever they may be, held responsible, "it is stated that the report of the purser, regarding the loss of human life, is incorrect, that it comes nearer two hundred than to fifty. If a perfect list of all the passengers that left here in her was kept, the accurate loss can easily be arrived at. As it is the loss of life is severe enough to cast many happy heart into gloom and dispair.

October 21, 1854, Daily Alta California, San Francisco


The steamship Brother Jonathan, Capt. Seabury, which left here on Monday evening last, arrivid at about one o'clock this morning, having on board six hundred of the wrecked passengers belonging to the Yankee Blade.

The Brother Jonathan arrived at San Diego on the night of the 11th, and the next day posters were circulated through tbe town notifying the passengers that they would be taken, passage free; and at 3 P. M.she left for this port.

We failed, from seme cause, to get a report from the ship purser or news collector, and are indebted to J. W. Sullivan for the few items we publish.

The wrecked passengers appeared to have been enjoying themselves to the full extent allowed by the limits ol tbe town, but expressed much disappointment when it was announced that they were to be carried back to San Francisco instead of being dispatched through to New York. Thbe ill feeliig and disappointment, however, soon disappeared after their embarkation, and they were nearly alll reconciled and pleased with their treatment on board the Brother Jonathan.

But one death had occurred among the passengers during their stay at San Diego, a Mrs. Standish, formerly of Norwich, Conn. Mrs. Lonsdale, one of the passengers who returned in the Brother Jonathan, lost four children during the confusion and excitement of leaving leaving the wrecked steamer.

The Brother Jonathan, on her downward and return trips, passed in sight ot the spot where the Yankee Blade was lost, but did not see the least vestige of the wreck, nor does she report having seen or heard of the Carolina.

The passengers were received by the citizens of San Diego with kindness and hospitality, and the best possible provision made for their comfort. A long statement trom the passengers appears in the San Diego Herald, in which they describe minutely the particulars of the disaster, and confirm the statements already published, relating to the robbery, plundering and disgusting conduct of a certain class on board, the crew at the vessel.

We are requested to publish the following resolutions, which were adopted at a meeting of the passengers on board the Brother Jonathan:—

Resolved, That we are under deep and lasting obligations to C. K. Garrison, Esq., Agent for the Nicaragua Line of Steamers, for fitting out their splendid steamer Brother Jonathan and coming to our immediate rescue and assistance. Also fro the generous manenr in which he provisioned the vessel for our use at so short notice, GRATIS.

Resolved, That we would express our admiration of teh seamanship of Capt. C. P. Seabury, commander of the steamship BrotherJonathan, and as a testimonial of our gratitude for his kindness and attention to us in the trip from San Diego to San Francisco, make him a suitable present.

Resolved, That we would offer our thanks to Purser Samuel Lea, First Officer Thomas Huntington, Surgeon B. K. Fitch, Chief Engineer S. F. Lewis. L. H. Berkele, Steward, and the other officers of the vessel, for thier affability and strenuous exertions to make our situation as pleasant as in their power, and would express our unanimous approval of their abilities and competency for their different offices.

Weekly Alta California, October 21, 1854

Meeting of the Yankee Blade's Passengers on the Plaza.

Yesterday afternoon a meeting of the shipwrecked passengers of the Yankee Blade took place on Portsmouth Square, for the purpose of adopting measures whereby their alleged wrongs could be redressed. After much confusion, order prevailed, and a number of the passengers having resolved themselves into a committee, proceeded to set forth the following resolutions:---

Resolved, That we deplore the loss of the splendid steamer Yankee Blade, not on account of the pecuniary loss to her owners, but to her unfortunate passengers in depriving them of the means to reach their long sought for homes.

Resolved, That after a careful investigation and by an unbiased judgment, we have come to the firm conclusion that sheer negligence upon the part of the managers of the Yankee Blade, in directing her course, and in running so near a coast well known to be dangerous, was the cause of the disastrous wreck.

Resolved, That duty compels us to censure Capt. Randall, in so quickly deserting the wreck, and leaving the boat without a leading officer on board to quiet the passengers and prevent the plundering. Had the Captain remained on board, it is our candid opinion that this could have been done.

Resolved, That the Agents (Messrs. Ralston & Fretz) of the Independent Line are justly censurable for not forwarding to the city of New York the passengers by the Yankee Blade in conformity with their tickets, but leaving them to the charity of the citizens of San Francisco, without the means to by a meal of victuals or nights lodging;
Resolved, That we feel that it is a gross insult to be tendered only one-fourth of the amount which we paid as fare to the States.

A committee of three were appointed to investigate the causes of this direful shipwreck, and to make a full report to the Insurance Company by which the vessel had been insured.
A committee of three were also appointed to make a collection among the charitably disposed, the proceeds to be handed over to the third mate of the steamer Yankee Blade, as a tribute of esteem for his gallant conduct during the late unfortunate shipwreck, he being left entirely destitute.

It was also proposed to present Capt. Seabury, of the steamer Brother Jonathan, with a gold watch, as a mark of esteem for the hospitable manner in which the destitute passengers were treated on board of his ship on the way from San Diego to this port.

It was finally resolved that a meeting should take place this morning, at the office of the Independent Line of Steamers, for the purpose of ascertaining what measures were to be taken in reference to the shipwreck, by the agents of the line.

During the above proceedings the agents of the line fearing violence sent to the Police office, and requested the Marshal to send down five or six police officers to prevent any outrage.

A committee of five of the passengers, who were deputed to wait on the agents, came down to the office, but did not succeed in obtaining an interview. After these occurrences nothing further transpired.


$153,000 in gold from Page, Bacon & Company and $60,000 belonging to Fretz & Ralston.

List of Officers Saved:

Capt. Henry Randall
Samuel L. Vought, Purser
Dr. D. L. Bates, Surgeon
C. H. Hewett, 1st Officer
J. H. Earle, 2nd Officer
William Quinn, 3rd Mate
J. H. Kunard, Officer
J. E. Edwards, Chief Engineer
A. Auckinlic, 2nd Engineer
W. H. Lownsberry, 3rd Engineer
S. Hinton, 4th Engineer
M. J. Mathewson, Barkeeper (colored)
J. Belknap, 1st Chief Steward

List of Crew Saved:

C. Ball
J. Banks
C. Barker
M. Barker
T. Bewter
W. Body
F. Bowers
J. Brent
C. Brown
S. Brown
J. Burt
D. Cabatt
H. Carman
G. Carter
J. Castiner
S. Chestnut
J. Clark
J. Clark
J. Conoy
B. Coyle
G. L. Crown
P. Curtis
Steward D. Davis
J. DeCusto
L. Deeby
T. Dixon
T. Doodl
R. Dows
D. Dull
J. B. Eynd
J. Farley
J. J. Francis
H. Freemer
H. Freidenburg
C. Frisby
T. Garman
W. Grant
H. Grinnel
D. Hackway
Wm. Hampshire
T. Harrison
J. Jackson
H. Jenkins
D. Jenkins
A. Johnson
F. Jones
A. Jungber
F. Kennedy
W. H. King
W. Lace
K. Lee
M. D. Little
J. Lynch
J. L. Martin
J. H. Martin
W. Martin
P. McClusky
J. Menomy
C. Mitchell
J. Morrison
M. Mulligan
P. Murray
W. O'Kieff
J. Otis
R. Pitche
L. Prien
J. R. Purnell
C. Ralergalen
J. Ramsey
G. Randall
W. G. Russell
J. Sherry
C. Shields
H. Silver
F. Silver
H. Smith
W. Stanber
B. Stay
F. Stephenson
W. B. Strobel
T. Sweeney
G. Swift, Storekeeper
W. Thompkins
D. Thompkins
J. Tyrrel
E. Vanorden
W. Waddington
W. Walke
L. Walker
W. Walters
M. Wells
K. Wells
J. Williams
W. Williams
W. Wilson
S. Wilson
B. Wood


W. Abrahams
M. Asnmer
W. L. Baird
R.T. Bales
C. Barker
R. M. Barnes
L. J. Barnes and Child
John Bealy
Mrs. Bell and Two Children
Mrs. Benton and Two Children
E. Bloomingdale
Mrs. D. Brackeray
J. M. Bradley
S. Brodwick
J. C. Brunald (might be Brunaid)
L. Brust
W. A. Burton
Joe Bythen
Mrs. S. Chadwick
E. T. Choat
S. H. Church
W. Colbert
W. S. Cook
J. H. Cowen
Mrs. Emily Craig and Child
J. Cralifeld (might be Crafifeld)
J. S. Crane
A. M. Davis
Miss Day
Mrs. Day and Two Children
W. Deanison
C. Douglas
Mrs. H. Douglas and Child
A. Drowbridge and Lady
Mrs. P. D. Elder and Child
S. B. Eldridge
Mrs. F. Elias
Mrs. Jane Elwell
C. Fish
Mrs. Fitzsimmons and Child
E. B. Foster
Mrs. C. Francis and Child
J. Fullerton
J. Gill
A. Gould
B. Gurner
M. Hackett
W. Hackett
Jos. Hall
C. Hansen
R. Hill, Lady and Child
O. D. Hitchcock
J. Hockman
J. M. Hose
Mrs. A. Howard
Miss Kate Howard
E. Hurd, Jr.
C. Hutchinson
J. J. Jacobs
W. B. James
S. Johnson
R. A. Johnston
J. Jones
Mrs. E. Kader
W. Kelley
J. Kline
E. H. Knight
Z. Lane
L. Laughlin
A. J. Leach
N. Levi
L. Love
P. Mattenson
J. O. Mavo
M. McCarty
J. McDaniels
J. McKee
J. McNeiser
J. D. Mead
H. Meigan
J. Mitchell
C. E. Norton
J. Owens and Lady
J. B. Paittiman
J. Patterson
Mrs. E. Perkias and Two Children
W. Porters
Mrs. Preckett and Three Chidlren
J. M. Rand
Miss Reed
D. W. Roberts
W. Shilty
C. Shubert
Mrs. S. A. Smith
Mrs. Spaulding and Child
M. T. Sperman
F. Standish, Lady and Child
J. N. Starr
D. M. Stuart
D. Sullivan
J. Teller
E. L. Templeton
Mrs. E. A. Terry
Albert Terry
J. Thompson
P. Thompson
W. Wells
J. C. Wilkinson
J. Williamson
O. R. Woodward
A. Wright

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Maritime Nations, Ships, Sea Captains, Merchants, Merchandise, Ship Passengers and VIPs sailing into San Francisco during the 1800s.



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Sources: As noted on entries and through research centers including National Archives, San Bruno, California; CDNC: California Digital Newspaper Collection; San Francisco Main Library History Collection; and Maritime Museums and Collections in Australia, China, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc.

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